What progress has been made since Imagine Canada’s National Summit six months ago?
What progress has been made since Imagine Canada’s National Summit six months ago?
To effectively and comprehensively execute a strategic plan, organizations should create a balanced scorecard.
Is it still important to have a mission statement in 2012?
The role that physical environment plays in shaping the culture or mood of an organization cannot be ignored, and is increasingly taken into account by both client-based and non-client-based agencies.
At times when the chief staff executive position suddenly becomes vacant and the issues before the board seem too large, too overwhelming, and too systemic to be fixed without a different approach, it may be appropriate to consider interim management.
This article describes a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach to volunteer program evaluation.
This article offers advice for overcoming typical stumbling blocks to the effective implementation of a strategic plan.
This article shows why problems would be more easily solved if managers only asked the right questions.
It’s not just high-profile celebrities, corporations and organizations that need to have a crisis communication plan, all nonprofits should have one.
Strategic planning doesn’t have to happen with an outside facilitator. Jack Shand shows how nonprofit leaders can take control of their strategic plan, creating a simple planning process.