Measuring what matters: Why monitoring and evaluation is the root of all good

Measuring and evaluating your organization’s sustainability initiatives.

How to build your legacy

Strategy is the key to building a legacy.

Governance Q&A: Misrepresentation on social media

I want to ask all my friends to “like” each other’s causes and post very positive messages on social media sites about the work we do. We can give them the words. Why are people saying this is wrong?

Managing your receivables

Having difficulty managing your cash flow? Follow these tips.

Governance Q&A: Leaving a board of directors under difficult conditions

I want to resign from my position on a board of directors due to mismanagement by the board chair. How can I leave on a positive note, with a good reference?

Spontaneous “online volunteers”

This article explains ways to use volunteers as online first responders.

Third-party fundraising: Boon or bust?

On Sept. 22 of this year, the CBC produced an investigative report examining the nature of fundraising in the Canadian charitable sector and looking specifically at where donor dollars go. There’s now been time for some sober reflection on the good that actually came out of the report and how third-party fundraising techniques aren’t necessarily the evil incarnate that some would make them out to be.

Fundraising Q&A: The implications of having no donations

This article addresses the numerous potential issues that can arise if your organization has no fundraising income.

All a-board!

Is serving on a board of directors the right way to help grow your career?