Like a road trip, fundraising doesn’t just happen. It requires both a plan and a process to ensure milestones are set and achieved.
Like a road trip, fundraising doesn’t just happen. It requires both a plan and a process to ensure milestones are set and achieved.
UNICEF may have cornered the market on iconic orange collection boxes, but that doesn’t mean your organization can’t get benefit from Halloween fundraising. Here’s how.
Follow these tips to keep your monthly donors engaged and committed to your organization.
Take your donor stewardship from dull to dazzling with these seven tips.
Wondering what LYBUNT and SYBUNT have to do with fundraising? Read on!
It’s never too early to start thinking about your Christmas fundraising campaigns.
Find out the latest trends in mobile and online giving.
Is point-of-sale philanthropy a successful way of engaging new donors?
Is there still a place for print in 2012? Does your full-colour glossy mailer get read from cover to cover or tossed in the blue bin with barely a glance?
While the energy, connectivity (and media attention) a young activist can generate could be a boon to a nonprofit, the flip side is that many youth are equally content to be clicktivists, limiting their involvement to texting donations or “liking” a cause on Facebook. So how can your nonprofit work effectively with kids and youth? And should you even try?