An explanation of the charitable remainder trust
An explanation of the charitable remainder trust
Proposals that appeal will speak to the real needs of the requesting organization and the interests of the potential funder, and will be based on a complete review of the funder’s printed and published materials, if any.
Here are 12 ways you can make more money from direct mail. Many organizations have put these money-making methods to work successfully. While not every suggestion will work for your organization, at least some of them should.
Some tools and tips to help improve your writing and communication skills.
Database marketing technology now makes it possible to bring personal service to every donor and cultivate better relations with customers, volunteers, donors, members, participants and sponsors.
Often overlooked as a form of corporate philanthropy, matching gifts are an arrangement through which an eligible employee’s gift to an eligible institution is matched in cash by a gift from the employer.
How donors are seeking accountability and tangible evidence of ROI
Subtle changes and new communication pieces can improve your prospecting.