Probate fee planning: increased emphasis on reduction of probate fees in Ontario

Article on the reconsideration of the role of probate and of methods to reduce probate fees

The morality of charitable gaming! Is it true fundraising?

Article on the morality of charitable gaming in light of gambling addictions.

Charity’s name in a bequest must be accurate

The results of a court case involving three charities claiming a bequest that was originally named to a charity that didn’t exist.

Charities have a major responsibility under the criminal code

Article describing how charities and board members can be held responsible for gaming infractions.

Harnessing the power of database marketing

Database marketing technology now makes it possible to bring personal service to every donor and cultivate better relations with customers, volunteers, donors, members, participants and sponsors.

Cause Related Marketing: An Introduction

This article introduces cause related marketing and outlines things to consider before entering into such a partnership.

Readiness for change in fundraising organizations

This article presents a summary of the key ideas about organization change that were presented to NSFRE, and shares some of the survey findings and their implications for fund-raising organizations.

Matching gifts — an easy way to double or triple donors’ contributions

Often overlooked as a form of corporate philanthropy, matching gifts are an arrangement through which an eligible employee’s gift to an eligible institution is matched in cash by a gift from the employer.

How, and how much, are Canadian companies giving?

Respondents to a recent Conference Board survey of Canadian corporations reported donating $126 Million to community causes in 1993. This represents an increase in the average contributed per corporation.

Home lotteries — tread carefully

A cautionary article for charities considering a home lottery.