How to impress the wired wealthy and capitalize on the rise in online giving

It probably comes as no surprise to many of you that online giving is growing. What may be surprising, however, is that the very wealthy are among those that prefer giving online. Generally speaking, however, they are frustrated with nonprofit websites.

Philanthropic Trends Quarterly: What’s in store for you?

It certainly is a complex time for fundraisers but thanks to KCI’s latest edition of Philanthropic Trends Quarterly, they can gain valuable insight on the newest trends in philanthropy in pursuit of their next steps.

Fundraising Q&A: What you need to know about development audits

This article outlines what to expect from a development audit, including why to do one, who should be involved, what information you’ll need, and how much it will cost.

Eyes on the prize: The state of prize philanthropy in Canada

The pros and cons of prize philanthropy, where large sums of money are given to organizations that fulfil large-scale goals.

An introduction to grant reports

No matter what the guidelines or deadlines for your particular grant, you’ll eventually need to sit down and explain to your funder how you spent all those dollars and cents.

Fundraising Q&A: Creating an individual donor base: Part II

This article discusses how to find individual donors, particularly through special events, social media, direct mail, and newsletters.

Gift acceptance issues: Dealing with difficult donors and restrictions

The intense competition for donor dollars creates a difficult enough environment for fundraisers. Unfortunately, certain gift acceptance issues add innumerable obstacles to the already challenging path of finding and retaining donors.

Uncertain times calls for certain measures: Charity fundraising in difficult times

A review of the Being Good at Doing Good: Safeguarding Yourself and Your Charity in a Complex World conference presented by the Charity Law Information Program (CLIP).

Fundraising Q&A: Creating an individual donor base

This article discusses how to find individual donors and how to ask them for donations, especially with fundraising letters.