Life Insurance: A Gift Overview

An explanation of how life insurance can be gifted to a charity.

Through the funder’s eyes: What funders want nonprofits to know about the funding process

Nonprofit organizations are all too familiar with the time and effort that goes into researching funders and writing funding proposals. What they may not be as familiar with is the funder’s perspective of the same funding process.

Youth philanthropists: Getting a jump start on doing good

Some extraordinary young people are challenging these preconceptions about childhood and doing so in the most conscientious of ways: as bona fide philanthropists.

Getting them to give for tomorrow – today

How to attract donors to your planned giving program and ways to make the "ask".

Where Teambuilding meets Philanthropy

This article offers some tips to consider when a team building event is organized with a philanthropic edge.

Bridging the gap between organizations and allied professionals

There is a small but growing association between nonprofits and professional groups in the area of planned giving.

Philanthropy Explosion: It’s not just for the wealthy anymore

Giving is giving is giving. Yet, traditionally the term ‘philanthropy’ has been the domain of the wealthy. It doesn’t have to be that way, though.

Selling your idea to funders

This article will give you a potential template to follow and some tips on proposal writing.

The SVP model: Investing in Canada’s social economy

Social venture partner groups, or SVPs, are a fresh face on the Canadian philanthropy landscape. Often unnoticed by the public, social venture partners are trying to reshape the way Canadians address social needs.

Ten myths of global civil society

Dr. Lester Salamon, author, professor at Johns Hopkins University Institute for Policy Studies was the keynote speaker at Imagine Canada’s Symposium “Learning from the World: Canada’s Charitable & Nonprofit Sector through a Global Lens.”