Free essential software guide for nonprofits: Essential back office tools

The final in a 3-part series on essential (and free!) software for nonprofits.

Going from financial management to financial leadership at your nonprofit

Are you prepared to take your nonprofit from financial management to financial leadership?

The Small Nonprofit Podcast: Nonprofit financials with Gordon Holley

In episode 4 of the Small Nonprofit podcast, Gordon Holley discusses the importance of measuring what counts.

Finance drives your mission

Why financial best practices are an integral part of fulfilling your organization's mission.

I’m passionate about the cause. Do I really need to learn to read and understand financial statements and reports?

The ability to read and understand your organization's financial statements is an essential skill for any director or senior staff member.

Four tips to better measure and communicate impact for key stakeholders

Measuring your results makes it easier to communicate your organization's impact.

Top five reasons nonprofit organizations need insurance

Does your organization need insurance coverage? Find out in this article from Volunteer Canada.

Critical financial internal controls that could shelter the homeless and feed the hungry

Find out how board members can best prevent fraud and theft at their nonprofit or charity.

Four keys to financial success in small to mid-size nonprofits and charities

Help your organization get on the road to financial success with these four key elements.

Reporting fundraising expenses

Canadians think charities have a long way to go when it comes to reporting fundraising expenses. How does your organization measure up?