Governance Q&A: Taking over a Canadian charity

Is it legal and ethical to take over a dormant Canadian charity in order to avoid the long bureaucratic process of application? And if so, what is the best way to do this?

Governance Q&A: Termination clauses in job offer letters

Is it ethical for an organization’s job offer include clauses about termination without cause?

Governance Q&A: Helping volunteers exit gracefully

Shouldn’t a good organization provide a committee chair with a graceful way to exit within a reasonable time frame?

Governance Q&A: Excluding board members from discussions

When board members act unethically, invoke conflict of interest and meet separately to deal with the situation.

Governance Q&A: Overuse of proxies

What to do when a board member abuses the proxy rules and how to prevent this from happening.

Governance Q&A: The underperforming virtual employee

What to do when a virtual, part-time employee isn’t performing and whether termination via email is ethical.

Governance Q&A: Doing good right

Jane tells us why she offers questions and considerations instead of straight advice.

Governance Q&A: Ethical alternatives to ending programs

When your programs face funding shortages, consider their value and how its being presented before ending them.

Governance Q&A: Volunteering ethically

Balancing family, business and other commitments when considering volunteer opportunities.

Governance Q&A: Last minute event changes

If an event is cancelled or greatly scaled back at the last minute, due to circumstances beyond our control, what do we do about our vendors and sponsors?