Canadian charity legal checklist

This checklist may be of use to those considering joining a board of a charity. As well, it may be useful to staff and the board of charities who are interested in improving their legal compliance and improving their risk management.

How do you deal with a difficult board member?

Strategies for dealing with difficult board members effectively.

Can nonprofit directors be compensated financially?

There are instances when directors are financially compensated for their time and effort. Adam explains when this may be allowed, the legal penalties for improper compensation, and the best ways to maintain transparency in the boardroom and beyond.

Fixing the broken governance board: Peer learning circles to the rescue

Using peer learning circles to correct governance board inadequacies.

Tools for nonprofit leaders: Essential governance tools

A list of key governance tools that not-for-profit organizations should have.

Facilitating peer learning on boards of governance

A guide to creating and maintaining a successful peer learning circle.

Governance Q&A: When a board doesn’t follow its bylaws

A look at the range of options available when a board of directors isn’t behaving ethically.

What do members really want?

Many not-for-profit organization executives lie awake at night wondering what their members really want.

Building capacity on boards of governance

Using peer learning circles to build governance board capacity

Governance Q&A: Privacy, conflict of interest or poor communication?

A look at the various ethical situations that can arise when delivering Christmas care packages for needy families.