From Overwhelm to Action: What Leaders Can do to Advance Equity in Polarizing Times

As demographics rapidly shift, it’s crucial for organizational leaders to develop equity literacy and competence, with an aim to close the gaps in opportunities, support, and outcomes that exist due to factors based on one’s identity (such as race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation). Sometimes this work can be challenging, especially when there’s competing information, […]

Five Good Ideas on advocating for change from the frontline

Workers on the frontline are the most connected to the everyday realities of systemic poverty and the myriad ways that policy gaps and loopholes manifest as harm. Yet, frontline workers are also largely excluded from conversations at the political level, let alone included — alongside with people with lived experience — in the development of […]

Do I need A Vulnerable Sector Check?

We’re thrilled to announce the return of our Volunteer Screening Program (VSP) webinette scheduled for Wednesday, March 6th! Join us for a short 30-minute session packed with useful information. We’ll cover all you need to know about Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSCs) and share good practices for screening volunteers. Don’t miss this quick and easy session […]

Homes for Dinner

Join us, in person, at Homes for Dinner, which is being held on November 18th, 2023, at The Globe and Mail Centre in Toronto! It will be a night to remember with a great silent auction, premium open bar and special guest, celebrity chef Mark McEwan attending and catering the event. The aim of Homes […]

Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer

Lace up your sneakers for the 13th annual Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer! Join us on Saturday, September 23, 2023 at Wilket Creek Park as we raise awareness for the 5th most common cancer in Canada.    All funds raised at Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer support Bladder Cancer Canada’s mission to:  -Help bladder cancer patients […]

Heirlooms & Objects: Where Treasures Tell Stories

Calling all collectors! Wondering about a treasure from your gran, a junk shop find, an eBay item that seems to hold a secret? The Canadian Society of Decorative Arts (CSDA) can help! At our CNE booth this year, we are providing a team of experts to assess your article of interest and share their wisdom.  […]