Original broadcast date: Thursday, September 19, 2019

Summary: Implementing workplace psychological health and safety needn’t be a top-down, sweeping transformation. Armed with an understanding of the the day-to-day skills, knowledge, and attitudes that make a psychologically healthy and safe environment, you can find actionable steps and entry points to start making grassroots change and building a bigger business case. By leveraging small transformations, identifying change points, and strategically using data and resources you already have, you can kick-start the evolution of behaviours and attitudes towards a psychologically healthy and safe workplace – without breaking the bank and creating an even bigger workload.

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About the presenter

Rensia Melles is a certified Psychological Health and Safety advisor with over 20 years of experience managing and designing international employee support programs to fortune500 employers. She is a passionate advocate for creating a difference in the workplace for both employees and employees on the topic of mental health and psychological safety. She has published and presented internationally on a wide range of employee support topics, including leveraging the workplace for health, global trauma support, mental health and employer liability. In 2019 she founded Integral Workplace Health, providing organizations psychological health and safety consultancy from a systems perspective.


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