Get out of your job search slump

Job hunting is exhausting! With never-ending research, resumes to update, and rejections to deal with, it can feel like you’re in a rut. While it can be discouraging to recognize that your current approach is ineffective, exhausting, or both, it’s...

Finding wellbeing while job searching: Lessons from a decade of coaching newcomers to Canada

In my role as a career practitioner working with newcomers to Canada, it’s essential for me to look at a client’s situation full circle, seeing them as a whole person and considering how their life circumstances are preventing them from...

New Year, New Career: Tips for your 2024 job search

Are you considering quitting your job? Maybe you hope to leave a toxic workplace, you want a more senior position, or you are simply seeking a new challenge. Whatever the reason, the new year is an excellent time to commit...

Develop your Interview Toolbox: The foundation for acing your next job interview

An Interview Toolbox lays the foundation for job interviewing success. Let's start by reviewing the STARF Method (also commonly known as the STAR method), which is a technique for answering interview questions. It gives the interviewee a straightforward approach to...

2023 Canadian Nonprofit Sector Salary & Benefits Report Infographic

Are you planning on hiring in the near future? Get detailed salary information relevant to your organizational size, and region. Plus, if you are looking for a role in the nonprofit sector, the 2023 Canadian Nonprofit Sector Salary & Benefits...

Do THIS…and get the job you want

Clarity, courage, honesty, intention, and focus are all critical to your success. Follow these steps and you’ll be well on your way.   #1.  Gain clarity on your path.    This may sound obvious, but for most of us, this is...

Rage applying – What it is and how to make it work for you

Every month or so during the pandemic, it seemed that a new workplace hashtag was dominating social media. From the #GreatResignation to #QuietQuitting, these terms serve as an important window into current job trends and opinions on the workforce. This...

The career competencies employers are looking for

This article was previously published by CareerWise and is reprinted with permission. Many employers struggle to find and hire young people, despite actively seeking them out. This challenge can result from a disconnect between employers’ sole focus on skills and...

Pro tips for acing your next job interview

If you’ve found yourself in the market for a new job this year, you aren’t alone! Whether you are looking for your first job, have found yourself recently unemployed, or are ready to move on to greener pastures at a...

8 tips for a mobile job search

Job hunting is hard.  To even land an interview, much less a job offer, candidates need a well-crafted resume, cover letter, and online application to stand out from the crowd.  However, this application process becomes incredibly more challenging for many...