Original broadcast date: Thursday, July 11, 2019

Summary: This session will focus on helping you navigate conflict more effectively. We explore the different approaches and stages of conflict and you will gain effective ways to anticipate, prevent, and manage conflict situations. Since practical application is the key to sustained learning, you will identify actions to advance learning in your workplace.

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About the presenter

Janice Cunning, PCC is a certified leadership coach and facilitator who combines her coaching skills with 17 years of experience as a fundraising consultant and researcher. Janice was previously a Senior Consultant at KCI, Canada’s largest fundraising consulting firm. As a coach, Janice is passionate about partnering with fundraisers to help them create an inspired vision that transforms lives. An active volunteer, Janice was a founding director of Apra Canada and the second international member to serve on the international Apra board. Recently Janice served the coaching community as Vice President and Secretary for the International Coach Federation – Toronto Chapter. She is currently acting as a mentor for graduates of CTI’s Leadership Program. See more at FundraisingLeadership.org and follow her on Twitter @JaniceCunning.


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