A missed opportunity to engage the next generation of nonprofit leaders? An interview with Dave Hutchinson

Is the nonprofit sector ready for the leadership transition that will happen as the Boomers retire? That's the question we explored in our recent CharityVillage Connects podcast episode, Succession Crisis: Is the Nonprofit Sector Ready? In our discussions with sector...

CharityVillage Connects: Succession Crisis: Is the Nonprofit Sector Ready?

The challenges around leadership succession that the nonprofit sector is currently facing are nothing new. Back in 2019, the Senate Report, “Catalyst for Change: A Roadmap to a Stronger Charitable Sector” highlighted the issue and made recommendations calling on the...

A step-by-step guide to raising the board recruitment bar

This article was previously published by the Pinpoint Governance Group and is reprinted with permission. I had the privilege to speak at a roundtable session hosted by Tourism London at the CSAE Conference last month in Halifax. I spoke about...

7 musts for effective board succession planning

As a governance consultant, I’ve come to realize that most non-profits don’t have a written board succession plan in place. Many also often don’t have term limits or limits on the number of terms that board members can serve.   ...

Building Diverse & Equitable Nonprofit Boards: A Panel Discussion with Sector Experts

Original Broadcast Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2021. Summary: Earlier this year, Statistics Canada released the results of a survey exploring the diversity of charity and nonprofit boards in Canada. The results confirmed what many in the sector already know - that...

Starting a new dialogue around executive director transitions

Want to learn more on this topic? We've partnered with the author for a free webinar on July 8! Get all the details and register here. When long serving nonprofit executive directors leave their role, it is a pivotal moment...

Girls on Boards: An initiative to give young women a voice

CALL TO ACTION: Girls on Boards is recruiting professional women with governance and/or mentorship experience to be Coaches for the 2021-2022 cohort. For more information on the Coaching Program, please check out G(irls)20’s website at https://girls20.org/programs/girls-on-boards. As a University of...

The Small Nonprofit Podcast: Real life succession planning with Michael Prosserman

Your organization is like your baby. And that is exactly why you have to make sure that it can grow on its own without you. In order to get to that state, the organization needs you to build in some...

Moving on: How to leave your organization in the best way possible

There are a variety of reasons people leave jobs in the nonprofit sector – bad fit, bad manager, new opportunity, mergers, downsizing, firing, restructuring — but there’s no question that at some point all of us will leave a job....

NextGen Leaders: Six ways to make room for the next generation of leaders

NextGen Series: This is the fourth article of five in our new series focused on the next generation of leadership in the nonprofit sector. Read the first, second, third, and fourth articles. There is also a corresponding webinar on June 13 for...