Roles and Responsibilities The management of an organization's finances is one of the least understood, yet most important responsibilities of a board member. This responsibility is on two levels - as an individual board member and as a board collectively....
While one trade-mark application can cover both wares and services, you must file a separate application for each trade-mark. The basis of your application will be to cover existing use, proposed use, use and registration abroad, or making the mark...
An essential part of every charity, trade-marks can be lost if they are not properly protected. If your organization wants to avoid the possibility of losing its trade-marks or trade-mark rights by default, it must be proactive. In fact, contrary...
Charities are hunting for new income sources due to the fierce competition for donor dollars. Government funding, door-to-door and telephone canvassing, and direct-mail solicitation are losing their punch. Many charities have taken advantage of the opportunity to build their revenues...