Governance Q&A: Reimbursing volunteer expenses

The charity volunteering I do involves a lot of driving. The organization can afford to pay for gas, but the volunteer coordinator refuses to accept claims. Should they reimburse us? Or should we have a stipend from which to pay...

Governance Q&A: Are staff layoffs an ethical option?

Given the economic downturn, it looks as if our fundraising will fall short. My board wants me to be proactive and start letting staff go. Our services are important to the community, so we want to survive. Are staff layoffs...

Governance Q&A: Removing board members

Is it appropriate for the board of directors to get rid of the president without coming to the members first? We held an annual general meeting to dissolve that board, and as a result the bank will not recognize the...

Governance Q&A: Handling a sick leave

The written policies of my organization allow staff to take up to three months paid sick leave. I have requested one day off each week for ten weeks to attend a rehabilitation program that was suggested to me by my...

Governance Q&A: Buying carbon offsets for air travel

My charity is part of a global organization, and our staff and volunteers travel a lot. Should we be buying carbon offsets or doing something else to make up for the flying, in particular? A charity should use all its...

Governance Q&A: Ending the foundation and nonprofit relationship

My organization funds a charity to carry out programs that serve both our missions. We have been giving core support plus project funding, some of it multi-year, for about ten years now. Our priorities have changed and their programs are...

Governance Q&A: Redirecting funds without approval

Our grant application reflected our best estimates for results and expenses. Take-up was well below our expectations and, therefore, our costs were a lot lower too. But we developed a related program that achieved similar outcomes, sort of, and used...

Governance Q&A: Fraud in nonprofits

I read that a nonprofit employee recently committed suicide after being confronted with evidence that she had defrauded a nonprofit. Was the nonprofit ethically responsible for leading her into temptation? The responsibility for wrongdoing always rests primarily with the wrongdoer....

Governance Q&A: Responding to CSR inquiries from grantors

The company I approached for a grant this week asked for information to confirm that my charity operated in accordance with corporate socially responsibility. We exist for public benefit and are not a corporation in that sense, though we are...

Governance Q&A: When should a charity close its doors?

Is it ethical to shut down a charity when there is a group of people that would like to form a new board, drawing on new contacts and strategies, to help the organization carry on its work? When should a charity...