Creating a culture of wellness at your nonprofit: Advice from this year’s Employee Recommended Workplace Awards winners

“Many people want to work for organizations whose mission they love and support,” an HR consultant once told me, “but they really ought to be looking for those that offer a superior human resources experience.” This is especially true in...

Accommodating caregivers: What’s an employer’s responsibility?

Most organizations recognize that having family-friendly policies is an important part of having a competitive employer brand. And for nonprofit employers, offering flexible hours is often a way that organizations on a tight budget can offer the perk of work-life...

Intercultural Competence: The missing link in diversity and inclusion initiatives

Want to learn more about this topic? We've partnered with the authors to present a free webinar on May 9. Register here. #MeToo. Generational divides. Political differences. Workplace trust. Virtually every major issue confronting us in the work world today...

The Small Nonprofit Podcast: Overcoming ableism with Liz Chornenki

When you’re designing for any process, system or event, you’re designing for everyone. In this episode, Liz Chornenki, the annual giving officer at YWCA Toronto, shares some practical steps to internal and external design with accessibility in mind! Ableism -...

How to attract younger talent to the nonprofit sector: What are Millennials and Gen Z looking for?

On the list of super powers requested by those in the charitable sector, somewhere near the top is surely the ability to know what “they” want. The “they” in question might be donors, board members, leaders or any group that...

Women and nonprofit work: Ontario Nonprofit Network’s Decent Work for Women initiative

Want to learn more on this topic? We've partnered with the Ontario Nonprofit Network to present a free webinar on April 4 to explore this subject more fully. Register here. At the 2018 Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Congress in...

These eight tips can help you recruit a younger demographic at your nonprofit

The nonprofit sector faces a hidden human resources issue that is not that different than the invisible donor challenge. At first glance, there appears to be no challenge at all, but just as digging a bit deeper reveals that there...

Getting up to Standard: Psychological health and safety in the nonprofit workplace

Want to learn more on this subject? We've partnered with the CMHA for a free webinar on February 14! Everyone who registers gets access to the full recording, regardless of attendance. Register here. “Sick” workplaces – a thing of the...

Getting off the runaway train: How nonprofit staff can find work-life balance

Early in the classic Stuart Maclean story, “Dave Cooks the Turkey”, Dave’s wife explains to him the pressures she feels. She says, “My life is a train. I’m a train dragging everyone from one place to another...that’s my job. I’m...

An uncommonly good idea? A national retirement income plan for the nonprofit sector comes closer to fruition

Saving for retirement is one of the most important actions those in the workforce can take. The security of knowing a stable, monthly income awaits once one is into this new phase of life is worth every penny for one’s...