2SLGBTQIA+ minority stress in the workplace: How discrimination hurts health

“I’m just so tired, I don’t know how many times I have to remind my boss of my pronouns.” “I was so proud of my daughter graduating. I never expected my supervisor to ask why she was wearing a suit....

The art of effective digital workplaces: Communication styles

Want to learn more about how to effectively communicate with your team? We've partnered with Keela and Imagine Canada to present a free webinar on May 20. Get more details and register here. Your nonprofit spends countless hours communicating to...

While nonprofits remain hopeful about a post-pandemic future, 42% expect further decline in staff morale

This article is an excerpt from Human Resources Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian Charities and Nonprofits, a report published by CharityVillage and The Portage Group. The full report covers staffing, volunteering, and the use of government subsidies and relief programs and...

New data reveals stark picture of COVID-19 impacts on Canadian nonprofit and charity staff

This article is an excerpt from Human Resources Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian Charities and Nonprofits, a report published by CharityVillage and The Portage Group. The full report covers staffing, volunteering, and the use of government subsidies and relief programs and...

Learning from lived experience creates potential for self love

We often refer to the lived experience of those who access service, but what about the lived experience of those who offer it? Rather than being encouraged to pay close attention to our experience, service providers are often reminded that...

The fundamentals of a sustainable nonprofit: A free webinar series

The pandemic continues to throw new challenges at us every day. These can be personal, like working from home and maintaining our mental health, and they can be organizational, throwing even the best-run nonprofits into chaos. Leaders are left scrambling to deal with challenges never experienced, like how to manage a remote work force effectively and still meet service delivery goals.   Sustainability...

Service as an expression of love: Bringing loving service back into the workplace

Speaking of love in the boardroom is not standard practice. We tend to shy away from such language when it comes to the large societal structures we live within. The idea that we are expressing love at work, at school,...

Avoiding a difficult conversation? 5 Suggestions to make conflict a constructive experience.

Want more conflict resolution tips you can put into practice at your workplace? Watch our free webinar, Do-It-Yourself Conflict Resolution. Click here for details. Avoidance is a common response to dealing with conflict. It makes sense really, it’s the brain’s...

What’s really causing your “Zoom Fatigue”?

Spending our workday at a computer isn’t something new. So why is it that talking to people online is burning us out? If you’re an educator, manager, coach, advisor, or anyone else who has made the switch to remote working...

The Small Nonprofit Podcast: Managing conflict with Claudia Aronowitz

Dealing with conflicts often invokes uneasy feelings or even fear. But healthy debates and conflicts can bring thought diversity and new perspectives to the table. So can we stop avoiding conflict and manage them with more ease and courage? On...