It’s time to take your time off

Every day, around noon, my puppy begins to whine, wanting a good mid-day run. While his work ethic may be questionable, he knows when he needs a break. I tend to forget. Several years ago, I worked at a university...

What’s going on in your office? Love, actually

With nearly 60% of Canadians report having dated someone they have met at work, CharityVillage® thought it would be interesting (and timely for mid-February) to explore how individuals and organizations navigate the intrigues and realities of workplace dating and ask:...

Human Resources Q&A: Use active listening techniques to strengthen relationships

One of my goals this year is to improve my communication skills. Do you have any tips to help me with this? One of the biggest differences between good communicators and poor communicators is the ability to listen. Most of...

Who me? A bully?

Are you a "tell it like it is" guy? Are you a "get the job done" gal? Or, are you a bully? Most office bullies are completely unaware that their behaviour is being perceived as bullying. Roy Johnson, founder and...

Burnout: Signs and strategies for every nonprofit professional

Something of a sector buzzword, employee burnout remains a perplexing phenomenon. The 1970s-coined Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) defines it as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment. Heavy workloads and stress put employees in all sectors at...

How to effectively manage conflict

Conflict is well defined by the Chinese proverb that says there are three truths: your truth, my truth, and the truth. Conflict can play out with co-workers, in boardrooms, among volunteers, at annual meetings with members, and in working relationships...

Returning from a leave of absence: Four stories

It's not unusual for people in the nonprofit sector to take extended leaves of absences from their jobs. While the most obvious reason may be for the birth of a child, an increasing number of people in the sector are...

Knowing what’s right and failing to do it

"To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice." ~ Confucius Volunteers and staff have all experienced a wayward member who is considered the loose cannon in the organization, known for wreaking havoc on boards and...

Human Resources Q&A: Workplace wellness and emotional intelligence

In my workplace stress is a real issue. "Do more with less" has become the unspoken mantra, while organizational leaders are still touting the title of being "a great place to work". I and other managers are seeing our staff...

Women and work in the nonprofit sector

Many women were a-twitter when data released last month from the 2011 Canadian Nonprofit Sector Compensation and Benefits Survey showed men earning more than women in the top five out of six job levels. Although the pay gap reported was...