Nonprofits attract people who are inspired by the mission of their organization and who recognize organizations rely on staff who, as the cliché goes, give 110%. A certain degree of pitching in and working overtime as needed comes with the...
Our customer satisfaction surveys have been rating low for some time now. When we first noticed this, the organization introduced customer service training for all of our staff. Our staff express that they are more friendly and patient with clients...
With Canada’s increasing diversity, employers are becoming more conscious about their hiring practices and the need to reflect the population served. They are also aware of their obligations under the Human Rights Code to have non-discriminatory hiring practices. However, women,...
It’s all about the money. Or is it? If you work for a nonprofit in Toronto or Ottawa, you’re earning, on average, a higher salary than people working in the rest of Canada. If your organization is affiliated, like a...
In your last article you listed several areas of HR where managers should receive training. Included in the list was diversity. Why is it important that managers receive diversity training? As organizations are serving more diverse populations and are hiring...
When 27-year-old Julie (*name has been changed) began working at the national organization that still employs her today, she had big dreams and an even bigger heart. “I was gung ho about it,” she says of jumping headfirst into nonprofit...
It should come as no surprise that the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is often classified as one of the most ethnically diverse urban centres in the world. Consisting of the central city of Toronto, along with four surrounding regional municipalities...
For many nonprofits, taking on a university practicum student is a regular occurrence. And while having an extra pair of hands can be, for a commonly understaffed and resource-strapped sector, a boon to an organization, the experience of supervising can...
Our volunteers are an important and integral part of our organization and we have had many of them over the years. The trouble is, our staff and volunteers often clash. What can we do to improve relations between the two?...
Why should managers care whether employees take their vacation time? Isn't it up to the employee to make sure they taking the time they need? Vacation time is a time for rest and renewal, giving workers the opportunity to refresh...