Reversing the potential for burnout: Strategies to stay healthy and happy at work

Annahid Dashtgard spent many years as a young leader in the nonprofit sector. She worked hard, she was committed, she was inspired. She was exhausted. “For all the talk of community, I found very little personal support,” she recalls of...

Career Q&A: Dealing with a difficult employee

I am a manager with more than 10 years experience in leading teams and have generally received positive feedback about my management style. In my current team, I have an employee that I supervise who heavily micromanages me and is...

Taking the plunge: Employee giving campaigns in your nonprofit organization

While many of us spent New Year’s Day relaxing, Michael Messenger, executive vice-president of World Vision Canada, donned an orange tutu and ran into Lake Ontario for World Vision’s annual Courage Polar Bear Dip that raises money for Rwandan water...

Putting it in writing: Getting started with policies and procedures

The cartoon Calvin and Hobbes occasionally featured a game called Calvinball in which the little boy made up the rules, changing them as it suited him. While it made for humourous reading, playing his game would not make for a...

A conversation worth continuing: Does the nonprofit sector still have a glass ceiling?

Jennifer Nozawa, a Master of Public Administration from the University of Utah, recalls how about a decade ago an undergraduate professor told her almost exclusively female public relations class, “Look, when you get out into the professional world, deals are...

Ageism in the nonprofit sector: Confronting the issue of age discrimination

Currently sixty-three years old, Andrew Czerwinski spent 40 odd years working in the nonprofit sector. Three years ago, the funding allocated for his job at an organization was terminated, and, consequently, so was his position. Although he currently runs a...

Human Resources Q&A: Termination – Plan for it! (Part 3 of 3)

The first part in this series brings attention to three key elements of the termination event, while the second part brings attention to the need to give thoughtful consideration to three preparatory elements. I’m taking this opportunity to again reiterate...

Creating a workplace wellness program

Starting a workplace wellness program requires innovative ideas, employee engagement and a constant effort, all of which can be done within a tight budget. The hope is that, when used strategically, workplace wellness becomes part the organizational culture and helps...

All about mentoring: Nonprofit mentoring programs are taking off all across the country

Want to enhance your HR department’s status, save on budget and simultaneously create happy staff? The answer may lie in one concept: Mentoring. With the advent of new software technologies as well as a philosophical shift in how employees can...

Results from the 2013 Canadian Nonprofit Sector Salary & Benefits Study are now available

Compensation at nonprofits across the country is creeping up slowly, according to the new Canadian Nonprofit Sector Salary & Benefits Report. To shed light on the nature of nonprofit compensation, we surveyed almost 1,500 participants who represented more than 11,000...