Three Things Every Leader Should Know: Practical Insights to Overcome the COVID Retention Crisis

Original Broadcast Date: February 23, 2023. Summary: Based on extensive research into recent exit data from 30+ businesses and nonprofits across 16 industries Allen Leigh has identified three accelerators that top talent are looking for to stay engaged and grow,...

Three things every leader needs to know

Interested in learning about recruitment and retention? We’ve partnered with Allen Leigh Consulting to offer a free webinar on February 23. Register here. It has been a turbulent year for organizations - the great resignation, quiet quitting, the year of efficiencies,...

Wellness and well-being are not the same

This article was previously published by YMCA WorkWell and is reprinted with permission. Renowned author and employee burnout expert Jennifer Moss argues that organizations can no longer afford to ignore employee well-being. And, you know what? She’s absolutely right. Multiple surveys suggest...

Retaining our devoted people: It’s now or never

Read Part 2 in this series, Retaining our devoted people: It's now or never, here. Something has changed and it’s making us nervous. We didn’t expect it, we can’t quite explain it, and yet here it is: nonprofits are bleeding...

Tips and trends to help you recruit and retain valuable staff during an HR crisis

It’s no secret that Canada’s labour market has undergone a transformation over the past 2 years.  The impact of COVID-19 has caused a lot of people to re-evaluate not only their work but also their place within the workplace.  ...

What’s all the buzz about quiet quitting?

This article was originally published on Career Musings and is reprinted with permission. Not only has “The Great Resignation” put employees in the driver’s seat, but the new craze of Quiet Quitting seems to be doing just that. Employees are re-evaluating their...

The evolving nature of care during COVID: How you can benefit from innovations to employee benefit plans.

For most people, employee benefits seem dull and boring. Ask my kids what I do for a living and they will tell you, “I’m not sure, but it has something to do with benefits”.  This is after many, many minutes...

Employment contracts: What nonprofits need to know

When you hire an employee in Ontario with no talk of a set end date, the presumption is that the relationship will continue more or less forever. Of course, this is not by any means a practical expectation. Employers change,...

7 huge benefits for nonprofits when they outsource HR

As a nonprofit Executive Director, you are probably accustomed to needing to wear multiple hats to continuously run your organization while saving funds. But did you know, doing it all on your own could actually be costing you money?  ...

Addressing the “Great Resignation”

Does it feel like everyone is quitting their job these days? There is a lot of discussion on the “Great Resignation” backed up with statistics indicating that many are leaving their jobs in the US due to overwork and burnout....