We’ll get back to you Monday: Reclaim Friday, rest, and repeat

This article was previously published by the Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia and is reprinted with permission. When I tell people that IONS is piloting a four-day work week, I am immediately met with curiosity and interest, “You must work...

Retaining our devoted people: It’s now or never

Read Part 2 in this series, Retaining our devoted people: It's now or never, here. Something has changed and it’s making us nervous. We didn’t expect it, we can’t quite explain it, and yet here it is: nonprofits are bleeding...

Tips and trends to help you recruit and retain valuable staff during an HR crisis

It’s no secret that Canada’s labour market has undergone a transformation over the past 2 years.  The impact of COVID-19 has caused a lot of people to re-evaluate not only their work but also their place within the workplace.  ...

What’s all the buzz about quiet quitting?

This article was originally published on Career Musings and is reprinted with permission. Not only has “The Great Resignation” put employees in the driver’s seat, but the new craze of Quiet Quitting seems to be doing just that. Employees are re-evaluating their...

The evolving nature of care during COVID: How you can benefit from innovations to employee benefit plans.

For most people, employee benefits seem dull and boring. Ask my kids what I do for a living and they will tell you, “I’m not sure, but it has something to do with benefits”.  This is after many, many minutes...

5 reasons your job posting isn’t working

In 2022, there is no denying the unique value that young, diverse talent can bring to your organization. Tapping into the youth population can help employers address growing talent shortages, increase workforce diversity, improve retention rates, and more.  But if...

7 huge benefits for nonprofits when they outsource HR

As a nonprofit Executive Director, you are probably accustomed to needing to wear multiple hats to continuously run your organization while saving funds. But did you know, doing it all on your own could actually be costing you money?  ...

The impact of a positive onboarding experience

How often have you gone through an onboarding experience in your career? Likely, all of us have been through it at least once, but maybe even several times. Take a moment to imagine yourself in that very first time that...

Working for Workers Act, 2021: Everything you need to know

The Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27) has been a hot news topic throughout 2021, no doubt due to the controversial changes coming into law which some consider too forward thinking and generous to employees, yet others find refreshing...

Background and Criminal Record Checks for Candidates and Volunteers: Guidance for Nonprofits and Charities

Original Broadcast Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2021 Summary: Performing a pre-employment background check equips employers and volunteer managers with key information about a candidate's past that might influence whether or not they are a good fit for the current position....