Our volunteers are an important and integral part of our organization and we have had many of them over the years. The trouble is, our staff and volunteers often clash. What can we do to improve relations between the two?...
Why should managers care whether employees take their vacation time? Isn't it up to the employee to make sure they taking the time they need? Vacation time is a time for rest and renewal, giving workers the opportunity to refresh...
The ability for employers to motivate, inspire and engage employees is fundamental to the success of any nonprofit — that much is obvious. But how nonprofit employers go about engaging employees to drive organizational change or achieve their mission is...
Every day, around noon, my puppy begins to whine, wanting a good mid-day run. While his work ethic may be questionable, he knows when he needs a break. I tend to forget. Several years ago, I worked at a university...
With nearly 60% of Canadians report having dated someone they have met at work, CharityVillage® thought it would be interesting (and timely for mid-February) to explore how individuals and organizations navigate the intrigues and realities of workplace dating and ask:...
I've been hired for a new short-term job that doesn't start for a couple of months. Since I verbally agreed to take the role, I have been receiving a flurry of emails, some of which ask me to create documents...
Workers of the nonprofit sector, unite! That famous Marxist quote — altered slightly here for effect — could apply to the 21% of unionized employees in Canada's nonprofit sector. And that number could have increased since that statistic was recorded...
It's the victim of reduced, short-term and unstable government funding and it's more accountable to its masters than ever before. It has suffered hits that have taken a toll on employees and led to constant turnover and the need for...
One of my goals this year is to improve my communication skills. Do you have any tips to help me with this? One of the biggest differences between good communicators and poor communicators is the ability to listen. Most of...
Are you a "tell it like it is" guy? Are you a "get the job done" gal? Or, are you a bully? Most office bullies are completely unaware that their behaviour is being perceived as bullying. Roy Johnson, founder and...