How to set healthy workplace boundaries

Canadians, now more than ever, better understand the value of establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. And  just like how personal boundaries help us create peace of mind, safety, and mutual respect, the same is true for defining and maintaining professional boundaries! ...

Women, work, and parenting: How the mental load of motherhood impacts the nonprofit sector in Canada

When speaking about the mental load of motherhood, please note that this does not statistically and accurately reflect single-parent households or LGBTQ+ households as there is simply not enough validated data (which is a problem in and of itself).   A...

A checklist for a successful start at your new job

Beginning a new job is both exciting and terrifying! In your new role, you will need to quickly settle in and understand how your role fits within the organization. This process can sometimes feel like being a fish out of...

How to prepare for leaving a job

Choosing to leave a job is a significant decision.  Whether you are leaving your current job for a new opportunity, leaving a toxic workplace, or you’re retiring (lucky you), quitting a role is a decision you should fully consider and...

How to get an Executive Director role

A CEO is typically considered to be the most prestigious role within a private sector company.   In contrast, becoming an executive director is often seen as one of the most impressive roles that you can eventually earn in a nonprofit. ...

Pro tips for acing your next job interview

If you’ve found yourself in the market for a new job this year, you aren’t alone! Whether you are looking for your first job, have found yourself recently unemployed, or are ready to move on to greener pastures at a...

Resisting a Rest: How Urgency Culture Polices our Work

This article was previously published by Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia and is reprinted with permission. Full disclosure: this blog was supposed to be published last week. The stress had been building from the pressure I was putting on myself to complete...

Demystifying the CFRE credential

Original Broadcast Date: February 2, 2023. Summary: Watch the CFRE International webinar for your chance to learn how the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) credential benefits fundraising professionals in Canada. Whether you haven’t yet started your CFRE application or have one in-progress,...

Use these 7 types of rest to fight burnout

In a culture where hustling is commended, working long hours is a brag, and exhaustion is a competition, it can be hard not to feel burned out. Burnout is a state of mental, physical, and/or emotional exhaustion. It is caused...

How the CFRE benefits Canadian fundraisers

Interested in learning about the benefits of the CFRE credential? We’ve partnered with CFRE International to offer a free webinar on February 2. Register here. The CFRE. Those four letters you’ve seen after the names of your fundraising peers. What do...