Wearing many hats with Rachel Bearbower

How we do our work is just as important as what we do. But we don’t talk about this enough at work. We get so busy. But are we productive? I’m so excited to talk to my friend Rachel Bearbower...

Slay the mic with Jam Gamble

Do you ever get that nagging feeling that your voice is not heard or that it’s drowned out? Currently, with everything being communicated online, it’s so easy to feel that what you have to say is going to get buried...

Building resiliency with Monica Bodurka

During this global pandemic, I know you are holding down the fort for your organization, your community, and your family. So, how can we make sure you have all the tools you need to get through these tough times. Part...

7 important tips if you’ve never worked from home

Right now, millions of people around the world are being asked to stay home. For the lucky ones who still have a job, they will work from home and receive a paycheque. Many are grateful for that. But, if you’ve...

The burnout is real with Sam Laprade

These are scary times. The world is in crisis as we work hard to contain the COVID 19 outbreak and minimize its impact. Our organizations are being challenged in ways we could never imagine. For some of us, our clients...

Pro tips from CharityVillage staff on working from home

Did you know that CharityVillage staff have worked virtually ever since our organization was founded back in 1995? With so many nonprofit professionals switching unexpectedly to remote work, we thought we’d get our team to share their best tips for...

The introvert’s survival guide with Trina Isakson

Are you introverted or extroverted? It can sometimes look like the modern work environment is created for extroverts and if you're introverted, it can feel draining or even exclusionary. Today’s podcast guest, Trina Isakson, spent years working in our sector...

Consciously co-creating communities of service

This is the fifth and final article in a series on Conscious Service. Read the first, second, third, and fourth articles. There is a great deal of emphasis on systems transformation and organizational culture lately. We used to call it...

Conscious Service and the power of Transformative Relationships

This is the fourth article in a series on Conscious Service. Read the first, second,  third, and fifth articles. Relationships are the container for the potential for transformation. As Service Providers, we usually think in terms of how the relationship will...

Conscious Service and the role of Enlightened Communication

This is the third article in a series on Conscious Service. Read the first,  second, fourth, and fifth articles. Intellectually, we all know what makes communication effective: eye contact, tone of voice, using “I” messages, paraphrasing and active listening. You get...