Truth telling – Your #1 superpower

I’ve coached well over 500 clients, and in every single case, it is clear that what these individuals want professionally is the same - to find work that:   is meaningful for them and has a positive impact in some way.  ...

I tried to write a blog about workload and it took me six months

This article was originally published by YMCA WorkWell and is reprinted with permission. Click here to view the original article. At YMCA WorkWell, we're on a mission to identify, research and take action on the top organizational challenges to employee...

How to deal with burnout in an impact job

When I was young, I made a decision to dedicate my life to following my passion for climate action. And for more than a decade, I worked tirelessly to make this a reality. I managed a national employee engagement program...

Everything is suddenly AWE-some!

This article was triggered by a number of things that, around the same time, were speaking to that ephemeral emotion, AWE. The book, “Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder” by Berkley psychology professor, Dacher Keltner, which helps us to...

September “toolkit” to ease into the next season

This article was originally published on Big Cheese Coaching’s blog and is reprinted with permission.  Feeling a bit daunted by the looming month ahead? Feeling overwhelmed with so much going on -- all at once? Feeling a bit sad to see summer...

Retirement is coming! Arrive prepared and ready

Some people slide into retirement like a boat launched into water. There’s a bit of splash at the beginning and then they happily float along. Other people hit the rocks lying just under the surface and need help lifting off...

Never Part of the Plan: A Story of Courage, Resilience, & Gratitude

It can be difficult to stay resilient and find courage through constantly difficult and changing times. Though it may seem like a lonely path, it is important to remember that you are not alone, and that there are things you...

Joy has its benefits

People on the verge of retiring or recently retired often express a desire in the next chapter of their lives to find the things that bring them joy. Turns out, they’re on the right track. There are good reasons to...

Need work-life balance? Try counterbalancing instead!

Here's the truth: you must stop striving for work-life balance. It doesn't exist. Nor should it. Balance is nothing more than society's way of laying guilt on working women. Cindy was seeing her kids for less than an hour a day...

Strategic planning for life

Many of you have drafted, edited, and/or critiqued a strategic plan at some point in your career. What is a strategic plan and what does it do? It defines an organization, including its vision and values. It defines goals and...