Attending conferences: Tips for success

Attending conferences is a great way for nonprofit professionals to learn, expand their network, and stay up to date on issues facing the sector. Conferences are also a great opportunity for personal enrichment. There are many different reasons for attending...

Career Q&A: Feeling trapped in your job

I really, really don't like my job - what I do, the people I work with, the office environment, the commute. There's nothing good about any of it, except that I know I won't get laid off. I am having...

Seven money tips to reduce fear-of-job-loss stress

It may be challenging to see opportunity in the midst of adversity - turbulent financial markets, a slowing economy and, for many, job worries - but action reduces anxiety and increases the chances of success. If you're stressed about losing...

Aligning employees’ development goals with business needs

As a new year begins and we return to a more “normal” schedule, thoughts of new beginnings may give employees renewed motivation and focus on achieving personal or professional goals. To accomplish this, they may consider taking night school classes,...

Career Q&A: Surviving office holiday parties

We are coming up to our usual holiday time at the office and it always means the same thing - the boring office party and gift exchange, and then all of us going out to a pub, with the same...

Finding happiness at work is worth the effort

“Why do you stay in a job you hate?” This is the title of one of the surveys we posted on our website, to which more than 500 people across Canada have responded. I am curious about the responses because...

Career Q&A: Career advice for uncertain economic times

With the current economic environment, I am getting more and more worried about my job - donations are down, and we could have to start laying people off. I’ve got some big bills and need this income. What should I...

Governance Q&A: Handling a sick leave

The written policies of my organization allow staff to take up to three months paid sick leave. I have requested one day off each week for ten weeks to attend a rehabilitation program that was suggested to me by my...

Career Q&A: Leaving your job to start a charity

While I am currently working in the for-profit sector, I have been thinking about creating my own charitable association for a cause I strongly believe in. Some of my friends say I should definitely quit now so I can work...

Creative approaches for getting a foot in the door with a nonprofit

Is it really true that the average person today will make about six career changes throughout their professional working life? With a vulnerable economy and recent manufacturing sector layoffs, people are often forced to rethink their career options. Gone are...