Career Q&A: Defined roles

I have a problem at work that is causing me a great amount of frustration and dissatisfaction, and I'm starting to feel as if there is no way to fix the problem. I work in a small office and I...

So you want to be a manager?

You've been working in the nonprofit sector for several years now. You're good at what you do. Now you're eyeing the next logical step: a management position. We talked to Mary Bean, senior manager of human resources at the Canadian...

Career Q&A: Making the jump to manager

For several years, I have worked in a communications role as a coordinator at a very large not-for-profit. For the most part I enjoy my work and find it to be rewarding. The benefits and pay are excellent and I...

Back to basics: Job interviews 101

When preparing for a job interview, most people will anticipate the questions that may be asked of them. Questions about experience working with volunteers, assigning and monitoring work delegated to employees, and familiarity with office software applications are fairly typical....

Accreditation nation

Ever wondered whether getting your CFRE designation is really worth it? Or if taking multiple courses in volunteer management really prepares you for the nonprofit realm? Many youth looking at the charitable sector as grounds for future careers do. And...

Career Q&A: An education in education

A reader asks: "I have over the past years taken many Administrative Diploma Courses at a private college, but find that my training is not as recognized as I would want it to be. In 2007, I went back to...

Seven tips for job seekers

On occasion I hear from job seekers in the nonprofit sector who are frustrated with employers, hiring committees, and search firms who do not respond to their application or, in some cases, fail to follow-up with the candidate after an...

Interview do’s and don’ts

Most HR professionals decide whether to rule out a candidate within the first 5 to 15 minutes of a job interview, according to a recent survey by the Society for Human Resource Management. So how do you make the most...

Governance Q&A: When employees think the ED is incompetent

I report to an executive director who has exhibited very poor judgment and unprofessional behaviour in his first month on the job. I’ve told the chair and she says, "Give him more time." The other staff members feel as I...

Employment check-list for good employers

For job seekers, what determines if a prospective employer is a good one? Can the job actually be accomplished and does the organization's culture enable success? For employers, how does a board know if they have something attractive to sell...