Job search advice for fundraisers: An interview with Phil Gerard

Editor's Note: This interview originally appeared on the Wild Woman Fundraising website and is excerpted with permission. You can read the full interview here. Mazarine Treyz: This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising, and today I am so excited to be...

Career portfolios give you a competitive edge

Editor's Note: Struggling to come up with achievements to include on your resume? We partnered with Dana Zaruba from the YWCA’s Westside WorkBC Employment Services Centre for a free webinar on February 11, 2016. Watch the recording here! A career...

Managing change and transition in your work life

Whether it comes about by conscious choice, or is forced upon us by the proverbial pink slip, a career change or job loss catapults us into external changes that can leave us feeling disoriented and dis-identified, while struggling to dismantle...

How can you become a successful fundraising consultant?

Editor's Note: This interview originally appeared on the Wild Woman Fundraising website and is excerpted with permission. You can read the full interview here. Mazarine Treyz: Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising, and I am so pleased...

Stress and the job hunt: Are we dealing with stress the wrong way?

For most of us, job hunting, and interviews especially, can be stressful. We have long-held beliefs, or mindsets, that stress is bad for us and that we need to calm down to be at our best. The truth is, stress...

Why being of service is the best form of networking

Have you ever heard the expression, "It's not what you know, but who you know"? Well, that’s the idea behind networking. Networking is not a new concept. It has been around for a long time, has taken on many forms...

A lasting impression: Why you need to send a follow-up letter after your job interview

Much has been said about making a first impression but for job seekers, making a last impression is just as important. If you think that your part in the job selection process is over once you’ve been interviewed, think again!...

Job Search Essentials: How to create a powerful personal brand statement

When we think of the term “brand”, we often think of companies or our favourite products but we don’t usually think of ourselves. The reality is that as individuals who are managing our careers, we need to have our own...

How to ace your next interview using the STAR formula

One of the most common questions I get as a Career Advisor is how to answer behavioural questions. “Tell me about a time you dealt with conflict at work,” for example, is asked regularly in interviews and is met with...

Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy job search

I have never met a job seeker who, after experiencing initial job search rejection, did not feel some level of inadequacy. After spending hours polishing their resume and cover letter, mulling over the perfect phrasing, they discover that, after submitting...