Original broadcast date: Thursday, April 5, 2018

Summary: For board members, executives and directors of small to mid-size nonprofit organizations and charities, a solid understanding of the organization’s financial statements is vital to successfully planning for the future, building capacity and preventing fraud. This recorded webinar will help you gain an introductory understanding of how to better comprehend your organization’s financial statements.

Download the presentation slides

Watch Gordon’s past webinars for CharityVillage: Critical Financial Controls for Small to Medium Nonprofits and Four Keys to Financial Success for Small to Mid-Sized Nonprofits
Take the CharityVillage Budgeting for Nonprofits eLearning course

Watch the Recording


About the presenter

Gordon Holley is the President and CEO of Humanity Financial Management Inc. As a CPA, CA for almost 25 years now, Gordon loves helping individuals and organizations that are trying to make the world a better place. In his role at Humanity Financial, Gordon sees the stress and anxiety produced by finances and financial reporting for many not-for-profit-organizations (NFPOs), charity board members, and senior staff. He excels at providing financial oversight to small to mid-size NFPOs and charities to help them better manage their internal finances and financial budgeting and reporting. Ultimately, his company hopes to instil confidence and credibility in organizations by streamlining their internal financial management so that they can focus their energies on their programs.


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