When audited by the Canada Revenue Agency, charities may find themselves being asked to provide third-party information. Third-parties can be as varied as the charity’s donors or employees, and when the CRA requests information, a charity has little choice but to hand it over. Listen now to learn more about situations where third-party information may be requested, the impact of a charity’s privacy policy on such a request, as well as a charity’s liabilities with regard to the accuracy of the information they provide.

Providing third-party information to the CRA

Click to listen now.
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Run time: 14:08 minutes

External Resources:

CRA Charities Directorate

CharityTax.com – Adam Aptowitzer’s Online Office

Drache Charity Insights Newsletter

Do you have a burning question about charity law in Canada? Send it to editor@charityvillage.com. We may include it in an upcoming podcast.