When nonprofits and charities consider employee remuneration, limited revenues and smaller operating budgets often hamstring them. This can lead to high employee turnover rates.
When nonprofits and charities consider employee remuneration, limited revenues and smaller operating budgets often hamstring them. This can lead to high employee turnover rates.
If you’re working at a Canadian nonprofit, chances are your compensation is modest compared to others working at for-profit companies. But how does your remuneration stack up against others in similar positions within the sector?
As we move into high summer and farmers across the country start bringing in their annual crops, the image of a group of accountants from PricewaterhouseCooperspitching in to harvest fruits and vegetables is probably not what springs to mind. But that’s exactly what happened last summer at an Ontario farm as part of a growing trend amongst food-based nonprofits trying to close the gap between Canada’s neediest citizens and access to healthy food produced in a sustainable, eco-friendly manner.
Last month, in our series about summer arts festivals run by nonprofits, we looked at the partnership between Toronto’s Luminato festival and The New Yorker Magazine. This month, we head way up north, to the town of Inuvik on the Mackenzie River Delta in the Northwest Territories, to look at the challenges and opportunities faced by coordinators of the Great Northern Arts Festival (GNAF).
Are nonprofit employees paid too much? Or not enough?
The current post-recession hangover has left the sector particularly vulnerable, causing funders to take a more active approach in seeking out innovative — and cost-cutting — collaborative setups.
In October 2010, CharityVillage® and Give Green Canada jointly launched a survey to gather information about a subject in dire need of more data: bequest opportunities for the international charitable sector.
In early April, Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger grabbed the attention of sector organizations by announcing his province was set to provide "stable funding and less red tape" for nonprofits. He’s beginning by launching a two-year pilot project designed to evaluate and establish the best methods to provide one-stop government funding.
Millennials have been described, and describe themselves, as passionate, connected, optimistic, and wanting to make an impact. Here’s how to welcome them into your organization.
A recent Statistics Canada study revealed that one-third of all workplace violent incidents involved a victim who was working in social assistance or health care services.