Strategy: A process of problem solving & decision making

In most cases, strategy is developed by a group of individuals who solve the strategic problems of the organization and make key decisions with imperfect information.

Partnerships, Collaborations and Alliances: Managing for Success

This article briefly describes the three steps to successful collaboration: preparation and partnership selection, monitoring and managing; and termination and evaluation.

Canada’s international aid role, part II: The government viewpoint

This article takes a look at what our government thinks about where Canada is and should be as a member of the international aid community.

Governance Q&A: Engaging the board of directors on financial matters

A treasurer asks if its OK that only a handful of directors are interested in reading and understanding a nonprofit’s financial statements.

Canada’s role in international aid: The NGO perspective

In a post-9/11 world has Canada’s standing as a respected global citizen diminished? Do other nations still view us as the knight in shining armour we believe ourselves to be? The answer is yes…and no.

Should you have a competency-based board?

An explanation and evaluation of competency-based boards.

Make strategic planning a way of managing, not an annual episode

Why strategy should be an ongoing process and how to continue strategic planning over time.

Vendor management: Tips from an Insider

The current article will provide you with some tips to deal with vendors to help make your experience a positive one. It will focus on vendors providing services rather than products.

In the beginning: Things to consider before starting your nonprofit venture

How could a venture seemingly destined for success fall so hard and so fast? Could the failure have been averted? And how can those looking to start their own nonprofit avoid a similar fate?

Governance Q&A: Is it ethical for a company to make a profit from a relationship with a charity?

An outline of the various relationships for-profit companies may have with nonprofits and charities, beyond a tax receipt.