An instructional article on choosing what type of board best suited to your organization.
An instructional article on choosing what type of board best suited to your organization.
A Can-Do attitude, while ideal to serve all the community’s needs,must be able to work within the boundaries of organizational priorities.
This article provides a description of the project lifecycle and demonstrates what a project looks like when it all comes together.
How to create and maintain a team environment when many people work outside the office.
A look at the values-based decision-making options available to organizations when facing new opportunities.
Not-for-profit organizations are increasingly investing time and resources in planning. Equally important is the task of evaluating the work and progress of the organization, especially as it relates to delivering such plans.
This article outlines the appeals process charities undertake when disputing a penalty imposed by the Canadian Revenue Agency.
This article looks briefly at projects in crisis and provides you with some key first aid steps to follow when trying to resuscitate them.
An article describing the benefits of performance assessment for a board.
The executive director (ED) is the fulcrum between day-to-day management of the office and the board of directors. It’s a unique and rewarding position, but according to many who occupy it, it’s also a lonely one.