Charity tax-shelters, the CRA and you

Much has been made in the press over the last year about the alleged fraudulent use of tax shelter plans by Canadian charities.

Knowledge Management: What’s in it for you?

After speaking with numerous not-for-profits, it’s apparent that not everyone has embraced the concept of knowledge management. Why is that? Could nonprofits benefit from making knowledge management an integral part of their organizational structure?

Volunteer and staff roles and responsibilities

This article offers a checklist for you to use to delineate your organization’s roles and responsibilities; we offer some suggestions as guidelines that come from our experiences of working with high performing boards.

The interim executive: More than just a placeholder

Ever wondered what it would be like to go from being an armchair executive to the role of executive director or CEO of a major (or minor) organization for a limited time?

Having a lawyer on your board of directors

Adam explains when it is a good idea to have a lawyer on your board of directors, what an organization can and can’t expect from a lawyer serving on its board, and the conflicts of interest that may arise.

Governance Q&A: Fraud in nonprofits

What safeguards should be in place to ensure a nonprofit’s assets are secure against fraud?

Succession Planning: When the founding ED moves on

Founders of organizations are typically charismatic and driven individuals who inspire others to get involved. As a result of their commitment, a fledgling idea turns into a full-fledged reality. Then the day comes when the founder announces it’s time for them to move on…

The CRA’s model objects

The CRA recently published a list of model objects (charitable purposes) that nonprofit organizations can consult before applying for charitable status. Adam explains what these model objects are, and how they may help organizations get through the registrations process more quickly and with less difficulties along the way

Internal climate change: How best to manage transformation

The concept of change management has always been around but today’s nonprofit landscape has made it an increasingly essential skill.

When board members don’t show up at meetings and other dysfunctional behaviours

Strategies for managing and resolving issues with unreliable or dysfunctional board members.