The balanced scorecard: From strategic plan to effective execution

To effectively and comprehensively execute a strategic plan, organizations should create a balanced scorecard.

Why DiverseCity Counts

New report reveals why diversity in leadership on nonprofit boards matters.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it

Is it still important to have a mission statement in 2012?

Fundraising Q&A: Helping your board to fundraise

Help your board become more effective in their fundraising.

Harnessing the potential of cross-sector partnerships

Practical advice to help your organization tap into high-calibre volunteers.

Don’t be a nonprofit party to terror

Recent legislative changes could have serious implications for charities with international operations.

A hostile environment

Government action leaves green organizations seeing red.

Governance Q&A: Asking board members to give

Given how much time board members give to their charity, is it ethical to also expect them to donate? Jane Garthson explains why it’s not only ethical, it’s necessary.