I want to resign from my position on a board of directors due to mismanagement by the board chair. How can I leave on a positive note, with a good reference?
I want to resign from my position on a board of directors due to mismanagement by the board chair. How can I leave on a positive note, with a good reference?
On Sept. 22 of this year, the CBC produced an investigative report examining the nature of fundraising in the Canadian charitable sector and looking specifically at where donor dollars go. There’s now been time for some sober reflection on the good that actually came out of the report and how third-party fundraising techniques aren’t necessarily the evil incarnate that some would make them out to be.
This article addresses the numerous potential issues that can arise if your organization has no fundraising income.
Is serving on a board of directors the right way to help grow your career?
Nonprofits and for-profits in Ontario need to start paying attention to legislation making its way down the pipe and that comes into force on January 1, 2012. What the province is now calling its “AccessON” campaign – ostensibly to get all organizations on-board to ensure people with disabilities are able to conduct business and access services wherever they choose — is building in a slow roll-out over the next year.
Article discusses the UK government’s Big Society proposal and discusses the pitfalls of government funding.
My board chair wants to change audit firms to one where a friend of hers is a partner. If their quote is reasonable, is that ethically OK?
Tips for the executive director’s performance appraisal, conducted by the board of directors.
I have direct evidence that my executive director is misappropriating funds from the charity where I work. What can I do about her behaviour without risking my job?
I’ve been asked by potential employers and clients for samples of my writing, sometimes for something existing and sometimes for something new. Have you looked at the ethics of this?