
60 million girls (International: Montreal, QC)

60 million girls is a public foundation established to support education for girls in order to create a more just and balanced world. Its objective is to support at least one major education project annually in developing countries with the greatest gender disparity in school enrollment.

A Celebration of Women™ Foundation Inc. (International: Toronto, ON)

A Celebration of Women™ Foundation Inc. is a global women’s advocacy foundation created to house women students at the planned safe houses named Celebration House, offer a direct education bursary, and provide funding internationally for education programs established through the Alumni of Women of Action™ program.

A Commitment to Training and Employment for Women (ACTEW)

An umbrella group of agencies and programs delivering employment and training services to women in Ontario. Its mission is to promote and support community-based training opportunities for women.

Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead Historic Site (Local: Brant County, ON)

The mission of the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead is to inspire positive social change by sharing of one woman’s remarkable drive and dedication to making the world a better place for women and families.

Adsum for Women and Children (Local: Halifax, NS)

Adsum meets women and children where they are, without judgment, offering a range of services and support during periods of homelessness. They offer an emergency shelter, second-stage housing, and affordable supportive housing for women.

African Women Acting (Regional: Toronto, ON)

African Women Acting is a not-for-profit African Women Artists’ organization geared towards empowering, preserving and promoting women’s issues & the heritage of African culture through African arts and female artists with African expression.

After Breast Cancer (Regional: Toronto, ON)

The After Breast Cancer program helps women with limited financial resources recovering from breast cancer to regain their confidence by providing them with bras, camisoles and/or prostheses at no cost to them.

Alice Housing (Local: Dartmouth, NS)

Alice Housing provides safe and affordable second and third stage housing for women and children leaving family violence. Our supportive programs and counselling provide a continuum of support for families wishing to heal from the devastating effects of domestic abuse.

Amethyst Women’s Addiction Centre

A nonprofit charitable organization founded in order to provide community-based treatment services to address the unique issues affecting women coping with substance abuse.

Anduhyaun Inc. (Local: Toronto, ON)

Anduhyaun Inc. strives to support Aboriginal women and their children in their efforts to maintain their cultural identity, their self-esteem, and their economic, physical and spiritual well-being. They run an emergency shelter, second stage housing, and a children’s daycare.

ANNISAA Organization of Canada (National: North York, ON)

ANNISAA is a women’s empowerment organization promoting the livelihoods of Muslim women through educational enrichment, healthy living, and social development. They envision a society where Muslim women see their true potential as socioeconomic and cultural leaders at the forefront of the community.

Annual Gift Basket Drive (Local: Toronto, ON)

Annual Gift Basket Drive shines the spotlight on making the holidays a special time for women residing in shelters across the GTA. Each year, they provide upwards of 2,500 seasonal gift baskets to our community partners.

Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre (AWRC) (Local: Antigonish, NS)

The Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre is an independent, feminist, community-based, organization. They provide information, support services, and programs for women of all ages and backgrounds in an environment that is sensitive to women’s needs.

Assaulted Women’s Helpline (Regional: Toronto, ON)

The Assaulted Women’s Helpline offers a 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis line to all women who have experienced abuse. It provides counselling, emotional support, information and referrals and is dedicated to working towards equality for all women.

Association for Women’s Rights in Development

AWID’s mission is to connect, inform and mobilize people and organizations committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights.

Atira Women’s Resource Society (Local: Vancouver, BC

Atira Women’s Resource Society is dedicated to supporting women and children affected by violence by offering safe and supportive housing and by delivering education and advocacy aimed at ending all forms of gendered violence.

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic

The clinic is named after Barbra Schlifer, a young woman who was sexually assaulted and murdered on April 11, 1980, the day of her call to the Bar of Ontario. The Clinic provides a unique combination of free legal, counselling, cultural interpretation and referral services to women who are survivors of partner assault, sexual assault and incest/childhood sexual abuse.

Battered Women’s Support Services (Vancouver BC)

Provides free support services for all women who are or have been in intimate, abusive relationships as adults. Peer Counsellors are available to talk with women on the phone, or meet with women on a one-to-one basis by appointment. All of services are free and confidential.

BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health

The mission of the BCCEWH is to improve the health of women by fostering collaboration on innovative, multi-disciplinary research endeavours and action-oriented approaches to women’s health initiatives, women-centred programs, and health policy. We pay particular attention to policy that will improve the health status of women who are marginalised and who face multiple disadvantages in health due to socio-economic status, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, geography, disability, and/or addiction.

BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre Foundation

The only facility in BC devoted exclusively to the health of women. In addition to being one of the country’s busiest maternity hospitals, we also provide a broad range of specialized health services including, breast health, substance dependency, and osteoporosis. The Foundation provides vital funding for capital equipment, research and training.

Beginnings Counselling and Adoption Services of Ontario

Beginnings provides services to women with unplanned pregnancies, to enhance their well-being and that of the child. We offer free professional pregnancy counselling, self-esteem and pre-natal programs, post-abortion counselling, foster care, adoption services and education.

Behavioural Health Foundation (Local: Winnipeg, MB)

The Behavioural Health Foundation provides long-term residential programming for men, women, teens, family units and pregnant women experiencing a variety of addiction problems. Dependents of these persons are also accommodated both in residence and in program.

Blue Mountain Rehabilitation (Local: Collingwood, ON)

Offering a private, safe and luxurious rehabilitation centre, this organization works with women who have had many different life experiences and require assistance working through severe and sensitive issues such as addiction and abuse. Working together with a highly qualified and dedicated team, clients can begin working their way towards becoming an independent and dignified individual of society. As a residence retreat, Blue Mountain Rehab offers 30, 60 or 90 day stays and a community of women who work as a team to support one another through this transition and offer continuous support.

Bravestone Centre Inc. (Local: Winnipeg, MB)

Bravestone Centre Inc. is a nationally accredited charitable organization providing women and their children affected by domestic violence with individual and group therapy, family counselling and a variety of support programs while living in the safety of our program.

Bridges for Women Society (BC, Victoria) 

Bridges inspires women impacted by trauma to reclaim their lives through group training, counseling, mentorship, and employment readiness programs. Open to all women (transgender and cisgender), non-binary, and two-spirit people who identify as a part of the women’s community.

The Brock Student Sexual Violence Support Centre (A Safer Brock) (Local: St. Catharines, ON)

This organization strives to make Brock and its community a safer place by providing non-judgemental support to anyone affected by sexual violence. They offer anonymous, confidential, and free support services, public education, resources, training, drop-in support, youth programs, workshops, and more.

Bryony House (Local: Halifax, NS)

Bryony House provides 24-hour emergency shelter and a distress line for women, with or without children, fleeing intimate partner violence. They also provide women and children with supportive counselling and transitional services in an effort to break the cycle of abuse.

Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA) (Local: Calgary, AB)

Promotes and supports the integration of immigrant women into the community and the larger Canadian society. Programs include: skills training and employment services; cross-cultural parenting; English as a second language; and family conflict and integration.

Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter

The shelter has provided safety and support to abused women and their families since 1974.

Campbell River Women’s Sexual Assault Centre

The Women’s Sexual Assault Centre has operated in Campbell River since 1993, offering individual counselling and group support for women who are survivors of recent and/or historic assault/abuse.

Camfed Canada (International: Toronto, ON)

Camfed focuses on the potential that is unlocked through girls’ education for individuals, communities and economies. We catalyze community resources to support vulnerable children, and young educated women become a new constituency of leaders and activists at the forefront of a larger movement.

Canadian Abortion Rights Action League (CARAL) (National)

Canada’s pro-choice, volunteer organization working to ensure that all women have total reproductive freedom to exercise the right to safe, accessible abortion.

Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS)

Encourages girls and women to get out of the bleachers, off of the sidelines, and onto the fields, rinks, pools, locker rooms and board rooms of this country.

Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies

CAEFS is a federation of autonomous societies which works with, and on behalf of, women involved with the justice system, particularly women in conflict with the law. Elizabeth Fry Societies are community based agencies dedicated to offering services and programs to marginalized women, advocating for legislative and administrative reform and offering fora within which the public may be informed about, and participate in, aspects of the justice system which affect women.

Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres

A Pan Canadian group of sexual assault centres who have come together to implement the legal, social and attitudinal changes necessary to prevent, and ultimately eradicate, rape and sexual assault. The intent of the Canadian Association is to act as a force for social change regarding violence against women at the individual, the institutional and the political level.

Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation

This organization is exclusively dedicated to raising funds to support breast cancer research, education, diagnosis, and treatment. It organizes among other events the annual “CIBC Run for the Cure” a special event held the first Sunday in the month of October (breast cancer awareness month) every year.

Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Prairies and Northwest Territories Chapter


Canadian Council of Muslim Women

National non-profit organization to help Muslim women participate effectively in Canadian society and to promote mutual understanding with other women.

Canadian Center for Women’s  Empowerment (National: Ottawa, ON)

Canadian Center for Women’s Empowerment is registered non-profit organization is dedicated to empower domestic violence survivors through mentorship and entrepreneurship.

Canadian Federation of Junior Leagues

An organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.

Canadian Federation of University Women (National: Ottawa, ON)

The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) is an organization that works to improve the status of women and human rights, education and social justice. It provides over $1 million in scholarships and awards to women for post- secondary education.

Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) (National: Ottawa, ON)

CRIAW is a research institute that provides tools to facilitate organizations taking action to advance social justice and equality for all women. CRIAW recognizes women’s diverse experiences and perspectives; creates spaces for developing women’s knowledge; bridges regional isolation; and provides communication links between/among researchers and organizations actively working to promote social justice and equality for all women.

Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (International: Calgary, AB)

This organization’s goals are to advance education and educational opportunities for Afghan women and their families and to educate and increase the understanding of Canadians about human rights in Afghanistan.

Canadian Women’s Foundation (CWF)

As Canada’s first and only national public foundation for women and girls, CWF has earned a reputation as an organization that is accessible to grass-roots women’s groups. CWF supports results-oriented solutions to the problems faced by women and girls.

Canadian Women’s Health Network

A network of individuals, groups, organizations, and institutions concerned with women’s health. The CWHN recognizes the importance of information sharing, education and advocacy on women’s health, and works to build and strengthen the women’s health movement in Canada and throughout the world.

Canadian Women Voters Congress (National: Vancouver, BC)

The Canadian Women Voters Congress is a non-partisan, grassroots charitable organization, dedicated to encouraging all Canadian women to become strong, effective voices at all levels of government.

Caribbean Women’s Society (CWS) (National)

Formed in 2015, Caribbean Women’s Society (CWS) is a virtual, membership-based, volunteer-run, not-for-profit corporation operating in Canada. Women who self-identify as ‘Caribbean-Canadian’, currently residing within Canada, are eligible to join. CWS works to improve quality of life for the Caribbean-Canadian community by tackling the barriers through innovative initiatives and by connecting and enabling Caribbean-Canadian women.

Carleton Place Women’s Business Group (Local: Carleton Place, ON)

This organization serves to provide a support network for women in business, employed or self-employed. They meet to share information and ideas to strengthen or improve their business activities, foster friendships and participate in or initiate fundraising for charitable organizations. in the community.

Cause We Care Foundation (Local: Vancouver, BC)

Cause We Care Foundation supports resources and programs that assist marginalized single mothers and their children in the Lower Mainland. They believe in strengthening a single mother’s capacity for self-help and in creating opportunities for development and growth for herself and her children.

Centre Victoria pour femmes (Regional: Sudbury, ON)

Le Centre Victoria pour femmes est un organisme sans but lucratif et charitable au service des femmes francophones qui luttent contre toutes les formes de violence. Par le bias de l’intervention féministe, le Centre Victoria pour femmes offre des services d’intervention individuelle et de groupe ainsi que de l’accompagnement, de l’aiguillage et représentation. La prévention, la sensibilisation et l’éducation sont aussi au cœur de l’intervention et sont intégrés à l’ensemble des moyens utilisés pour prévenir et abolir la violence contre les femmes. Nos services sont offerts principalement aux femmes francophones de 16 ans et plus dans les régions du Grand Sudbury et de l’Algoma.

Centre Victoria pour femmes is a not for profit and charitable agency assisting francophone women against all forms of violence. Using a Feminist approach, Centre Victoria pour femmes offers French speaking women individual intervention as well as group intervention, accompaniment, referral and representation services. Prevention, awareness and education are also at the core of our interventions and are integrated in our various programs to prevent and end all forms of violence against women. Our services are mainly offered to French speaking women of 16 years and up in the Greater Sudbury and Algoma regions.

Charlford House Society for Women (Regional: Burnaby, BC)

A supportive recovery home for women coping with the first stage of substance abuse recovery. It provides access to 12-step meetings, facilitates daily group and individual sessions, offers individual nutritional planning, and twice weekly aerobic exercise with a certified instructor.

CHOICES Adoption and Counselling Services (National: Victoria, BC)

CHOICES is a licensed professional, nonprofit, non-sectarian counselling and adoption agency providing services to birth-parents (free counselling), adoptees and adoptive parents throughout BC and across Canada, including domestic and international adoptions, support groups and family events.

Community MicroSkills Development Centre (Regional: Etobicoke, ON)

A nonprofit organization that provides training, settlement, employment and self-employment services to individuals, with priority to the needs of immigrants, visible minority, low-income people with a specific focus on services to women in Toronto and surrounding areas.

Co-ordinated Access for Child Care

The official site for child care and day care services in the new City of Hamilton. This site includes comprehensive data on licensed and home-based services, map-based searching and child/family related information including advice on how to choose child care.

Creative Alternatives of Montreal

A nonprofit women’s centre that uses the vitality of expressive arts to promote growth and well being within families, individuals, and communities.

Dancing Damsels Inc. (Local: Toronto, ON)

Dancing Damsels strives to empower women and promote arts and culture. We use dance as a medium to unite groups and celebrate diversity. We organize events to highlight talented women, dancers, and all those that contribute to their community.

Dawn House (Local: Kingston, ON)

Dawn House is a 24-hour emergency shelter offering temporary accommodation for women and children who are experiencing a housing crisis. They offer a safe, non-judgmental, caring environment, counselling and support to help women find suitable accommodation.


A global, non-profit organization for women in new media and digital technology. DigitalEve offers the opportunity for women and their communities to close the gap between women’s contribution to and the lack of recognition for their efforts in new media.

DisAbled Women’s Network of Canada

A voice of women with disabilities in Canada, providing support, information and resources; enhancing communications among women with disabilities, and between the disabled consumer movement and the women’s movement; educating and raising the awareness of the general public regarding the needs and concerns of women with disabilities.

DisAbled Women’s Network (DAWN) Ontario

DAWN Ontario is a cross-disability organization working towards access, equity, and full participation of women with disabilities through public education, coalition-building, lobbying and resource development.

Discovery House

Based in Calgary, Discover House is a second stage shelter for abused women and their children offering programs to assist women and children in dealing with the effects of family violence.

Domestic Abuse Services (Local: Vancouver, BC)

A registered nonprofit Catholic charitable society with trained volunteers who uphold Catholic values, provide direct services for domestic abuse victims, and educate people about domestic abuse and relationship violence. We are advocators of non-violence who maintain an abuse helpline and provide individual support, safe housing, access to spiritual, legal, financial and psychological resources.

Dr. Roz’s Healing Place (Local: Toronto, ON)

Dr. Roz’s Healing Place is an organization that provides emergency housing, support services and referrals to assaulted women and their children. The youth program consists of creative and artistic design, daily therapeutic groups, fundraising activities, administrative support, as well as music and drama. Other programs within the centre include counseling, job training, life skills development, creative, and educational programming activities.

Dress for Success Halifax

A not-for-profit organization that provides interview suits, confidence boosts, and career development to low income women who are entering the workforce.

Dress for Success Orillia and Barrie (Local: Barrie, ON)

The mission of Dress for Success is to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. Dress for Success serves clients by referral only.

Dress for Success Regina (Local: Regina, SK)

The mission of Dress for Success Regina is to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support, and career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.

Dress for Success Toronto (Local: Toronto, ON)

The mission of Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.

Dress for Success Vancouver (Local: Vancouver, BC)

The mission of Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.

Feminist Association for Collaborative Education (FACE) (Local: Edmonton, AB)

We are a women’s feminist organization, that has made it our mission to be specifically inclusive of LGBTQ folks (trans inclusive), sex workers, women of colour, immigrant women, women with disabilities and non-mothers. We offer professional development including a full-day career conference, personal life workshops on relationship boundaries and negative self talk, and social events.

Eating Disorders Action Group (Local: Halifax, NS)

A community-based charitable organization dedicated to promoting healthy body image and to supporting individuals who experience disordered eating and related issues through education, support, advocacy, prevention and heath promotion. We offer peer support groups, workshops and an eating disorders resource centre.

Eating Disorders Awareness Coalition of Waterloo Region (Local: Kitchener, ON)

A charitable organization whose purpose is to promote positive body image and self-acceptance through education and awareness of eating disorders, weight preoccupation, and size prejudice. We provide information, referrals, presentations and workshops.

Elizabeth Bagshaw Women’s Clinic (Local: Vancouver, BC)

The Elizabeth Bagshaw Women’s Clinic is a registered nonprofit, accredited medical facility committed to providing reproductive and abortion services with full counselling, in a safe and confidential atmosphere.

Elizabeth Fry Society of Manitoba (Regional: Winnipeg, MB)

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Manitoba is a nonprofit, community-based agency that’s mandate is to reduce the number of women and girls involved in the criminal justice system by providing a variety of programs, services, and advocacy support to women and girls who are in conflict with the law or have been in conflict with the law.

EmpowHERto (Local: Toronto, ON)

Founded in 2015, EmpowHERto is a Toronto-based non-profit organization dedicated to helping 14-21-year-old women and girls reach their fullest potential through three pillars: Independence, Leadership, and Confidence. We empower our members to become the next generation of leaders by partnering with community members to provide an array of resources including social events, mentorship, and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Equal Voice (National: Ottawa, ON)

A group of women and men who are deeply concerned about Canadian politics formed this multi-partisan, nonprofit organization, which is devoted to the still-bold idea that more women must be elected to every level of government in Canada.

Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter (Local: Etobicoke, ON)

Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter provides a safe haven and a temporary home for women and their children fleeing domestic violence. We provide crisis intervention and a range of long-term holistic support services.

Family Law Education for Women (Regional: Toronto, ON)

FLEW is a public legal education project funded by the government of Ontario to assist women in understanding their family law rights. They provide a variety of resources including recorded webinars, legal education booklets, and specialized resources for women.

Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario (FWIO) (Regional: Guelph, ON)

Since 1897, FWIO has been responding to the diverse and unique needs of rural and urban Ontario women, their families and communities. Over 600 membership branches offer high quality education, support programs and services.

Fem’aide (Regional: Ontario)

Fem’aide offre aux femmes d’expression française aux prises avec la violence sexiste, du soutien, des renseignements et de l’aiguillage vers les services appropriés dans leur collectivité, 24 heures par jour, 7 jours par semaine. Fem’aide peut également répondre aux demandes de renseignements faites par les proches des femmes victimes de violence. Fem’aide concentre son intervention auprès des femmes ayant subi de la violence dans une relation intime ou encore une agression à caractère sexuel.

Fem’aide, a provincial telephone helpline for Francophone women dealing with violence, has benefited the French Community in Ontario since 2006. This initiative, funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS), allows access to French language services by women throughout the province, in their own regions, by dialling a single phone number from anywhere in Ontario.

FEM International (International: Montreal, QC)

This nonprofit’s mission is to empower young girls and women around the globe to discover their potential as individuals, entrepreneurs, and community leaders through the dynamics of socially responsible entrepreneurship.

FitSpirit (Regional: Saint-Jérôme, QC)

FitSpirit is a nonprofit organization that offers young girls between 13 and 17 years of age tangible ways of motivating them to adopt an active, healthy and well-balanced lifestyle. They offer presentations to schools by top Canadian female athletes.

Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre (Local: Winnipeg, MB)

Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre is a not-for-profit, feminist organization supporting women to engage in healthy life choices for themselves and their families through innovative and responsive programming and excellence in service.

Forum for Women Entrepreneurs BC (Regional: Vancouver, BC)

The Forum for Women Entrepreneurs BC mission is to educate and mentor women entrepreneurs through its four programs: Entrepreneur Series (E-Series), Mentor Program, Roundtables, and the Student Internship Program.

Gillian’s Place (Local: St. Catharines, ON)

As one of Ontario’s first shelters for abused women and children, Gillian’s Place has been providing safe refuge and non-residential programs that enable women and children to break the cycle of violence since 1977. They provide 24-hour telephone counselling, one-on-one and group counselling, a 24 bed shelter, meals and emergency clothing, children’s counselling, and recreation programs. They also provide outreach programs for women living in the community, advocacy with the criminal justice system and family court legal system, and a school-based violence prevention program.

Girls Incorporated of Durham 

Girls Inc. of Durham inspires girls to be strong, smart, and bold by providing programming that focuses on the development of the whole girl. A combination of long-lasting mentoring relationships, a pro-girl environment and research-based programming equips girls to lead fulfilling and productive lives, break the cycle of poverty and become role models in their community.

Girls Incorporated of Upper Canada (GIUC) (Regional: Brockville, ON)

Inspires girls to be strong, smart, and bold by providing mentorship and skills development programs to help each girl achieve her full potential. Programs centre on self-reliance and life skills, careers and life planning, culture and heritage, as well as sports and adventure.

Girls Rock Camp Mississauga (Regional: Mississauga, ON)

Girls Rock Camp Mississauga is a nonprofit organization that builds self-esteem in female youth age 8-16 through music creation and performance. All female counsellors provide instruction and guidance and offer workshops and technical training in songwriting, self-confidence, and empowerment. Camps end with a performance from all bands of their orignal music.

Girls Rock Camp Vancouver (Regional: Vancouver, BC)

Girls Rock Camp Vancouver is a nonprofit society that builds self-esteem in female youth age 8-18 through music creation and performance. By providing workshops and technical training, they create leadership opportunities, cultivate a supportive community of peers and mentors, and encourage social change and the development of life skills.

Good To Be Good

Established in 2016, our vision for an equitable, peaceful, and sustainable world for all continues to be guided by a feminist, anti-oppressive, anti-racist, trauma-informed interconnected framework. Our human rights-based efforts are rooted in a commitment to gender equality, equity, and peacebuilding and ensure a gender-responsive focus that addresses issues impacting women and girls, gender-diverse folks, and other marginalized communities. We provide hands-on, restorative, empowering support for women and folks in our communities who have felt the marginalizing effects of gender-based violence, structural poverty, and social isolation.

Haven Society (Regional: Nanaimo, BC)

Haven Society’s mission is to promote the integrity and safety of women, children, youth and families and the development of a respectful and healthy community. As a leading anti-violence organization operating from feminist principles, Haven Society achieves this mission by providing a range of programs and services, public education and advocacy.

Help 2 Overcome Society (International: Nova Scotia)

Our mission is to provide water and washrooms for girls in schools, giving them dignity, security, health and education. This enables them to remain in school especially when they reach the age of puberty. 2,200 girls have washrooms in 3 schools.

HOPE International Development Agency (International: New Westminster, BC

Works with the poorest, hardest to reach people and communities in developing countries pursue self-reliance and self-determination through sustained access to clean water, food security, economic development, education and health care.

Hope NOW Family Concepts, Inc. (National: Beausejour, MB)

An interdenominational organization providing free-of-charge housing, education, career/parenting/life skills training, and abortion alternative education to women with unplanned pregnancy.

House of Sophrosyne Recovery Programs for Women (Local: Windsor, ON)

The House of Sophrosyne Recovery Programs for Women has both residential treatment and community based programs for women with substance abuse issues and their children. We also have support programs for family and friends of an addicted woman.

Huronia Transition Homes (Regional: Midland, ON)

Huronia Transition Homes runs many programs and services for women across Simcoe County, including La Maison Rosewood Shelter in Midland, Athena’s Sexual Assault Counselling and Advocacy Centre in Barrie, as well as Choices for Children programs.

Ikwe Safe Rides (Women Helping Women) (Local: Winnipeg, MB)

We provide a safe means of transportation for female members of Winnipeg through a volunteer run initiative. We are an alternative to taking a taxi. We embrace diversity and promote equality in our community. Safety is our number one priority.

INFACT Canada (National: Toronto, ON)

A nonprofit, nongovernmental organization that seeks to protect infant and young child health through the promotion of breastfeeding.

Inspirations Studio (Local: Toronto, ON)

Inspirations Studio is a women’s art entrepreneurial initiative that helps disadvantaged women supplement their income through the sale of their own handcrafted ceramic pottery, artwork, and original paintings. They also learn business skills to develop small businesses.

Interim Place (Local: Mississauga, ON)

Interim Place provides counselling, shelter, and community support and outreach programs that are responsive, reflective, and holistic for women and children experiencing and/or fleeing violence. Their programs focus on empowering, engaging, and building leadership and self-determination in women.

Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women (National: Edmonton, AB)

This nonprofit organization is dedicated to the promotion, improvement and self-fulfillment of Aboriginal women within the concept of self-government and community. They organize conferences, conduct research, and advise government on issues relating to Aboriginal women in Canada.

iSisters Technology Mentoring (Regional: Ottawa, ON)

iSisters Technology Mentoring is a registered Canadian charity that was founded in 2001. As a leader in technology learning and development, iSisters helps empower women in need to live better lives, create brighter futures and build stronger communities.

Jean Tweed Centre (Local: Toronto, ON)

A non-medical, community-based substance abuse and problem-gambling treatment facility for women in Ontario. The centre is a charitable organization that aims to provide counseling and care to assist each woman to restore herself to a meaningful life within her community.

Jewish Women International of Canada (JWIC) (National: Toronto, ON)

JWIC is a social change organization dedicated to ending violence against women in our communities through education, awareness, and programming.

Julliette’s Place (Local: Scarborough, ON)

Julliette’s Place is a not-for-profit, community-based agency that provides safe refuge for abused women and their children. Services provided by the shelter are based on a female-positive empowerment mode.

Junior League of Edmonton

An organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

Junior League of Toronto

A women’s organization that strives to be the organization of choice for voluntarism and community partnership by educating and training members to be effective leaders and volunteers, researching changing community needs and then developing or expanding direct service projects or programs to meet those needs, and providing trained volunteers, administrative guidance, and financial support to community services.

Kinette Club of Edmonton (Local: Edmonton, AB)

Kin Canada is a dynamic women’s volunteer organization dedicated to enriching communities through service while embracing national pride, positive values, personal development and lasting friendships.

Kingston Crisis Pregnancy Centre (Local: Kingston, ON)

A Christian nonprofit agency dedicated to empowering, educating and encouraging women who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy. They offer free confidential services that include pregnancy testing, peer counselling, and material support.

Lady Cove Women’s Choir (Local: St. John’s, NL)

Lady Cove Women’s Choir was established in September 2003 by choral conductor, Kellie Walsh. Their performances range in styles from classical, gospe,l and jazz to Latin American and contemporary Canadian.

LEAF – Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund

LEAF promotes equality for women and girls in Canada by presenting arguments in legal cases where women’s rights are at risk.

West Coast LEAF


Lean In Canada (National)

Lean In Canada is a community of professional women empowering each other to build purposeful and fulfilling careers. We built our organization for people just like us: professional women who are passionate about driving their careers forward to the next level and beyond, and who want to achieve greater success not only in work, but in life as a whole.

Libra House (Regional: Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NFLD)

At Libra House we believe that women and children have the right to a safe, secure environment. Our mission is to provide a crisis shelter for women and their children affected by abuse and to encourage empowerment of women in the community through caring support and education.

L.I.F.E. Recovery (Local: Vancouver, BC)

L.I.F.E. Recovery rehabilitates women with drug and alcohol addictions and encourages them to live a Christian lifestyle. A large number of graduates continue to live in freedom and remain sober. L.I.F.E. Recovery is a registered charity and depends heavily on sponsorships and donations to carry out it’s programs.

Maison d’amitié (Local: Ottawa, ON)

Maison d’amitié is a not for profit francophone shelter located in the Ottawa, ON area. Founded in 1976, they aim to assist women victims of violence and their children and provide services enabling these women to start a new life free of violence.

Maison d’amitié est une maison d’hébergement francophone à but non lucratif, situé dans la région d’Ottawa, fondée en 1976 dans le but de venir en aide aux femmes victimes de violence et à leurs enfants. Le centre offre des services permettant aux femmes un nouveau départ sans violence.

Manitoba Association of Women’s Shelters (Selkirk MB)

A provincial association providing a continuum of quality services, through member shelters, to abused women, children and elderly abused persons. The Web site lists shelters in the province.

Margaret Frazer House (Local: Toronto, ON)

For over 20 years, Margaret Frazer House has served women with persistent and severe mental health disorders by offering 24 hour care for in-house residents and follow-up supports for women who move into the community.

The Marguerite Centre (Regional: Lakeside, NS)

The Marguerite Centre supports women recovering from addiction. They offer a long-term abstinence based residential program focusing on the healing of mind, body and spirit.

Marguerite Dixon Transition Society (Local: Burnaby, BC)

A transition house and a second stage program for abused women and their children, and a counselling program for low-income individuals, couples, families, adolescents, and children.

Marillac Place (Local: Kitchener, ON)

Marillac Place offers safe housing to women between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five who are pregnant, who have their child or children in their care, or who are attempting to regain care of their child or children. Marillac Place can accommodate children up to twenty four months. Residence is permitted up to twelve months.

MATCH International Centre

Established in 1976, MATCH is the only international development agency in Canada devoted exclusively to promoting women’s equal participation in development. It supports innovative projects developed by women from countries of the South in response to what they perceive to be their own priorities.


A nonprofit charitable organization that promotes the rights of women and children to live free from violence and the threats of violence. METRAC’s activities are focused in the areas of justice, safety and information provision.

Mom God and Me

Mom God and Me create affordable homeownership and housing opportunities through innovative partnerships and initiatives that build healthy, vibrant families across Southwestern Ontario. The organization is specially committed to improving the quality of life for single mother families that are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter Association (MRWSA) (Regional: Rocky Mountain House, AB)

MRWSA provides support to women/families impacted by domestic violence in West Central Alberta. Our Vision is to ensure the availability of 24 hour crisis intervention, domestic violence support and accommodation, while promoting a non-violent society through prevention, education and awareness.

Na’amat Canada (International: Montreal, QC)

Na’amat Canada is part of a worldwide progressive women’s organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for women, children and families in Israel. Our members across Canada are instrumental in planning community programs and fundraising events, supporting daycares and other facilities.

National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL)

A national nonprofit women’s organization which promotes the equality rights of women through legal education, research and law reform advocacy.


A non-profit women’s organization based in Toronto, Ontario, helping women and children in crisis locate safe affordable housing, support services and a bridge to a better future.

Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto (Local: Toronto, ON)

Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto (NEW) promotes the social, economic, and cultural integration, and personal well-being of women and their families who are new to Canada.

NextLEVEL Leadership (Regional: Ontario)

NextLEVEL equips women with the tools and insight to be successful leaders while also exploring, calling upon, and strengthening their Christian values. This results in transformational learning which goes beyond the mind to include the spirit. When the two are combined, the sphere of influence is truly incredible.

North York Women’s Shelter (Local: Toronto, ON)

The North York Women’s Shelter is a safe refuge for abused women and their children. The Shelter exists to provide safety, short term crisis counselling, advocacy, referral and support for abused women and their children.

North York Women’s Centre

Provides free programs and services to women, including courses, support groups, workshops, and a family law legal clinic, among others.

North York Women’s Shelter (Local: North York, ON)

North York Women’s Shelter actively supports the rights of women and children to build lives free of violence by providing non-judgemental safe shelter, advocacy, and a range of programs & services including 24-hour crisis support.

Nukoko (International: Mississauga, ON)

Nukoko Education is a global group of volunteers working together to produce opportunities for girls to access school in Togo. We use digital technology to collaborate, and believe in spreading awareness through online tools and social media.

Oasis Centre des femmes (Local: Toronto, ON)

Offers free services for french-speaking women 16 years and over living in the GTA or Halton-Peel area, who are victims or survivors of all forms of violence, who are immigrants, refugees or newcomers or who are in search of employment. They also operate Femaide, a crisis support line for Francophone women who live in Ontario. The number is 1-877-336-2433 or 1-866-860-7080 (TTY).

Oil City Derby Girls (Local: Edmonton, AB)

An all-female run, nonprofit roller derby league whose mission is to build strong, athletic women together.

Older Women’s Network (Regional: Toronto, ON)

The Older Women’s Network works to achieve a caring society in which older and midlife women have the opportunity to live in security and with dignity; to participate in the choices affecting their lives; to give mutual support and share creative interests and activities; and to realize their potential.

The Olive Branch of Hope (Regional: Toronto, ON)

The Olive Branch of Hope Breast Cancer Support Services is the first organization in Ontario with a mission to address the cultural, emotional and spiritual needs of people of African descent whose lives have been affected by breast cancer. They offer support groups as well as information and individual support.

On-Track Career & Employment Services (Local: Scarborough, ON)

On-Track Career & Employment Services is equipped to help job seekers find and sustain employment. Through their employment and training network, they will help you build your career. They are your one-stop source for information about jobs, job search skills, training, education, and other services.

Ontario Women’s Justice Network (Regional: Toronto, ON)

A legal resource for women’s organizations and individuals working on issues related to justice and violence against women and their children.

Opportunity for Advancement

Works with women in disadvantaged life situations. OFA is involved in program delivery and social advocacy with the goal of supporting women to achieve greater economic sufficiency, increased personal well-being and enhanced participation in their communities.

Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT) (International: Calgary, AB)

A chapter of OWIT International, an international organization of locally-based women’s organizations providing support, inspiration, information and networking opportunities to women and men who are interested in, or involved in the international trade community.

PARO: A Northwestern Ontario Women’s Community Loan Fund (Regional: Thunder Bay, ON)

PARO is dedicated to increasing the economic independence and self-sufficiency of women and their families through self-employment initiatives.

Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

Pauktuutit fosters greater awareness of the needs of Inuit women, advocates for equity and social improvements, and encourages their participation in the community, regional and national life of Canada.

Peace River Regional Women’s Shelter (Local: Peace River, AB)

Provide a short-term, safe and supportive environment for abused women and their children, women in crisis, or other women needing emergency accommodation. Provide Individual Case Management; Outreach for all genders plus child and youth support for in-house and community.

Peer Support Services For Abused Women

A non-profit providing services to women and children post abuse. PSSAW is peer-based and provides support to women in the Calgary area.

Perinatal Mood Disorders Awareness Ltd. (National)

This organization is devoted to increasing awareness and resources for Postpartum Depression and Perinatal Mood Disorders. Their mandate is to fill the gap and connect sufferers of Perinatal mood disorders to service providers.

Petites-Mains (Local: Montreal, QC)

As an Entreprise d’insertion, this organization supports people in need, principally women who are immigrants, single mothers, and receiving social assistance or without income, to break out of social isolation, to learn a trade in order to integrate the workforce, and to live with dignity.

Project Harvest – Proyecto Cosecha (International: Fonthill, ON)

Project Harvest – Guatemala empowers rural families through training in food security and women’s leadership.  It is an integrated program focused on gardens, rainwater harvesting, organization and training that increases access to healthy food, improved nutrition, and families’ well-being.

Promotion Plus

Our vision is to ensure that all girls and women participating in physical activity and sport in the province of British Columbia have access to a complete range of choices and opportunities; have equity as participants, competitors and leaders; and become fully participatory and actualize their potential.

Prostitution Alternatives Counselling Education (PACE)

PACE is dedicated to the reduction of harm and abolition of conditions that lead to prostitution. We provide outreach, counselling, housing (for individuals under 24yrs of age), prevention presentations, and an IDU drop-in center for sex workers from the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver that have started their own cooperative business.

Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan (PATHS) (Regional: Regina, SK)

The Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan (PATHS) is a nonprofit organization whose 19 member agencies provide Emergency Shelter, Second Stage Housing, Counselling and Support Services to women and their children who have experienced abuse. Their vision is a society free of violence.

Ramoth Life Centre (Local: Mount Forest, ON)

Ramoth House is a cooperative living residence serving young women who are pregnant or parenting a child under one year of age. Young women are welcome to enter the program at any stage of their pregnancy or after the birth of their child.

Regina Women’s Community Centre (Local: Regina, SK)

The Regina Women’s Centre is a progressive, feminist, pro-choice organization dedicated to working toward a non-violent and equitable society by empowering individuals who experience various forms of violence and abuse.

Réseau des femmes du Sud de l’Ontario

The Southern Ontario francophone Women’s Network is an Ontario provincial emergency line for francophone women which also has an accompanying service for the Toronto area.

Rescuing our African Daughters/Secours aux jeunes Africaines (ROAD/SAJA) (International: Don Mills, ON)

Provides support, education and security for teenage girls in one of the poorest regions of the world, Burkina Faso, West Africa. More specifically, ROAD assists teenage girls who flee their homes in an attempt to avoid forced polygamous marriages.

Rexdale Women’s Centre (Local: Toronto, ON)

Rexdale Women’s Centre has a mission of supporting immigrant, refugee and newcomer women and their families to become fully participating members in Canadian society. We have services for Women and families to assist with Settlement and Employment and more.

Richmond Women’s Resource Centre

Based in Richmond, B.C., the resource centre offers a range of information and programs for women in the area.

Roll a Hippo Foundation

We empower vulnerable populations in water-stressed South African communities by swapping their bucket-on-the-head water collection with the easier, quicker, and more efficient hippo water roller.


This site gives legal information to women who are being abused by their partners or spouses.

Rotholme Women’s and Family Shelter

A branch of Mission Services of London. Rotholme is an emergency shelter with a total of 41 beds which can accommodate 20 single women and 7 families. Twenty-four hour admission is provided for single women, aged 16 and over, and families who are homeless and in need of temporary emergency accommodation and/or are in crisis and require emergency shelter and care.

Save the Mothers (International: Ancaster, ON)

Save the Mothers is an international organization committed to partnerships that promote the health and dignity of mothers and children in developing countries. The organization’s goal is to reduce the amount of maternal mortality in Africa.

Scarborough Women’s Centre

Facilitates the empowerment of any women wanting to leave an abusive or isolating situation, so that she can implement long term positive changes with confidence.

The Second Chance Centre (Local: Toronto, ON)

We are a non-profit women’s organization in the GTA and also serve as a women’s networking group in Toronto.
The Second Chance Foundation (TSCF) is a women’s foundation in Toronto. It was created to empower, educate, and support women, including racialized, marginalized, and women who were previously incarcerated. Our foundation is created by women for women to assist in providing a “second chance” without judgement. Their services include a small food bank, counselling, training for work, and education opportunities.

Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary

An umbrella organization that gives an opportunity to those female ex-street youth (aged 16-25) who genuinely want to make a change in their lives and who desire to become productive members of the community. It provides housing, life skills and parenting courses, job skills training, and help with drug and alcohol addictions.

Sheen for She Foundation

We are a Canadian non-profit organization providing free self-care services to financially underprivileged women to abolish and raise awareness about women’s issues such as gender inequality, violence, and poverty. Our services include: Esthetics, Self-Defense Training, Self-Care Workshops, and Healing Circles.

Shelternet for Abused Women (National)

Shelternet for Abused Women is a national Canadian charity serving abused women, their children and the 500+ shelters that provide them with safe haven. As the first point of contact, no matter where they are in Canada or what time of day, abused women and their children can access information about lifesaving services via the site, which is available in ten languages.

Sidelines Canada Prenatal Support Network

A national non-profit organization that offers information, education and support to women with complicated pregnancies across Canada.

Single Mothers in Progress (Local: Brampton, ON)

Single Mothers in Progress, otherwise known as SMIP, is a nonprofit organization that was created to give single mothers the opportunity to provide more stable, safe and organized homes for their children.

Single Women in Motherhood (Local: London, ON)

Single Women in Motherhood (S.W.I.M.) offers hope, support and guidance to single mothers in the London community.

Skills for Change

Skills for Change (Sfc) is a non-profit agency providing information and training to immigrants and refugees to assist their entry into the workforce and participation in the wider community. SfC offers a variety of training programs and work search programs designed for individuals who speak English as a Second language. The Clerical Employment Services Program provides job development and assistance finding volunteer experience placements in the clerical, customer service or retail sectors.

Soroptimist International of Grand Erie (International: Grand Erie, ON)

Women working to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.

Soroptimist International of Western Canada

Soroptimist International of Western Canada is a global voice for women working through awareness, advocacy and action with over 97,000 members in 120 countries. They are committed to helping women and girls internationally and in local communities in BC, Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.

South Fraser Women’s Services Society (Regional: Surrey, BC)

South Fraser Women’s Services Society formed in 1979. We are a nonprofit women’s centre, providing free services and support to women and children from all backgrounds. We work to help women empower themselves through support, information, resources and counselling.

Southwest Crisis Services (Regional: Swift Current, SK)

A nonprofit charitable organization committed to building healthier families and communities by providing support to people in crisis or experiencing the effects of abuse. Programs include: safe shelter, crisis line, women’s and men’s outreach, violence prevention education, and a community kitchen.

Spectra Community Support Services (formerly TeleCare Distress Centre)

Nonprofit organization’s services include the Peel Postpartum Family Support Line. Free, confidential and caring, this service offers telephone emotional support for women and families in 8 languages. 905-459-8441.

St. Clare Inn (Local: Toronto, ON)

St. Clare Inn provides community, care, and shelter for homeless women aged 35 – 60 with mental health issues, to support their healing journey.

St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival (International: St. John’s, NL)

The St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival is a charitable organization established in 1989 to support and promote women filmmakers through an annual film festival and various satellite events.

St. John’s Status of Women Council (Local: St. John’s, NF)

The council works to promote the social, economic, and personal equality of all women.

Street Haven

Street Haven at the Crossroads’ goal is to innovate and establish an integrated continuum of services which will improve the quality of life of women in need and bring creative solutions to their problems. This continuum of services includes immediate support for women who come to Street Haven at theCrossroads off the street, the provision of meals and a place to sleep, a place to heal, a place to grow and a place to live independently, in accordance with what each individual woman is ready to handle, and in recognition of the varied potential of each woman.

SWAN (Local: North Vancouver, BC)

SWAN serves as an organization that unites, supports and promotes entrepreneurs, managers and professional women to work together, share resources and build relationships on both a personal and business level.

Terra Centre (Local: Edmonton, AB)

Terra Centre is a nonprofit organization that has been serving pregnant and parenting teens in Edmonton since 1971. With support from individuals and groups in our community, Terra helps more than 600 young people cope with the issues surrounding teen pregnancy each year.

Terrace Women’s Resource Centre Society (Local: Terrace, BC)

The Terrace Women’s Resource Centre Society (TWRCS) is a registered nonprofit society which has been in existence since 1980. Although many other Women’s Centre Societies operate transition houses and counseling services, the role of TWRCS in Terrace is to advocate for equality and social change to address the barriers that prevent women from reaching their full potential. TWRC also operates The Family Place, Skeena Child Care Resource & Referral and Family Resource Programs.

That’s Women’s Work Arts Network (Local: Toronto, ON)

That’s Women’s Work is a new approach to the traditional fine art gallery structure. Their focus is on new and emerging artists/performers/creators and those returning to the arts scene and they are open to all art forms including traditional crafts, textiles, fine arts, dance and performance, new media, and interdisciplinary work. That’s Women’s Work provides means to women in the arts (inclusive of transgendered women) to earn a living wage from their works.

Times Change Women’s Employment Service (Local: Toronto, ON)

For over 30 years, Times Change Women’s Employment Service has been offering career and educational counselling, a wide range of computer services and a comprehensive resource centre, all free of charge. Staff members are experienced professionals with a special interest in helping women reach their employment goals in today’s labour market. Women have access to computers, faxes, phones, as well as an extensive job board.

United Nations Platform for Action Committee Manitoba (UNPAC) (Regional: Winnipeg, MB)

UNPAC’s mandate is to promote equality, equity and empowerment for women in Manitoba. Their mandate is directly aimed at increasing women’s economic security by providing leadership training for women in urban and rural communities; providing public education and research to Manitobans on the importance of economic gender equality and the impacts of inequality on the lives of women and girls.

Up With Women (National)

Up With Women is dedicated to helping recently homeless and at-risk women to both rebuild their lives and build sustainable, prosperous careers and businesses with the aim of permanently exiting poverty. Our roster of volunteer professional coaches guide women as they strive for their goals.

Vancouver Island Women’s Business Network

Our members are presented with new ideas, new faces, and new energy to set and meet business goals. Our monthly meetings and mentorship program give constructive feedback and key information that help members find new opportunities and overcome business obstacles.

Vancouver Status of Women

Works with women to ensure our full participation in the social, economic and political life of our communities, in the profound belief that women’s equality is a crucial step towards a just and responsible society.

Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter

Offers a wide range of services and program, including support groups, a crisis line, advocacy, resources and more.

Verdun Women’s Centre (Local: Verdun, QC)

The Verdun Women’s Centre is a feminist organisation working towards gender equality. Our activities promote physical and emotional well-being and a sharing of experience and reflect social justice, solidarity, openness, democracy and equality. We are open to all women regardless of age, weight, social status, origin, religion or culture, sexual orientation or physical ability.

Victoria Sexual Assault Centre (Local: Victoria, BC)

The Victoria Sexual Assault Centre is a feminist organization committed to ending sexualized violence through healing, education, and prevention. We are dedicated to supporting women and all Trans survivors of sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse, through advocacy, counselling, and empowerment.

Vermilion/YWCA Skills Training Centre (Local: Calgary, AB)

The Vermilion/YWCA Skills Training Centre in Calgary empowers women in search of a better future. Through a 16-week pre-employment and pre-apprenticeship training program, students gain the skills and confidence they need for a career in Calgary’s high-demand construction industry. Trainees may also qualify for a living wage, housing and childcare.

Villa Rosa Inc. (Regional: Winnipeg, MB)

Villa Rosa provides transitional housing, life skills and education in a healthy environment for women in need during and after pregnancy. Located in Winnipeg, Villa Rosa gives hope for a future and the ability to break the cycle of poverty, abuse and involvement in the criminal justice system.

Westminster House Recovery Centre for Women (Local: New Westminster, BC)

Westminster House Recovery Centre for Women is an abstinence-based residential treatment centre for women located in the heart of New Westminster, BC. Support and treatment is offered to women who come from all socio-economic backgrounds. Westminster House offers both residential and after-care services.

Weyburn Oilwomen Association Inc. (Local: Weyburn, SK)

The Weyburn Oilwomen Association Inc. are a group of locally based women who are employed in the Oil & Gas and affiliated industries and women who want to make a difference in the community. We host various events and fundraisers throughout the year and move all funds back into the community via scholarships, donations and volunteerism.

Windsor Life Centre (Local: Windsor, ON)

Windsor Life Centre is a nonprofit organization located in Windsor, Ontario that operates a 12-month rehabilitation centre for women struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.

Wings of Providence Society (Local: Edmonton, AB)

The mission of Wings of Providence is to provide comprehensive transitional programs and independent living in a safe, secure, supportive and healthy environment for women with children who have experienced family violence. Wings offers long-term second-stage housing and accompanying support services; in 2012 opened a third-stage, 30-unit affordable housing complex.

Wired Woman in Communications and Technology

A national, nonprofit organization focused on encouraging women to explore opportunities to make positive contributions to the growth & development of the technology sector. The society creates an open environment where women come together for networking opportunities, career resources, and community and academic presentations.

Wise Womxn Ways (Local: Toronto, ON)

Wise Womxn Ways is a nonprofit operating since 2020, based out of Toronto, ON, Canada. We microfund educational pursuits that women feel passionate about, but that they’ve experienced barriers accessing. We believe women are the heart of community. Wise Womxn Ways is founded on the principles of equity, inclusion, and diversity. We embrace a collaborative, community-rooted, and network building model. We believe women are key change-agents and seek to do our modest part to strengthen that capacity.

WISH Drop-In Centre Society (Local: Vancouver, BC)

WISH is committed to improving the health, safety and well-being of women working in survival sex on the streets of Vancouver. The core of WISH’s program is a drop-in centre where 100 to 150 women come each night for respite and a hot meal. In addition, WISH provides relevant programming including literacy, health and safety for Aboriginal women, the MAP van (in partnership with PACE), which provides supplies and resources all night, and Maka – a program engaging women in prevention and harm reduction from HIV/AIDS.

Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Centre (WAVAW) (Local: Vancouver, BC)

WAVAW has been providing sexual assault support services to the Greater Vancouver area for over 20 years. These services include a 24-hour crisis line, one-to-one counseling, hospital, court and police accompaniments, support groups, and public education. Our services are free and available in 7 languages.

Women & Children’s Shelter (Local: Barrie, ON)

The Women & Children’s Shelter provides a safe refuge and emergency support services for abused women and their children in its commitment to end the cycle of violence.

Women and Rural Economic Development

This nonprofit is dedicated to enhancing the sustainability of rural Ontario communities. It promotes economic opportunities through equitable local control and ownership.

Women in Leadership Foundation (National)

Promotes the advancement of women into leadership roles and non-traditional careers, and also profiles Canada’s successful women.

Women’s Centre of Calgary

The Women’s Centre is every woman’s place for support, connections and community. We are women helping women and our goal is to be a safe and accessible place for all women.

Women CyberSecurity Society (WCS2) 

The Women CyberSecurity Society (WCS2) is a registered non-profit founded in April 2018 by Lisa Kearney, a cybersecurity veteran. The idea originated after experiencing bullying and harassment on the job time and again with no support available.  Lisa decided to do something about it and created a community member association to fill in the gaps to raise awareness about the lack of diversity, inclusion for women and marginalized groups across the industry. Today, the society supports the community by offering mentoring, 24/7 unlimited online training, workshops, scholarships, awards and more.

Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey (Regional: Kincardine, ON)

This organization provides services, within supportive environments, to women 16 years of age and older, and their children, who have or are experiencing abuse, sexual violence, and homelessness. They base their work on a feminist, anti-racist, anti-oppression framework that embraces diversity, inclusiveness, and equity.

Women of Excellence Support and Relief Organization (WESRO) (Local: Toronto, ON)

This organization’s mission is to work towards the elimination of barriers faced by women and children, youths and young adults living in poverty as well as helping abused women to stabilize and improve their lives. They offer counselling as well as a variety of classes from cooking to sewing to job search assistance.

Women’s Health Clinic (Winnipeg MB)

A feminist, community-based health centre offering a range of services to women from teens to elders. A holistic approach emphasizes prevention, education and action.

Women in Film and Television – Toronto

Helps members in film, television and digital media build, advance and sustain their careers nationally and internationally through professional development and networking opportunities, mentorships, awards and events.

Women in Global Science and Technology

Promotes international collaboration and coalition building among women scientists and technologists around the world.

Women of Success

Women of Success (WoS) is a nonprofit Canadian corporation created by Romanian women for women. The organization’s mission is to provide support and inspire women achieve their personal and professional dreams. As an energetic group of local business owners and professional women, WoS is creating an environment where people and businesses will come together, providing a networking forum for its members. WoS is characterized by inclusiveness and diversity, networking, mentorship and consultation, and inspiring its members to move toward their personal goals.

Women’s Economic Council (National: St. Catharine’s, ON)

Women’s Economic Council is a national, not-for-profit, charitable organization that partners with women-centred community economic development (CED) groups and practitioners.

Women’s Habitat (Local: Etobicoke, ON)

Women’s Habitat provides shelter and support to women and their children fleeing violence. There is a 25-bed shelter and an outreach centre offering one-on-one counselling; drop-in programs; parent support; respite care; after-school program for girls 10 to 13; and more.

Women’s Shelter, Saakaate House (Local: Kenora, ON)

Women’s Shelter, Saakaate House is a shelter for women and their children who are experiencing violence in their lives and seek safety. Confidential 24-hour support and safety are offered by staff working from a feminist perspective in an environment in which women can make informed decisions. We are committed to changing societal conditions and attitudes which perpetuate violence and abuse against women.

Women’s Support Network of York Region 

The Women’s Support Network of York Region (WSN) is a rape crisis/sexual violence centre dedicated to providing free, confidential services for individuals who have expierenced any form of sexual violence. WSN is committed to a grassroots, Feminist, Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive framework. Our goal is to eradicate sexual violence. 

Working Women Community Centre (Local: Toronto, ON)

Working Women Community Centre provides immigrant women and their families with opportunities to improve the quality of their lives through self-development and community action. We provide a range of services that include: settlement; language and training; employment; health and wellness; public education and community development.

Yellow Brick House

Operates an emergency shelter for abused and homeless women and their children, as well as counselling and legal support services. They also operate Reta’s Place, a second stage housing facility for women who have left abusive relationships and who would benefit from additional residential support for up to six months.

York Region Violence Against Women Coordinating Committee (YRVAWCC) (Regional: Newmarket, ON)

The mission of the YRVAWCC is to promote a collaborative and effective response to violence against women in York Region.

Yorktown Family Services (Local: Toronto, ON)

Yorktown Family Services is a community-based nonprofit social services agency dedicated to providing mental health treatment, prevention, and out-reach services to children, youth, women and families. Their two main programs are a mental-health centre for children and a shelter for women and children fleeing abusive relationships.

Young Women in Business Network (YWiB)

The YWiB is a nonprofit society for emerging female leaders in Western Canada. YWiB hosts a variety of programs and events that provide members with opportunities to develop relevant skills and knowledge, giving them the support and capability they need to reach their fullest personal and professional potential.

YWCA Canada

A voice for equality and a strong voice for women, with belief in a women’s perspective, difference and diversity, the whole person, community mindedness, and global interdependence.