Professional Associations

Professional associations are listed here at no charge. To arrange a listing, or to update our information, you can reach us by email at

Canadian Associations and Affiliates

SAHO —3s Health (Regional: Regina, SK)

SAHO is a nonprofit, non-government association of health agencies in Saskatchewan. Members include Saskatchewan’s regional health authorities and the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, independent hospitals and special care homes, as well as various agencies and associations that provide health services, education and/or regulations.

AFCS — Aboriginal Friendship Centres of Saskatchewan (Regional: Saskatoon, SK)

The AFCS works to promote and support its member friendship centres in their goals and objectives, and also to provide information on such centres to the public. They also negotiate with all levels of government on issues concerning their member centres, and represents them on a national level.

AFOA — Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

AFOA was founded as a not-for-profit association in 1999 to help Aboriginals better manage and govern their communities and organizations through a focus on enhancing finance and management practices and skills. AFOA’s premise is that effective management is key to building social and economic prosperity and essential to successful Aboriginal governance.

ANAC — Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

The mission of the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada is to improve the health of Aboriginal people, by supporting Aboriginal nurses and by promoting the development and practice of Aboriginal health nursing. In advancing this mission, the association will engage in activities related to recruitment and retention, member support, consultation, research and education.

AWPA — Aboriginal Women’s Professional Association (National: Edmonton, AB)

The Aboriginal Women’s Professional Association (AWPA) exists to provide Aboriginal women from all over Canada the opportunity to gather and meet other Aboriginal women and to learn from each other. They mentor and share relevant teachings with interested Aboriginal women of all ages, regardless of background or experience.

AC — Accreditation Canada (International: Ottawa, ON)

The mission of CCHSA is to promote excellence in health care and the effective use of resources in health services organizations nationally and internationally in order to improve the delivery of health services.

Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute

Ensures the integration and expansion of acupuncture within the health care delivery system through professional and public education, development of standards of practice, advocacy and research.

Addictions and Mental Health Ontario

ADRAO is a nonprofit charitable association of individuals and facilities that provide addiction services. ADRAO provides leadership, in Ontario, for excellence in addiction services by developing and promoting quality standards of care and disseminating information that assists its members to effectively meet the needs of their clients.

ASC — Advertising Standards Canada

The not-for-profit industry body committed to creating and maintaining community confidence in advertising. Its mission is to ensure the integrity and viability of advertising through industry self-regulation. Members include leading advertisers, media organizations, advertising agencies, suppliers and industry associations.

Advocis (formerly the Canadian Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors – CAIFA)

A voluntary association of professional insurance and financial advisors, committed to helping its members more effectively serve their clients.

AMSSA — Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies

AMSSA of British Columbia is a coalition of over 80 organizations providing multicultural programs and immigrant settlement services throughout the Province of British Columbia.

AAFRE — Alberta Association of Fund Raising Executives

Alberta’s first and largest professional fundraising organization.

AAM — Alberta Association of Midwives

The Alberta Association of Midwives educates the public about the benefits of midwifery care and supports registered midwives in Alberta. Midwives are fully funded under Alberta Health Services and are considered the experts in normal pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.

AASRO — Alberta Association of School Resource Officers

Provides Alberta police officers with effective resources to educate and protect today’s youth. AASRO’s members include school resource officers throughout Western Canada and we are dedicated to providing them with the resources they need to have a proactive and positive impact on the youth that they work with.

AASCF — Alberta Association of Services for Children and Families

The Alberta Association of Services for Children and Families works to strengthen member agencies and promotes attitudes, practices and conditions that contribute to quality services for vulnerable children and families. Their website contains a variety of resources geared towards social service agencies.

AASAC — Alberta Association of Sexual Assault Centres

The Alberta Association of Sexual Assault Centres works to provide leadership, coordination, and a unified voice on issues of sexual violence while increasing recognition and support for sexual assault centres in Alberta.

ACP — Alberta College of Paramedics

The Alberta College of Paramedics is a self-governing body designated under the Health Disciplines Act. The College’s primary responsibility is to ensure that registered emergency medical responders, emergency medical technicians, and emergency medical technologist-paramedics provide competent, safe, and ethical care to the citizens of Alberta. All practitioners must register with the College in order to legally practice in Alberta.

ACSW — Alberta College of Social Workers

Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW) serves as the regulatory body for the profession of social work in Alberta. The ACSW also represents the social work profession in Alberta. It supports membership activities that promote skilled and ethical social work practice such as annual conferences and regional events.

ACSLPA — Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists

The Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (ACSLPA) is the regulatory body for the professions of speech-language pathology and audiology. ACSLPA is responsible for protecting and serving the public by regulating the practice of speech-language pathologists and audiologists in Alberta.

AHEA — Alberta Human Ecology and Home Economics Association (AHEA)

The AHEA is a self-regulated professional organization whose members are dedicated to improving the quality of life of families and individuals by helping them make the best use of their resources.

Alberta Magazine Publishers Association

Founded in 1995 by a dedicated group of Alberta magazine publishers, the objective is to develop a strong magazine industry through distribution and promotion of Alberta-based magazines.

Alberta Metal Building Association (Provincial: Alberta)

Alberta Metal Building Association is dedicated to preserving and improving the quality, service, integrity and successful growth of the metal building systems industry in Alberta by promoting: steel erection specific education and certification; recruitment of apprentices and journeymen to our services workforce; the use of quality engineering and design practices with the metal building systems manufacturing group; assured ethical treatment of its members’ customers, suppliers and sub-trades; cooperation as a group to assure conformity across the province with requirements laid down by the province and industry training for metal building system erectors.

APCA — Alberta Painting Contractors Association (Provincial: Alberta)

The Alberta Painting Contractors Association (APCA) represents the major players in the Alberta painting industry with a focus on commercial and industrial projects. APCA supports a skilled workforce providing quality service. APCA awards annual scholarships to assist apprentices seeking their journeyman trade designation in painting and decorating. Luncheon meetings are held from September through June to keep members advised of Association activities and to provide a forum for guest speakers with topics of direct relevance to the industry.

APA — Alberta Psychiatric Association (Provincial: Alberta)

The Alberta Psychiatric Association (APA) is the not-for-profit professional organization that represents the Psychiatrists of Alberta. For more than fifty years, the APA has advocated for its psychiatrist members by: providing leadership and support for their role in the provision of quality mental health care in Alberta; promoting effective professional relationships; and influencing health policy and clinical practice.

ASPB — Alberta Society of Professional Biologists

As a professional society and self-regulating body in Alberta, the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists is committed to the promotion of excellence in the practice of biology. The society organizes both symposia and in-house seminars on topics of interest to their members.

ASLA — Alberta Science Literacy Association

ASLA links scientists from industry, government and post-secondary institutions to students and communities across Alberta. They also act as an umbrella agency for four science networks based in Calgary, Edmonton, Medicine Hat, and Red Deer. Each network runs programs that place volunteer scientists in the classroom, offering experiential science opportunities to students – at no cost.

ATA — Alberta Teachers’ Association

The Alberta Teachers’ Association, as the professional organization of teachers in Alberta, promotes and advances public education, safeguards standards of professional practice, and serves as an advocate for its members.

ADRIO — ADR Institute of Ontario

The ADR (alternative dispute resolution) Institute of Ontario is a non-profit organization that assists the public, business and nonprofit communities, and government bodies at all levels to consider, design, implement and administer alternative (increasingly known as appropriate) dispute resolution strategies, programs and processes. ADRIO provides training standards, accreditation procedures, and educational and networking opportunities that contribute to the development of a community of ADR practitioners across Ontario that is competent, well-educated and highly professional in delivering ADR services.

AAO — Archives Association of Ontario

Consists of over 600 members and represents archival institutions, all those working in archives, as well as users and supporters of archives.

ADC — Art Dealers Association of Canada

The association was established to provide a professional platform that will set ethical standards for operating galleries, lobbying government on issues affecting the visual arts, and considering the problems of fake, forged and misrepresented art sold in member galleries.

AHPA — Arthritis Health Professions Association

A society of health professionals who work in the field of rheumatology. Its members are dedicated to improving health care standards for people with rheumatic diseases through the promotion of education and support of research among its members.

Assembly of British Columbia Arts Councils

The Assembly of British Columbia Arts Councils is dedicated to connecting communities to promote and advance community arts and cultural development in British Columbia. It’s mandate is to support the central role of arts and arts practices in building community and the unique ways in which arts and culture contribute to a strong, healthy society.

AAAC — Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada (National)

The association’s mission is to ensure the highest quality education of professionals by pursuing excellence in standards and processes of accreditation.

AAA — Association of Administrative Assistants

The Association’s mission is to assist members in the continuing development of administrative skill, underlying knowledge and professional growth, thus enhancing employment opportunities and contributions to both work place and community.

AARAR — Association of Alberta Registry Agents (Provincial: Alberta)

The AARA represents nearly 100% of registry agents in Alberta. Their registry agents provide a wide range of services to the Alberta public, from issuing driver’s licenses to registering automobiles, to birth certificate applications, and much more.

ACS — Association for Canadian Studies (National: Ottawa, ON)

The only national organization exclusively dedicated to the promotion of research, teaching, and publications on Canada. The ACS is particularly interested in multidisciplinary perspectives and encourages exchanges and collaboration between different programmes, centres, groups, institutes, and organizations working in the field of Canadian studies.

ACA — Association of Canadian Advertisers

Actively promotes the common interests of Canadian advertisers and provides expertise, education, pertinent information, and networking opportunities.

ACA — Association of Canadian Archivists (National: Ottawa, ON)

Provides leadership in the preservation of Canada’s Documentary Heritage, encourages awareness of archival activities and developments and the importance of archives to modern society, and acts as an advocate for the interests and needs of professional archivists before government and other regulatory agencies.

ACCC — Association of Canadian Choral Communities (National: Halifax, NS)

Founded in 1980, the Association of Canadian Choral Communities is a nonprofit organization that provides a national voice for conductors, singers, composers, publishers, and choral administrators across the country.

ACCC — Association of Canadian Community Colleges (National: Ottawa, ON)

Represents colleges and institutes to government, business and industry, both in Canada and internationally. ACCC also organizes conferences and workshops for college staff, students and board members, to facilitate networking and participation in national and international activities such as sector studies and awards programs.

ACMG — Association of Canadian Mountain Guides (National: Canmore, AB)

The ACMG is a professional association of trained and certified guides and instructors that is dedicated to protecting the public interest in mountain travel and climbing instruction.

ACPM — Association of Canadian Pension Management (National: Toronto, ON)

The Association of Canadian Pension Management (ACPM) is the national voice of Canada’s pension industry, dedicated to the health and growth of Canada’s retirement income system. It champions clarity in pension legislation, regulation and arrangements; good governance and administration; and balanced consideration of stakeholder interests.

ACP — Association of Canadian Publishers (National: Toronto, ON)

The Association of Canadian Publishers represents more than 140 Canadian-owned book publishers, with members from all provinces, and publishing sectors including literary, general trade, scholarly and education. In all its activities, the ACP aims to encourage the writing, publishing, distribution and promotion of Canadian books.

ACAATO — Association of Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology of Ontario (Regional: Toronto, ON)

ACAATO is the advocacy and marketing association of Ontario’s 21 colleges of applied arts and technology and three college institutes of technology and advanced learning.

ACT — Association of Community Theatres of Manitoba (Regional: Manitoba)

The purpose of the association is to promote the development and the growth of amateur theatre and the amateur performing arts in Manitoba.

ACEC — Association of Consulting Engineering Companies Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

The ACEC represents companies in Canada that provide professional engineering services to both public and private sector clients. These services include the planning, design, and execution of all types of engineering projects as well as providing independent advice and expertise in a wide range of engineering and engineering-related fields.

AETC — Association of Electromyography Technologists of Canada (National: Edmonton, AB)

This national professional Association was established to further the standards and education of individuals engaged in the practice of EMG technology and related disciplines; to promote and encourage the art and science of EMG technology; and to promote discussion and the exchange of ideas within the field of EMG technology.

AFMC — Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) is the national voice of Canada’s 17 faculties of medicine. AFMC Standing Committees provide guidance on continuing, postgraduate and undergraduate medical education as well as research and graduate studies. The AFMC Special Resource Committees and Resource Groups also address a variety of issues relevant to medical education.

AFP — Association of Fundraising Professionals

The professional association of individuals responsible for generating philanthropic support for a wide variety of not-for-profit charitable organizations. Founded in 1960, AFP advances philanthropy through its more than 26,000 members in 174 chapters in Canada, Hong Kong, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the United States.

AHP — Association for Healthcare Philanthropy Canada

The leading education organization and advocacy body for healthcare fundraising professionals in Canada.

AIC — Association of Independent Consultants

A community of specialists, experts and outsourced contractors in many fields. The AIC holds educational networking meetings, workshops, and their website has articles on consulting, a discussion board and a searchable database of consultants.

AIMS — Association of Internet Marketing & Sales

As Canada’s leading association for Internet marketing and sales professionals it provides a forum for education, discussion and networking. Its mission is to serve as a forum for Canadian decision makers to learn, share and contribute to the understanding of best practices and emerging trends within the Internet marketing and sales field.

ALPHA — Association of Local Public Health Agencies

A nonprofit organization that provides leadership to boards of health and public health units in Ontario. Members include board of health members of health units, medical and associate medical officers of health, and senior public health managers.

AMM — Association of Manitoba Museums (Regional: Winnipeg, MB)

The Association of Manitoba Museums was established in 1972 and is dedicated to providing affordable training to members as well as advocacy and advice. In addition they promote Manitoba museums to the public through their newsletter and website.

AMCTO — Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (Regional: Mississauga, ON)

AMCTO is the largest voluntary professional association in the municipal field in Ontario and the lead professional development organization for administrative staff in municipal government. Its mission is to provide training and educational programs to municipal professionals while influencing policies and legislation that affect the delivery of municipal programs and services.

ANSER — Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (National: Toronto, ON)

ANSER is working to build a collaborative community of scholars and researchers and develop a Canadian body of knowledge that encompasses such fields as community economic development, philanthropy, nonprofit management, volunteering, social and environmental accounting, government/voluntary sector relationships, social movements, citizen engagement, and civil society.

ANSUT — Association of Nova Scotia University Teachers (Regional: Halifax, NS)

ANSUT currently represents the faculty associations of all universities and degree-granting institutions in Nova Scotia, with the exception of Dalhousie University and the Nova Scotia Agricultural College.

AOHC — Association of Ontario Health Centres

A not-for-profit organization with member centres throughout Ontario which provide community-based primary health, health promotion and illness prevention services to more than 70 communities.

APICS — Association for Operations Management

APICS builds operations management excellence in individuals and enterprises through superior education and training, internationally recognized certifications, comprehensive resources, and a worldwide network of accomplished industry professionals.

APB — Association of Professional Biology

The APB represents approximately 1000 dedicated biology professionals, including Registered Professional Biologists, Registered Biology Technologists, Retired Biology Professionals, Biologists in Training, Trainee Biology Technologists, and student members.

APCC — Association of Professional Computer Consultants Canada


APEX — Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada

APEX, the national association for federal public service executives, fosters excellence in leadership and is an advocate on behalf of executive interests. Created in 1984, the association focuses on issues such as compensation, the work environment and public service management reform.

APRA — Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement

The goals of APRA-Canada are to accelerate knowledge about research tools, methodologies and techniques and act as a central source of information about research.

A.P.G.P. — Association des Professionnels en gestion philanthropique


ARMA — Association of Records Managers and Administrators – Canada

A nonprofit professional association for anyone interested in Records and Information Management and the related technological, legal, and corporate need issues within the industry.

ARGD — Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario

The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario’s vision is to drive the continuous development of professional graphic design by shaping the strategic leadership competencies of RGDs to optimize the performance of enterprises and to serve the public in an ethical manner.

ARUCC — Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada

The ARUCC was created in 1964 in response to the professional needs of student administrative services personnel in universities. Personnel representing the universities, community colleges and cegeps include registrars, admission directors, student records managers, student services managers and other personnel in the areas of student advisement and counselling, student financial aid and student placement.

ASWNC — Association of Social Workers in Northern Canada (Regional: Yellowknife, NT)

ASWNC represents social workers practicing in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon Territory. It strives to build a solid membership base, provide opportunities for communication among social workers across Northern Canada; advocate for improved working conditions for Northern social workers, and develop strong working relationships with government.

ASAP — Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals – Toronto Chapter (Local: Toronto, ON)

The leading global professional association dedicated to alliance formation and practice. They provide a forum to exchange alliance best practices, resources, and opportunities that drive corporate performance.

ASTRO — Association of Summer Theatres ‘Round Ontario (Regional: Toronto, ON)

A network of professional theatres committed to the support, growth, and cultivation of summer theatre in Ontario. By fostering partnerships, developing collaborative marketing strategies, sharing information, and networking with a creative and co-operative spirit, ASTRO provides vital artistic and economic opportunities for all of its participants.

AVLIC — Association of Visual Language Interpreters of Canada (National: Edmonton, AB)

A national professional association that represents interpreters whose working languages are English and American Sign Language (ASL). AVLIC works to promote high standards within the profession of interpreting.

VMPNS — Association of Volunteer Management Professionals Nova Scotia (Regional: Halifax, NS)

The Association of Volunteer Management Professionals Nova Scotia (VMPNS) is a provincial association for professionals and leaders working in the field of volunteer resource management. We promote competence and excellence in the leadership of volunteers by promoting professional development and networking.

AWCBC — Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada

Members cooperate to achieve excellence in their program and service delivery in support of the common goal of safe workplaces, healthy workers, and a fair, affordable workers’ compensation insurance system.

ACNA — Atlantic Community Newspapers Association (Regional: Bedford, NS)

Dedicated to the excellence, credibility, and economic well-being of its members through leadership, education, and communication.

AAC — Auditing Association of Canada (National: Oakville, ON)

The AAC is an association of auditors, practitioners and managers dedicated to advancing environmental, health and safety auditing in Canada. They promote the improved management of public and private organizations through the certification of auditors and the application of environmental and health and safety auditing ethics, principles, and standards.

BCAIRS — BC Alliance of Information and Referral Services (Regional: Vancouver, BC)

A professional association that aims to foster cooperation, communication and peer support, promote excellence in the field of information and referral, and promote I&R to the community.

BCACG — BC Association for Charitable Gaming

The British Columbia Association for Charitable Gaming (BCACG) is a nonprofit society, representing charities’ interests in British Columbia since 1997. Their members have access to gaming revenue though Direct Access, Bingo Affiliation or Raffles. BCACG addresses the concerns of charities with licensing and access to gaming revenue.

BCACC — BC Association of Clinical Counsellors

A society of regulated clinical counsellors dedicated to providing the highest standard of professional counselling, consulting, assessment, testing and training services. Members of the society act to enhance mental health by providing responsive, accountable, and ethical counselling, consulting, assessment, testing, and training services to individuals, couples, families and groups.

BCAFM – BC Association of Farmers’ Markets (Regional: Chilliwack, BC)

The BCAFM is committed to developing and strengthening the capacity of farmers’ markets in all regions of British Columbia. Their key areas of focus are providing education and training to market boards, managers and vendors, helping promote farmers’ markets to the public and key industry stakeholders, initiating and managing research and development activities, and dDelivering a unified industry voice for all BC farmers’ markets.

BC Association of Professionals with Disabilities (Regional: Victoria, BC)

Dedicated to maximizing the inclusion, job retention, and advancement of current and future professionals with disabilities. Supports professionals with disabilities no matter what their career field, title, or current employment status or situation may be.

CMA — BC Career Development Association (Regional: Victoria, BC)

The Career Management Association of BC is a professional association serving career development practitioners in BC. CMA exists to identify and move forward the interests and needs of organizations, associations and practitioners impacted by career development, career management and career information.

BCCA — British Columbia Chiropractic Association (Regional: Richmond, BC)

The British Columbia Chiropractic Association (BCCA) is dedicated to furthering the chiropractic profession through public awareness, promotion of health research and meaningful partnerships.

BCCPAC — BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (Regional: Vancouver, BC)

BCCPAC represents a membership of more than 1,000 parent advisory councils and district parent advisory councils from every school district in the province. Its purpose is to advance the public school education and well-being of children in the province of BC and promote and enhance meaningful parent participation.

BCHRMA — BC Human Resources Management Association (Regional: Vancouver, BC)

The BC Human Resources Management Association is a registered non-profit society dedicated to advancing professional people practices. Programs and services provide leadership to people working in all areas of human resources management in British Columbia.

BITP Net — British Columbia Internationally Trained Professionals Network (Regional: BC)

BCITP Net is a partnership of internationally trained professionals from around the province, working cooperatively, to improve access to meaningful employment for all immigrant professionals in BC. The purpose of BCITP Net is to help build associations and networks among internationally trained professionals.

BCNA — British Columbia Naturopathic Association (Regional: Vancouver, BC)

The professional association for naturopathic doctors practicing in the province of British Columbia.

BCNPHA — British Columbia Non-Profit Housing Association

The BCNPHA is an incorporated non-profit organization that was formed in 1993 to give a unified voice to the non-profit housing sector. BCNPHA takes a leadership role in representing the interests of the non-profit housing sector to government and the public. The Association participates in housing policy and program development with all levels of government.

BCSOT — British Columbia Society of Occupational Therapists

Established in 1958, BCSOT is the provincial, professional society representing occupational therapists (OT’s) in British Columbia. BCSOT is an advocate to healthcare decision makers on behalf of its members’ interests. The society is is committed to supporting its members in being recognized, valued and respected as vital partners in the promotion of health, independence and quality of life for British Columbians.

BBPA — Black Business and Professional Association

A nonprofit, charitable organization founded to address prejudices, perceptions and discriminations, and work for understanding and equity.

BCRSP — Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (National: Mississauga, ON)

The certifying body for occupational health, safety and environmental professionals. They promote occupational health and safety, environmental protection, and public safety through the certification of qualified professionals.

BPC — Book and Periodical Council (National: Toronto, ON)

The Book and Periodical Council is the umbrella organization for associations involved in the writing and editing, publishing and manufacturing, distribution, and selling and lending of books and periodicals in Canada.

BOTPMA — Break Open Ticket Program Management Alliance

A professional association of entrepreneurs whose members provide fundraising products, services and leadership for the charitable gaming industry in Ontario.

BCASW — British Columbia Association of Social Workers

A voluntary, not-for-profit membership association that provides support and professional development services to its members and a strong voice for professional and social advocacy.

CAEM — Canadian Association of Exposition Management

CAEM is the only national association solely dedicated to promoting, supporting, and defending the interests of the trade and consumer show industry in Canada. CAEM’s members include organizations that produce, plan and manage shows; suppliers of services and products to the trade and consumer show sector; and the venues where shows are hosted.

CAM — Canadian Association of Midwives (National: Montreal, Quebec)

The Canadian Association of Midwives (CAM) is the national organization representing midwives and the profession of midwifery in Canada. CAM provide leadership and advocacy for accessible, autonomous, and publicly funded midwifery. We promote the vital role of midwives in sexual, reproductive, and newborn health. Our work is grounded in equity, respectful care, informed choice, self-determination, and reproductive justice. We advocate for community-responsive midwifery and contribute to progressive health policy in Canada, and internationally.

CAPSC — Calgary Association of Parents and School Councils

A not-for-profit association that provides relevant and ongoing information and support, and a forum for discussion on key topics of interest, to parents and school council members of the Calgary Board of Education Schools.

CAPC — Calgary Association of Professional Coaches

CAPC is a not-for-profit association of professional coaches in Calgary who are members of the International Coach Federation. They also act as a connection point for people in Calgary who are interested in learning more about professional coaching and what it can do for them.

CCVO — Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations

A membership organization that is working to strengthen Calgary’s voluntary sector and provide leadership on policy matters impacting the sector as a whole.

CATE — Canada Association of Tourism Employees

Canada Association of Tourism Employees is a membership organizations mandated to add fringe benefits to Canada 800,000 tourism workers by enhancing their lifestyles’ development, sponsoring training in tourism and improving the tourism environment while adding to the over arching industry with attractions and festivals.

ITACC — Canada Information Technology Association

The Canada Information Technology Association (ITACC) is a registered nonprofit organization. ITACC is dedicated to serving the IT professionals, not only among the Canadian Chinese community, but also within the international Asian community.

CaGBC — Canada Green Building Council (National: Ottawa, ON)

The council is a broad-based inclusive coalition of representatives from different segments of the design and building industry. The council works to develop best design practices and guidelines, advocate for green buildings, and develop educational tools to support its members in implementing sustainable design and construction practices.

COACH — Canada’s Health Informatics Association (National: Toronto, ON)

An organization dedicated to promoting a clear understanding of health informatics within the Canadian health system through education, information, networking and communication.

CAAA — Canadian Academic Accounting Association (National: Toronto, ON)

The Canadian Academic Accounting Association (CAAA) is an organization of accounting educators, professional accountants and others who are involved in, or concerned about, research and education in accounting and related areas.

CAA — Canadian Academy of Audiology (National: Toronto, ON)

The Canadian Academy of Audiology is a professional organization dedicated to enhancing the profession of audiology, the provision of quality hearing health care and education to those with, or at risk for, hearing and/or vestibular disorders. The academy further strives to represent the audiological community on relevant national issues in a timely, organized manner.

CAEA — Canadian Actors’ Equity Association

The professional association representing performers (actors, dancers, singers), directors, choreographers, fight directors and stage managers, engaged in theatre, opera and dance in English Canada.

CAVR — Canadian Administrators of Volunteer Resources

The mission of the Canadian Administrators of Volunteer Resources is to provide and maintain a national association which promotes the professional administration of volunteer resources, certification of membership, continuing education standards and collaboration with provincial, national and international organizations.

CASI — Canadian Aeronautics & Space Institute

The Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) is a nonprofit, professional scientific and technical organization devoted to the advancement of the art, science, and engineering of aeronautics, astronautics, and associated technologies in Canada.

CACHCA — Canadian Alliance of Community Health Centre Associations

The Canadian Alliance of Community Health Centre Associations was established in 1995 to provide support to Canada’s provincially-based community health centre organizations (CHCs) and to represent the interests of those organizations at the national level.

CASA — Canadian Alliance of Student Associations

An alliance of 18 student associations and student unions from across Canada. Through this network of college and university student governments, CASA represents and defends the interests of more than 300,000 post-secondary education students to federal and inter-provincial levels of government.

CAMMAC — Canadian Amateur Musicians – Musiciens amateurs du Canada (National: Harrington, QC)

CAMMAC is a non-profit Canadian organization which provides opportunities for musicians (singers and instrumentalists) of all levels to meet other musicians and to make music together in a relaxed, non-competitive atmosphere.

CAMMAC est un organisme culturel à but non lucratif au sein duquel les amoureux de la musique peuvent participer à diverses activités dans un cadre amical et non-compétitif.

CARFAC — Canadian Artists Representation/Le front des artistes canadiens (National: Ottawa, ON)

CARFAC is the national voice of Canada’s professional visual artists. As a nonprofit association and a national art service organization, its mandate is to promote the visual arts in Canada, to promote a socio-economic climate that is conducive to the production of visual arts in Canada, and to conduct research and engage in public education for these purposes.

CAPACOA — Canadian Arts Presenting Association (National: Ottawa, ON)

CAPACOA strives to be a unifying voice for those involved in presenting the performing arts. Members include provincial governments, federal and provincial arts councils, provincial, national and international presenter networks, artists, artist managements, and performing arts facilities.

CAB — Canadian Association of Broadcasters

CAB is the voice of most of Canada’s private radio and television stations and specialty services. We provide facts and latest news about the private broadcasting industry, and we are committed to helping bring you what you want to watch and listen to.

CACR — Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation (National: Winnipeg, MB)

The goal of the CACR is to provide leadership in clinical practice, research and advocacy in cardiac disease prevention, and rehabilitation for the enhancement and maintenance of cardiovascular health of Canadians.

CACEE — Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers

Our mission is to provide authoritative information, advice, professional development opportunities, and other services to employers, career services professionals, and students.

CACP — Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (National: Ottawa, ON)

The association promotes progressive change in policing through conferences, advocating for legislative reforms, and information sharing.

CAEP — Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (National: Ottawa, ON)

As the national voice of emergency medicine, CAEP represents and provides advocacy for emergency physicians and the emergency health care needs of the Canadian public.

CAFE — Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions (National: Ottawa, ON)

Provides leadership and delivers programs and services that respond to the needs of members as they redefine their future direction and role in the twenty-first century.

CAFE — Canadian Association of Family Enterprise (National: Oakville, ON)

A national organization dedicated to promoting the well-being and understanding of families in business. Its objective is to educate, inform and encourage members in areas of unique interest to family business, through a stimulating program of activities that provide the best sources of information and professional advice available.

CAFRP — Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs

A national association which promotes the well-being of families by providing national leadership, consultation and resources to those who care for children and support families.

CAFA — Canadian Association of Farm Advisors (National: Winnipeg, MB)

The Canadian Association of Farm Advisors is a nonprofit professional organization dedicated to assisting farm families and businesses by increasing the skills and knowledge of farm advisors.

CAFP — Canadian Association of Financial Planners

Represents individual practitioners in the personal financial planning profession.

CAFF — Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals

The CAFF works to safeguard the integrity of Fringe Festivals, recognize that the health of all member festivals is important to the circuit and therefore the artists’ health as a whole, and encourage communication and cooperation between member festivals thereby fostering the continuity of their guiding principles.

CAG — Canadian Association on Gerontology

A national, multidisciplinary association established to provide leadership in matters relating to the aging population in Canada.

CAGP — Canadian Association of Gift Planners*Association Canadienne des Professionnels en Dons Planifies

Supports Philanthropy by fostering the development and growth of gift planning.

CAHSPR — Canadian Association for Health Service and Policy Researchers (National: Ottawa, ON)

CAHSPR is a multi-disciplinary organization dedicated to improving the quality, relevance and application of health services and policy research. Its members are health services and policy researchers from a wide range of disciplines, as well as “research users” from government and non-government organizations and industry.

CAIS — Canadian Association of Independent Schools (National: King City, ON)

An association for independent schools that operate within Canada or offer a curriculum leading to a Canadian diploma in a location outside of the country. Member schools are nonprofit institutions with elected Boards of Governors who are responsible for hiring a Head to manage the daily operation of the school.

CAJ — Canadian Association of Journalists (National: Ottawa, ON)

The CAJ promotes excellence in journalism, encouraging investigative journalism. We serve as the national voice of Canadian journalists, and we uphold the public’s right to know.

CALS — Canadian Association for Leisure Studies

An organization of Canadian and international scholars and practitioners who share an interest in recreation and leisure research and the delivery of leisure services.

CMC-Canada — Canadian Association of Management Consultants

CMC-Canada fosters excellence and integrity in the management consulting profession as a whole. CMC-Canada administers, and its provincial Institutes confer, the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) designation in Canada. The Association and its members advocate for the CMC designation and are dedicated to advancing the profession and delivering the benefits of those efforts to the client community.

CAMT — Canadian Association for Music Therapy

The CAMT is the national body promoting music therapy and supporting, advocating and accrediting music therapists in Canada.

CAND—Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (National: Toronto, ON)

The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) has been the national voice of the Canadian naturopathic profession since 1955. The CAND membership consists of over 1,500 Canadian naturopathic doctors and naturopathic medical students. All are graduates of, or students in, an accredited four-year, post-graduate level, naturopathic medical program.

CAOT—Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (National: Ottawa, ON)

The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists provides services, products, events and networking opportunities to assist occupational therapists achieve excellence in their professional practice. In addition CAOT provides national leadership to actively develop and promote the client-centred profession of occupational therapy in Canada and internationally.

CAO—Canadian Association of Optometrists (National: Ottawa, ON)

The mission of the Canadian Association of Optometrists is to represent the profession of Optometry; to enhance the quality, availability, and accessibility of eye, vision, and related health care; to enhance and promote the independent, and ethical decision-making of its members; and to assist doctors of optometry in practicing successfully in accordance with the highest standards of patient care.

CAPHC — Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centre (National: Ottawa, ON)

A national, not-for-profit, organization whose members are multidisciplinary health professionals that provide care for children, youth, and families within community, regional, and tertiary/quaternary healthcare facilities, rehabilitation centres, community care access centres, and home care facilities nationwide.

CAPIC—Canadian Association of Photographers and Illustrators in Communications

Canada’s premiere association of visual communicators. CAPIC actively and successfully represents the interests of members in a wide range of areas from copyright to business practice.

CAPE — Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment

CAPE is a group of physicians, allied health care practitioners and citizens committed to a healthy and sustainable environment. As an organization composed mostly of physicians, CAPE brings its health expertise to environmental issues and is an important voice for environmental health in Canada.

CAP — Canadian Association of Physicists (National: Ottawa, ON)

Since 1945, the Canadian Association of Physicists has been the embodiment of the physics community’s efforts to highlight achievements in Canadian physics and to pursue scientific, educational, public policy and communication initiatives that enhance the vitality of the discipline. CAP activities help to inform members of developments in the field and raise awareness of the field among Canadian youth, tomorrow’s physicists.

CAPG— Canadian Association of Police Governance (National: Ottawa, ON)

The CAPB is a nonprofit, nationally incorporated organization dedicated to the delivery of effective police governance in Canada, working in partnership with the federal government and other national, provincial and local agencies. The CAPB is committed to representing the views of municipal police governing authorities across Canada, to providing a means for the collection and sharing of information related to policing, and to serving as a liaison with federal and provincial ministries responsible for policing matters.

CAPC — Canadian Association of Political Consultants (National: Oakville, ON)

The Canadian Association of Political Consultants is the professional organization for people working in the fields of politics, and policy making in Canada.

CAP — Canadian Association of Principals (National: Ottawa, ON)

The mission of the CAP is to represent the professional perspectives of principals and vice-principals at the national level and to provide the leadership necessary to ensure quality educational opportunities for Canadian students.

CAPAPA — Canadian Association of Professional Access and Privacy Administrators (National)

As Canada’s voice of access and privacy, CAPAPA’s public advocacy serves Canada’s information access and privacy professionals from all sectors including industry, government, law enforcement, education and academia.

CAPC — Canadian Association of Professional Conservators (National: Toronto, ON)

CAPC is a nonprofit corporation which was established in 1971 with the primary aim of raising the standards of competence, integrity, and ethics in conservation in Canada. To accomplish this, CAPC has established criteria for the accreditation of conservators and conservation scientists.

CAPE — Canadian Association of Professional Educators

CAPE Canada is a not-for-profit professional association for Canadian educators. They provide educators, and those organizations with educators, access to the latest information, programs, and training for all topics related to educating people.

CAPHC — Canadian Association of Professional Heritage Consultants (National: Ottawa, ON)

CAPHC was founded in 1987 to represent the interests of professional practitioners in many related fields of heritage conservation. The organization also works to enhance awareness and appreciation of heritage resources, and the contribution of heritage consultants, and to foster communication among private practitioners, public agencies, and the public at large in matters related to heritage conservation.

CAPPDT — Canadian Association of Professional Pet Dog Trainers (National: Shelburne, ON)

CAPPDT works to further the concept of dog-friendly and humane training techniques. They endeavor to provide a single source of access to educational opportunities, peer networking, and event advertising of the highest quality.

CAPRA — Canadian Association of Professional Regulatory Affairs (National: Toronto, ON)

A nonprofit association dedicated to providing information and education for regulatory affairs professionals in the health-care industry in Canada.

CAPS — Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (National: Toronto, ON)

The association represents hundreds of professional trainers, facilitators, and keynoters from coast to coast. It offers many resources for speakers, as well as those who are looking for a professional speaker.

Canadian Association of Professionals with Disabilities (National: Victoria, BC)

Dedicated to maximizing the inclusion, job retention, and advancement of current and future professionals with disabilities. Supports professionals with disabilities no matter what their career field, title, or current employment status or situation may be.

CARO — Canadian Association of Radiation Oncologists (National: Vancouver, BC)

A national professional association representing the official voice of radiation oncology in Canada in relation to the public interest and professional interest in the provision of radiation oncology consultative and treatment services.

CART — Canadian Association of Retired Teachers (National: Ottawa, ON)

The association facilitates and promotes networking among member organizations, develops strategies for joint action on matters of common concern to members, and promotes and supports public education.

CASN — Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (National: Ottawa, ON)

CASN is the national voice for nursing education and nursing research and represents nursing programs in Canada. The association establishes and promotes national standards of excellence for nursing education, contributes to public policy, and provides a national forum for issues in nursing education and research.

CASSW — Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work (National: Ottawa, ON)

A national nongovernmental membership organization of educational institutions and associated individuals whose purpose is to advance the standards, effectiveness, and relevance of social work education and scholarship in Canada, and in other countries through active participation in international associations.

CASLT — Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers

Promotes the advancement of second language teaching throughout Canada by creating opportunities for professional development, by encouraging research, and by facilitating the sharing of information and the exchange of ideas among second language educators.

CASWE — Canadian Association for Social Work Education

The Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE) is a voluntary, national charitable association of university faculties, schools, and departments offering professional education in social work at the undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate levels.

CASW — Canadian Association of Social Workers

A national voice on behalf of some 13,000 members. It has a proactive approach to issues pertinent to social work, and produces and distributes timely information for its members.

CASLPA — Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists

CASLPA is the single national body that supports the needs, interests and development of speech-language pathologists and audiologists across Canada.

CASHRA — Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies (National: Yellowknife, NT)

CASHRA is the national association of Canada’s government agencies charged with administering provincial and territorial human rights legislation. Its goals are to foster collaboration among its members and to serve as a national voice on human rights issues of common concern.

CAUBO — Canadian Association of University Business Officers (National: Ottawa, ON)

The mission of the Canadian Association of University Business Officers is to promote and support the professional management and effective leadership in the administrative affairs of Canadian universities and colleges, and in doing so to help achieve the goals of the institutions it serves.

CAUCE — Canadian Association for University Continuing Education

A professional association of deans, directors, senior administrative personnel and practitioners whose professional careers are in university continuing education in Canada. The mission of the association is to enlarge the scope and quality of educational opportunities for adults at the university level by enhancing the stature and expertise of those institutions and individuals devoted to providing those opportunities.

CAUT — Canadian Association of University Teachers (National: Ottawa, ON)

CAUT is the national voice of 48,000 teachers, librarians, researchers, and other academic professionals committed to improving the quality and accessibility of post-secondary education in Canada.

CAWEE — Canadian Association of Women Executives and Entrepreneurs

CAWEE is a networking and social alliance of innovative entrepreneurs, successful small business owners and business leaders from some of Canada’s most influential organizations.

CAWC — Canadian Association of Wound Care

The Canadian Association of Wound Care (CAWC) is a not-for-profit organization of health care professionals, industry participants, patients, and caregivers dedicated to the advancement of wound care in Canada.

CATA — Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (National: Calgary, AB)

The CATA is a progressive not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and delivery of the highest quality care to active individuals through injury prevention, emergency services and rehabilitative techniques.

CBA — Canadian Bar Association

The primary association for Canada’s legal profession

CBBAG — Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild

A group of professionals and amateurs from all quarters of the book arts who work to promote greater public awareness of the book arts, increase educational opportunities and foster excellence through exhibitions, workshops, lectures, and publications.

CBSR — Canadian Business for Social Responsibility

A not-for-profit membership association of Canadian businesses that encourages and supports its member companies in developing responsible and profitable business practices.

CCA — Canadian Carwash Association

The Canadian Carwash Association is dedicated to sharing knowledge and best practices, as well as promoting the benefits of professional car washing in Canada.

CCIA — Canadian Career Information Association (National: Barrie, ON)

Brings together individuals who share a common interest in the development, distribution, and use of career resources. Membership in open to educational institutions, libraries, businesses, government and community organizations, students, and private practitioners interested in career-related information for client and professional use.

CCC — Canadian Caregiver Coalition

The Canadian Caregiver Coalition is a bilingual alliance composed of individuals, groups, and organizations whose mission is to come together with a unified voice, to influence policy, and to promote awareness and action to address the needs of caregivers of all ages across Canada.

CCCF — Canadian Child Care Federation (National: Ottawa, ON)

Works to improve the quality of child care services for Canadian families by providing information to and facilitating networking among a broad range of target groups, including direct service providers, child care organizations, educational institutions, government policy makers, and public opinion leaders.

CCCBET — Canadian Coalition of Community-Based Employability Training

The Canadian Coalition of Community-Based Employability Training (CCCBET) is a national, nonprofit organization whose membership is comprised of appointees from provincially chartered community-based training associations.

CCGG — Canadian Coalition for Good Governance (National: Toronto, ON)

The mission of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance is to represent Canadian institutional shareholders through the promotion of best corporate governance practices and to align the interests of boards and management with those of the shareholder.

CCHL — Canadian College of Health Leaders (National: Ottawa, ON)

A national association of health service executives that provides the opportunity for professional support and contributes to the advancement of health services management. The college offers a forum for the exchange of ideas and information, a career network, and professional development opportunities.

CCPCP — Canadian College of Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists

CCPCP’s vision is to create, promote and implement ethical, legal and just standards of practice for the benefit of the Canadian public, who engage in counselling and psychotherapy services throughout Canada.

CAA — Canadian Communication Association (National)

The CCA seeks to promote communication research and studies in the belief that a better understanding of communication issues is vital to an informed public and building a healthy reasoning society. Members come from all provinces and a variety of disciplinary backgrounds including journalism, communication studies, and the social and human sciences.

CCEDNet — Canadian Community Economic Development Network

The members of the CCEDNetwork represent many of the leading CED practitioners in Canada, from every region of the country. They include both urban and rural practitioners, and a diverse range of community economic development experience.

CCNA — Canadian Community Newspapers Association (National: Toronto, ON)

The Canadian Community Newspapers Association is the national voice of the community press in Canada. It represents more than 670 English-language community newspapers with a total first-edition circulation of more than 6.8 million copies per week.

CCA — Canadian Co-operative Association (International: Ottawa, ON)

The CCA provides national leadership to promote, unite, and develop co-operatives and credit unions in Canada and around the world.

CCCA — Canadian Corporate Counsel Association

The Canadian Corporate Counsel Association is the only member organization in Canada providing a dedicated national forum and voice for the in-house counsel profession. Its membership consists of corporate counsel employed in virtually every industry in Canada, encompassing public and private businesses, nonprofit organizations, municipalities and crown corporations.

CCTFA — Canadian Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association

The Canadian Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CCTFA) is the Canadian trade association for the personal care products industry.

CCAE — Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education

Dedicated to fostering excellence in institutional advancement, and to contributing to the realization of institutional goals within post-secondary education in Canada.

CCA – Alberta — Canadian Council for the Americas Alberta (Provincial: Alberta)

CCA-Alberta is the pre-eminent link between Alberta-based businesses and the markets of Latin America and the Caribbean. Through a variety of informational events and networking opportunities, our mission is to forge enhanced trade linkages between Albertan companies and countries of this region.

CCCE — Canadian Council of Chief Executives

A not-for-profit, non-partisan organization composed of the CEOs of Canada’s leading enterprises. It engages in an active program of research, consultation and advocacy in order to build a stronger Canada economically and socially.

CCCC — Canadian Council of Christian Charities

The Canadian Council of Christian Charities is a member-based association of Canadian faith-based registered charities providing practical, expert resources for the support and leadership functions of charities. Topics include governance, charity law, receipting, fundraising, stewardship in the areas of governance, finance and accounting, charity law, and human resources.

CCC — Canadian Council of Churches (National: Toronto, ON)

An agency through which member churches and other ecumenical groups can together undertake Christian ventures, initiating and responding to life in Canada and beyond.

CCHRA — Canadian Council of Human Resources Associations

The mission of CCHRA is to establish national core standards for the human resources profession; promote communication among participating associations; and provide a national and international collective voice on human resources issues.

CCIC — Canadian Council for International Co-operation

A coalition of 130 voluntary organizations committed to achieving global development in a peaceful and healthy environment, with social justice, human dignity and participation for all. Represents members interests to the government, media and public.

Atlantic Regional Committee (902) 676-2248

Association quebecoise des organismes de cooperation internationale (514) 597-2288

B.C. Council for International Co-operation (604) 685-7716

Development Education Co-ordinating Council of Alberta (403) 269-4744

Manitoba Council for International Co-operation (204) 786-2106

Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC) A membership association of Ontario-based, not-for-profit, voluntary organizations and individual associates working both in the North and South for global justice. OCIC facilitates networking, the exchange of information, and capacity building among and for the membership, with a specific focus on the issue of public engagement.

Saskatchewan Council for International Co-operation (306) 757-4669

CCPPP — Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships (National: Toronto, ON)

A national nonpartisan, nonprofit organization founded on the belief that the capacity of government to meet its current and future infrastructure and service obligations can be enhanced through public-private partnerships.

CCTT — Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists

A federation of provincial professional associations and societies, representing the interests of engineering and applied science technologists and technicians.

CCACC — Canadian Counselling Association

A national association of professionally trained counsellors engaged in the helping professions. Its members work in many diverse fields of education, employment and career development, social work, business, industry, mental health, public service agencies, government and private practice.

ACCP/CCPA — Association canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie / Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association

L’Association canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie (ACCP) est un organisme national bilingue qui propose aux thérapeutes en counseling ainsi qu’aux psychothérapeutes des programmes éducatifs exclusifs ainsi que des possibilités de certification, de perfectionnement professionnel et d’établissement de relations directes avec des pairs professionnels et des groupes spécialisés. L’ACCP fait la promotion de ces professions et de leur contribution à la santé mentale et au bien-être de l’ensemble des Canadiennes et Canadiens.

The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) is a national bilingual association providing professional counsellors and psychotherapists with access to exclusive educational programs, certification, professional development and direct contact with professional peers and specialty groups. CCPA promotes the profession and its contribution to the mental health and well-being of all Canadians.

Canadian Dance Assembly

CDA — Canadian Dental Association

The authoritative national voice, resource, and focus of unity for the profession of dentistry in Canada.

CEA — Canadian Economics Association

The Canadian Economics Association (CEA) is the organization of academic economists in Canada. The association works to advance of economic knowledge through the encouragement of study and research, the issuing of publications, and the furtherance of free and informed discussion of economic questions.

CEA — Canadian Education Association

A nation-wide, bilingual, non-partisan association that brings together everyone involved in education in Canada with one central objective – the improvement of education.

CEGN — Canadian Environmental Grantmakers’ Network (National: Toronto, ON)

A membership group of private, community, public and corporate foundations, and government and corporate funders that give grants in support of the Canadian environment.

CES — Canadian Evaluation Society

The society is dedicated to the advancement of evaluation for its members and the public.

CES — Canadian Evaluation Society, Ontario Chapter

The Canadian Evaluation Society – Ontario Chapter is the provincial professional association of evaluators committed to supporting evaluation and its practitioners in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors through professional development, standards, member support, education and the promotion of evaluation.

CFHSS — Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Through its activities, the federation strives to support and advance Canada’s research in the humanities and social science, fields which are intrinsically important to the development of social, cultural and economic understanding, thus giving our society necessary tools to address the most complex of questions.

CFA — Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists

The CFA mission was established to foster continuing growth, quality and high standards of education and practice within the aromatherapy profession and provide on-going information about quality of aromatherapy products and services to the public.

CFBPWC — Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs

Links business and professional women across Canada to provide support for and recognition of their achievements, and to work toward equality of opportunity and economic security for all women.

CFHS — Canadian Federation of Humane Societies

The national voice for humane societies and SPCAs in Canada. They represent member societies on issues of national importance, and provide services that will make members stronger and will help them better serve their communities.

CFIB — Canadian Federation of Independent Business (National: Willowdale, ON)

Since 1971 the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) has been giving small firms a big voice in the public arena. With more than 100,000 independent business members, its mandate is to promote and protect Canada’s free enterprise system.

CFMHN — Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses (National: Toronto, ON)

An associate group of the Canadian Nurses’ Association (CNA), CFMHN is a national voice for psychiatric and mental health (PMH) nursing. They provide education and networking opportunities, and address national mental health concerns, including advising on government policy.

CFMTA — Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations (National: Surrey, BC)

The CFMTA was formed in 1935 and is a federation of provincial music teacher associations and their members. Their purpose is to strengthen the work of provincial registered music teacher associations through collaboration, resulting in the promotion and maintenance of high standards of teaching among members.

CFA — Canadian Forestry Association (National: Pembroke, ON)

Founded in 1900, the CFA is Canada’s oldest conservation organization. For over 100 years it has advocated the protection and wise use of Canada’s forest, water, and wildlife resources through public awareness and education programs. By promoting sustainable forest development, management and conservation, the CFA helps shape the future of Canada’s forest and nurtures our economic and environmental health.

CFA — Canadian Franchise Association (National: Toronto, ON)

The CFA is committed to promoting and exemplifying ethical franchising and to identifying and encouraging the best practices in franchising.

CGA — Canadian Gaming Association (National: Toronto, ON)

The CGA’s mandate is to create a better understanding of the gaming entertainment industry and the issues that affect the thousands of businesses across the country that depend on it for their livelihood.

CHA — Canadian Healthcare Association

The Canadian Healthcare Association (CHA) is the federation of provincial and territorial hospital and health organizations across Canada. Its mission is to improve the delivery of health services through policy development, advocacy, and leadership.

CHFA — Canadian Health Food Association (National: Toronto, ON)

The CHFA promotes the views and interests of its members and provides leadership to its members by promoting natural health products, whole foods, and organics as the primary source of well-being for all Canadians. Through advocacy, education, communications and promotional initiatives, the CHFA continues to reinforce its role as the voice of the natural products industry.

CHRA — Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA)

CHIMA represents more than 3,700 certified Health Information Management (HIM™ ) professionals from across Canada in addition to 1,300 affiliate, student and retired members. HIM professionals are employed in: hospitals; in the community health and extended care sectors; government; health and education institutions; the private sector including insurance and pharmaceutical companies; technology vendors; and consulting firms.

CHLA — Canadian Health Libraries Association (National: Toronto, ON)

The CHLA is a professional organization of approximately 400 individuals in the health sciences library field in Canada. Its mission is to improve health and health care by promoting excellence in access to information.

CHCA — Canadian Home Care Association

The national leadership voice and access point for information and knowledge for home and community care.

CHTA — Canadian Horticultural Therapy Association (National: Guelph, ON)

The Canadian Horticultural Therapy Association’s mission is to promote the use and awareness of horticulture as a therapeutic modality. Members include professionals such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists, recreation therapists, social workers, nurses, psychologists, landscape architects and designers, horticulturists, and people who have a passion for gardening. They work in a variety of settings from nursing homes and hospitals to vocational training centres and prisons.

CHPCA — Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (National: Ottawa, ON)

CHPCA offers leadership in the pursuit of excellence in care for persons approaching death so that the burdens of suffering, loneliness, and grief are lessened.

CIFST – Canadian Institute of Food Science & Technology 

Founded in 1951, CIFST is the national association for food and beverage sector professionals. Its membership of approximately 1,000 individuals is comprised of scientists and technologists in industry, government and academia who are committed to advancing food science and technology. The purpose of CIFST is to advocate and promote the quality, safety and wholesomeness of the food supply through the application of science and technology by linking food science professionals from industry, government and academia.

CIMA — Canadian Independent Music Association

The trade organization representing the independent sector of the Canadian music and sound recording industry.

CIRA — Canadian Industrial Relations Association

The association provides information and support to those interested in industrial relations, work and employment, including union-management relations, labour law, human resources management, and related issues.

CIPS — Canadian Information Processing Society

Canada’s largest association for information technology (IT) professionals. CIPS serves as the voice and champion of the IT profession representing the interests of IT professionals to industry and government.

CIA — Canadian Institute of Actuaries (National: Ottawa, ON)

As the professional Canadian organization of actuaries dedicated to serving the public and its members, CIA’s mission is to: develop and maintain the highest professional standards; enhance the influence and profile of actuaries; provide programs for research and for the education and qualification of its members; and make a meaningful contribution to public policy.

CICAM — Canadian Institute of Certified Administrative Managers (National: Toronto, ON)

A professional association dedicated to advancing the science of management and administration.

CICA — Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants

CIE — Canadian Institute of Entrepreneurship (National)

CIE is an academic professional association that is dedicated to promoting education in entrepreneurship. It offers the CIE academic designation in partnership with Canadian post-secondary institutions.

CIM — Canadian Institute of Management (National: Barrie, ON)

The Canadian Institute of Management is committed to leadership in promoting management professionalism, efficiency, effectiveness and excellence in individuals and organizations. As a nonprofit association, it is Canada’s senior management organization dedicated to professional development.

CIP — Canadian Institute of Planners (National: Ottawa, ON)

The national professional institute and certification body for the planning profession in Canada. It has been dedicated to the advancement of responsible planning throughout Canada since 1919.

CIPH — Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating (National: Montreal, QC)

The Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating (CIPH), founded in Montreal in 1933, is a not -for-profit trade association that is committed to providing members with the tools for success in today’s competitive environment. More than 260 companies are members of this influential Canadian industry association. They are the manufacturers, wholesaler distributors, master distributors, manufacturers’ agents, and allied companies who manufacture and distribute plumbing, hydronic heating, industrial, waterworks, and other mechanical products. CIPH wholesalers operate more than 700 warehouses and showrooms across Canada. Total industry sales exceed $6 billion annually.

CIPHI — Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (National: White Rock, BC)

CIPHI advances the profession, science and field of environmental public health through certification, advocacy, education, and setting standards. We protect the health of Canadians and represent environmental public health professionals across Canada.

CITT — Canadian Institute of Traffic and Transportation

Provides professional development and certification in transportation and distribution management to forward thinking professionals across Canada. The C.I.T.T. is the leading provider of professional development and certification in the areas of distribution and logistics.

CLAIHR — Canadian Lawyers Association for International Human Rights

A nonprofit organization established to promote and protect human rights internationally through the use of law and legal institutions. Its membership is comprised of lawyers, law students, judges, and people interested in law and international human rights.

CLA — Canadian Library Association

The national English language association which represents those who work in or advocate for CanadaI`s estimated 21,000 libraries.

CLHIA — Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association

Provides publications on a wide range of topics related to life and health insurance.

CMA — Canadian Marketing Association

The largest marketing association in Canada, representing the integration and convergence of all marketing disciplines, channels and technologies.

CMS — Canadian Math Society

The Canadian Mathematical Society promotes and advances the discovery, learning and application of mathematics in Canada by fostering the community of mathematicians, promoting mathematical research, supporting education efforts at all levels, and championing mathematics in the Canadian public.

CMA — Canadian Medical Association

CMHA — Canadian Mental Health Association

CMHA views itself as a consumer centered organization, providing leadership in the promotion of mental health reform and public understanding. It believes members are vital to the success of the association.

CMOS — Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Association

CMOS is the national society of individuals and organisations dedicated to advancing atmospheric and oceanic sciences and related environmental disciplines in Canada. Their aim is to promote meteorology and oceanography in Canada, and they serve the interests of meteorologists, climatologists, oceanographers, limnologists, hydrologists, and cryospheric scientists in Canada.

CMA — Canadian Museums Association

The Canadian Museums Association (CMA) is the voice for Canada’s vibrant museum community, from small, volunteer-driven organizations to cherished national institutions, and for the millions of Canadians whose lives are enriched by museums. We advocate for public policies and support, we build skills across the profession, and we establish and inspire connections to strengthen and sustain museums.

L’Association des musées canadiens (AMC) est le porte-parole de la très dynamique communauté muséale canadienne. Elle représente autant les plus petites organisations, composées de bénévoles, ainsi que les grandes institutions nationales fort prisées, pour le bénéfice de millions de Canadiens dont la vie est enrichie grâce aux musées. Nous plaidons pour une aide et des politiques publiques, nous favorisons le perfectionnement des professionnels du secteur, nous tissons et encourageons des liens permettant d’appuyer et de renforcer les musées.

CNA/ACN — Canadian Naturopathic Association / L’association canadienne de naturopathie

The national professional association representing the interest of naturopathic doctors (NDs) at the federal level and co-ordinating national promotional and legislative initiatives.

CNIE — Canadian Network for Innovation in Education)

CNIE is a national association of professionals committed to excellence in the provision of distance education in Canada.

CNA — Canadian Newspaper Association (National: Toronto, ON)

The Canadian Newspaper Association represents Canadian daily newspapers (English and French) with circulations ranging from 3,500 to more than 500,000 per day. Its primary role is to represent the needs of its members and the public in the areas of public policy, marketing, and member services.

CNA — Canadian Nurses Association (National: Ottawa, ON)

The Canadian Nurses Association is a federation of 11 provincial and territorial nursing associations representing more than 120,000 registered nurses. Its mission is to advance the quality of nursing in the interest of the public.

COPA — Canadian Office Products Association

Dedicated to representing companies in the office products industry. Established in 1933, COPA represents 700 members across Canada and the United States.

Canadian Paediatric Society

A national professional association that advocates for the health needs of children and youth. We produce guidelines on the care of children and youth, as well as health information for parents and caregivers. Our 2,000 members include paediatricians and other child health professionals.

CPRA — Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (National: Ottawa, ON)

The national voice for a vibrant grassroots network with partnerships that connect people who build healthy, active communities, and impact the everyday lives of Canadians.

CPA — Canadian Payroll Association

The Canadian Payroll Association (CPA) is the national association that has been representing employer payroll interests in Canada since 1978. The CPA is influential, affecting payroll legislative policies and practices in hundreds of thousands of small, medium and large employers, and payroll service and software providers.

CPhA — Canadian Pharmacists Association

The national voluntary organization of pharmacists committed to providing leadership for the profession of pharmacy.

CPA — Canadian Physiotherapy Association (National: Ottawa, ON)

The Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) represents over 12,000 physiotherapists, physiotherapist assistants and physiotherapist students across Canada. CPA members are rehabilitation professionals dedicated to the health, mobility and fitness of Canadians. In partnership with provincial and territorial branches and practice divisions, CPA enables members to learn, share knowledge and enhance practice. CPA provides resources, education, ideas and advocacy to enable our professional community to better serve Canadians.

CPSA — Canadian Political Science Association

The CPSA works to encourage and develop political science and its relationship with other disciplines. Regular and student memberships are available, and the main function of the organization is to service its essentially scholarly membership.

CPATH — Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health (National)

CPATH is a professional organization devoted to the health care of individuals with gender variant identities. As a professional association, the organization forms a network of care providers across the country, holds an annual conference for care providers to meet and share resources and information, and hosts a secure, online forum on their website.

CPCA — Canadian Professional Coaches Association

CPCA works to enhance the status of the profession of coaching and the professionalism of its members, strengthen the voice of coaches in the sport system, and provide services and help to coaches in a variety of areas identified by the membership.

CPCA — Canadian Professional Counsellors Association (National: Vernon, BC)

The CPCA is dedicated to the promotion of public confidence and trust in the counselling profession in Canada, and the recognition of competence and professionalism in counselling and psychotherapy.

CPA — Canadian Psychiatric Association (National: Ottawa, ON)

The national voluntary professional association for psychiatrists. It strives to open lines of communication and encourage collaboration both within psychiatry and with other professions, consumer groups, government, and the private sector in advocating for improved mental health services and strategies.

CPA — Canadian Psychological Association

CPHA — Canadian Public Health Association

A national not-for-profit association incorporated in 1912. CPHA is composed of health professionals from more than 25 health disciplines and is active in conducting and supporting health and social programs both nationally and internationally.

CPRS — Canadian Public Relations Society Inc.

The Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) is an organization of men and women who practice public relations in Canada and abroad. Members work to maintain the highest standards and to share a uniquely Canadian experience in public relations.

CSBA — Canadian School Boards Association

The CSBA advocates excellence in public education and promotes the value of locally elected school boards through collaboration, research and information sharing. They also advocate for the collective interests of the provincial associations of school boards at the national level.

CSWA — Canadian Science Writers’ Association

The Canadian Science Writers’ Association (CSWA) was founded in 1971 by a small group of science and medical reporters. The CSWA fosters quality science communication, linking science and technology communicators from coast to coast. Drawing from their collective experience, CSWA members volunteer their time towards a series of programs committed to increasing public awareness of Canadian science and technology, especially among youth.

CSAE — Canadian Society of Association Executives

CSAE is a knowledge-based organization that promotes excellence in association management, represents the sector to legislators and policy-makers on issues related to the association community. CSAE also provides resources to enhance the professional development and visibility of its members to ensure their continued growth and success in association management.

CSCT — Canadian Society of Cardiology Technologists

The mission of the Canadian Society of Cardiology Technologists is to provide current and ongoing continuing education for members and students and, as a governing body, to guarantee a standard of excellence in the practice of Cardiology Technology within Canada.

CANSCAIP — Canadian Society of Children’s Authors, Illustrators, and Performers

A group of professionals in the field of children’s culture with members from all parts of Canada. For over twenty years, CANSCAIP has been instrumental in the support and promotion of children’s literature through newsletters, workshops, meetings and other information programs for authors, parents, teachers, librarians, publishers, and others.

CSEB — Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists (National: Toronto, ON)

The CSEB is a nonprofit registered society whose primary focus is to further the conservation and prudent management of Canada’s natural resources based on sound ecological principles. Members are professionally-trained biologists and biology students, from a wide range of environmental biology disciplines.

CSEP — Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (National: Ottawa, ON)

The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) is a national voluntary organization composed of professionals interested and involved in the scientific study of exercise physiology, exercise biochemistry, fitness, and health. We are  the resource for translating advances in exercise science research into the promotion of fitness, performance, and health outcomes for Canadians. CSEP sets the highest standards for qualified exercise professionals through evidence-based practice and certification.

CSEG — Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (National: Calgary, AB)

The objective of the CSEG is to promote the science of geophysics, especially as it applies to exploration, and to promote fellowship and co-operation among those persons interested in geophysical prospecting.

CSHP — Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (National: Ottawa, ON)

The national voluntary organization of pharmacists committed to the advancement of patient-centred pharmacy practice in hospitals and related health care settings. CSHP supports its members through advocacy, education, information sharing, development of standards, facilitation of research, and recognition of excellence.

CSIC — Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (National: Toronto, ON)

An independent, federally incorporated not-for-profit organization, the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC) is responsible for regulating the activities of immigration consultants who are members and who provide immigration advice for a fee. The society’s mandate is to protect the consumers of immigration consulting services and ensure the competent and professional conduct of its members.

CSIH — Canadian Society for International Health

A national voluntary organization which facilitates and supports health and development activities around the world through the mobilization of Canadian and other resources.

CSLSR — Canadian Society for Life Science Research (National: Kingston, ON)

CSLSR is a professional society that brings together Canadian researchers at the undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate levels to share and promote research in all life science disciplines

CSMLS — Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science

The national certifying body and professional society for medical laboratory technologists. Established in 1937, CSMLS represents 14,000 laboratory professionals in Canada and around the world.

CanSPEP — Canadian Society of Professional Event Planners (National: Toronto, ON)

Provides a forum for entrepreneurs in the meetings, conference, and event planning profession to meet, share ideas, gain new and valuable information on the industry, and work together to form a strong presence in the marketplace.

CSPDM — Canadian Society of Professionals in Disability Management (National: Victoria, BC)

The Canadian Society of Professionals in Disability Management seeks to minimize the socio-economic impact of disabling injuries and illnesses on employees and employers by establishing and supporting the practice of consensus-based disability management through professional standards of quality, innovation and leadership in the field.

CSRT — Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (National: Ottawa, ON)

The Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists is the national professional association for respiratory therapists. It represents the profession on medical, government, education and advisory bodies; maintains a national professional standard of practice; and works with health organizations concerned with asthma, emphysema, smoking, and health care.

CSSE — Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (National: Toronto, ON)

The CSSE is the leading health, safety and environmental organization for professionals in Canada. It works with industry, governmental agencies and other safety organizations to promote a greater awareness of health, safety and environmental issues in workplaces and communities across the nation and around the world.

CSTD — Canadian Society for Training and Development (National: Toronto, ON)

The mission of CSTD is to set the standards for, and promote excellence in, the training and development profession.

CSAA — Canadian Sociological Association (National: Montreal, QC)

A professional nonprofit association that promotes research, publication and teaching of sociology and anthropology, in particular in Canadian society, within a global context.

CSLA — Canadian Student Leadership Association (National)

Works to promote and develop student leadership and student activities within Canadian schools.

CSCA — Canadian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association (National: Vancouver, BC)

This association governs Canadian swimming coaches and teachers, and provides members with training opportunities through e-learning courses as well as yearly conferences.

CSA — Canadian Standards Association

A not-for-profit membership-based association serving business, industry, government and consumers in Canada and the global marketplace. As a solutions-oriented organization, it works to develop standards that address real needs, such as enhancing public safety and health, advancing the quality of life, helping to preserve the environment, and facilitating trade.

CTRA — Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association

The Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association is a national association of practitioners in the field of therapeutic recreation. They work to promote public awareness of therapeutic recreation, facilitate communication among members, and promote the adoption and implementation of professional standards.

CTTIC — Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (National: Ottawa, ON)

The CTTIC sets, maintains, and promotes national standards in translation, interpretation, and terminology to ensure quality communication across linguistic and cultural communities. They also provide members with certification and continuing education opportunities.

CVCA — Canadian Venture Capital Association (National: Toronto, ON)

The CVCA carries out this mandate by promoting networking, communication, research, education, and information dissemination within and outside of the venture capital industry, and public advocacy on issues affecting its stakeholders.

CWQA — Canadian Water Quality Association (National: Waterloo, ON)

Founded in 1956, incorporated in 1960, the Canadian Water Quality Association (CWQA) is the voice of Canada’s residential, commercial, industrial and institutional water treatment industry. CWQA members include small business dealers/retailers, wholesale distributors and manufacturers of water treatment components and systems, constituting a sector where Canada is recognized as a global leader and a critical innovator.

CWBN — Canadian Women’s Business Network

A national online network that was created to provide women with an affordable means of reaching their market and advertising their businesses. We also offer a wide range of business resources and networking via the Internet.

CWC — Canadian Women in Communications

CWC is a national, bilingual not-for-profit association dedicated to the advancement of women in all converging sectors of the communications industry including television, radio, cable, telecommunications, film, video, new media, and allied fields. We have over 1,300 members, women and men, in 12 chapters across Canada.

CWCF — Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (National: Calgary, AB)

The vision of the CWCF is to be a growing, cohesive network of democratically controlled worker co-ops that provide a high quality of worklife and support the development of healthy and sustainable local economies, based on co-operative principles. The primary mission of CWCF is to strengthen our worker co-op members, and also to support the development of new worker co-ops.

CDAA — Career Development Associaton of Alberta (Regional: Edmonton, AB)

The Career Development Association of Alberta is an incorporated society and professional association of career development practitioners interested in supporting each other in practice by networking, information sharing, creating learning opportunities, and staying current within a developing field.

CPC — Career Professionals of Canada

Members include employment consultants, interview and career coaches, resume writers, outplacement consultants, recruiters, career advisors, organizational development specialists, and other career professionals. Together they provide quality career services, comply with a strict ethical standard, and offer career expertise to assist job hunters with successful career moves.

CHAC — Catholic Health Alliance of Canada

The Catholic Health Alliance of Canada is committed to the promotion of a healthy society in which the love, hope, and justice of the Gospel are revealed. They work to strengthen and support the ministry of Catholic health care organizations and providers.

CGA — Certified General Accountants Association of Canada (National: Vancouver, BC)

CGA-Canada contributes to setting national and international accounting standards through co-operative professional relationships with other accounting associations. It represents the interests of the public and CGAs, and serves as an advocate for accounting reform and full public practice rights for CGAs in Canada.

CGA — Certified General Accountants of Ontario

Services to the public include free information booklets, tax seminars and tax preparation services, and an accountant referral service.

CMAO— Certified Management Accountants of Ontario (Regional: Toronto, ON)

The professional association for CMAs in Ontario, this organization outlines a CMA code of ethics, operates disciplinary hearings and offers a yearly awards program. They also maintain a directory of CMAs in Ontario and offer information on CMA training.

CIC — Chemical Institute of Canada

A professional association of chemists, chemical engineers and chemical technologists who are employed in, or associated with industry, academia, government and other organizations across Canada and the world.

CYCANAL — Child and Youth Care Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (Regional: St. John’s, NF)

Promotes the field of child and youth care as a profession through the development of standards and ethics for those working in the field. The association also provides opportunities for professional development and up-to-date information on developments in the field.

CYCWAM — Child and Youth Care Worker’s Association of Manitoba (Regional: Winnipeg, MB)

CYCWAM is a nonprofit, volunteer association of child and youth care workers in the province of Manitoba. As a member of the Canadian Child and Youth Care Associations, they represent and promote excellence in the professional practice of child and youth care in Manitoba.

CCPRNOC — Child Care Providers Resource Network of Ottawa-Carleton (Regional: Ottawa, ON)

A nonprofit, charitable organization committed to providing support, information, training and resources to individuals who offer child care in a home setting. Funding is provided by the Ministry of Community and Social Services and the City of Ottawa.

CAPPA — Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association of Canada (National: Frankford, ON)

CAPPA is a membership and certification organization for childbirth professionals such as childbirth educators, labor doulas, postpartum doulas, lactation educators and others. They offer membership, certification, and training opportunities.

CMHO — Children’s Mental Health Ontario (National: Toronto, ON)

Represents centres that serve 148,000 children and their families throughout Ontario. It is committed to advocating for the well being of children and families, promoting an environment that leads to mental health, and promoting quality children’s mental health programs.

CPAC — Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (National: Scarborough, ON)

CPAC is a federally registered, not-for-profit organization with more than 20,000 members. The association’s main objectives are to provide opportunities for interaction and networking among Chinese Canadian professionals; to provide training, employment, settlement, education, cultural and recreational services to internationally trained professionals and families; and to be a national voice and representative of the Chinese Canadian community.

Coaches of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

Coaches of Canada is the nonprofit organization that represents the profession of coaching (sport) in Canada. We are a member-driven organization and our members are coaches who represent all sports, both professional and amateur. Our mission is to advance the profession of coaching; and to advance the contribution coaches make to individuals, teams, communities and society.

CWMA — Coast Waste Management Association (Regional: Qualicum Beach, BC)

Fosters environmental leadership and best practices by providing a forum for discussion, education, and networking.

CDHO — College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario (Regional: Toronto, ON)

The College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario is the regulatory body for over 12,500 registered dental hygienists in Ontario. The CDHO regulates the dental hygiene profession by setting the requirements to be registered as a dental hygienist and establishing practice standards for safe, ethical care for all Ontarians through: rigorous certification; ongoing knowledge building; quality assurance activities; articulating and promoting practice standards; establishing requirements for entry-to-practice; and enforcing practice standards and professional conduct.

CECE — College of Early Childhood Educators (Regional: Toronto, ON)

The College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE) is a professional self-regulatory organization for early childhood educators formed to protect the public interest and focused on quality and standards in the practice of early childhood education. It operates under Ontario’s Early Childhood Educators Act of 2007.

CFPC — College of Family Physicians of Canada (National: Mississauga, ON)

A national voluntary organization of family physicians that makes continuing medical education of its members mandatory. It strives to improve the health of Canadians by promoting high standards of medical education and care in family practice, by contributing to public understanding of healthful living, by supporting ready access to family physician services, and by encouraging research and disseminating knowledge about family medicine.

CRTO — College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario (National: Toronto, ON)

The College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario (CRTO) regulates the profession of respiratory therapy in Ontario. It is dedicated to ensuring that respiratory care services provided to the public by its members are delivered in a safe and ethical manner.

CTCMPAO — College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (Regional: Toronto, ON)

CTCMPAO is established by the Ontario government to regulate the practice of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to protect the public of Ontario.

CVBC — College of Veterinarians of British Columbia (Regional: North Vancouver, BC)

The College of Veterinarians of British Columbia is the statutory body created to serve the interests of the public and animals through the regulation and advancement of the veterinary profession in BC. The CVBC’s mandate is to create, promote, and enforce a high standard of qualification, conduct, and competence by practitioners of veterinary medicine.

Commercial Real Estate Women – Calgary (Local: Calgary, AB)

The networking organization of choice for women in commercial real estate. We bring women together to build professional and personal relationships, expand industry knowledge and expertise, and support the development of commercial real estate.

CAPAM — Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management (International: Toronto, ON)

CAPAM is an international association of senior public sector practitioners who seek opportunities for professional networking and learning, to improve their capacity to provide excellent public service. CAPAM programs strengthen the quality and effectiveness of public administration and advance good governance in Commonwealth countries.

CDAAC — Communicative Disorders Assistant Association of Canada (National: Toronto, ON)

A national nonprofit association for communicative disorders assistants, who work in conjunction with speech language pathologists and audiologists in the provision of speech-language therapy, audiology, and assisted communication.

CHICA — Community and Hospital Infection Control Association – Canada (National: Winnipeg, MB)

A national, multidisciplinary voluntary association of professionals engaged in the prevention and control of infections. CHICAnCanada is committed to improving the health of Canadians by promoting excellence in the practice of infection prevention and control by employing evidence based practice and application of epidemiological principles.

CFC — Community Foundations of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

Works to enhance the quality of life and vitality in Canadian communities by supporting and promoting the fund development, grantmaking and leadership of community foundations.

CHPNA — Community Health Promotion Network Atlantic (Regional: Atlantic Canada)

A nonprofit organization that exists to share health promotion information, resources, and expertise relating to community health promotion among individuals, groups, and communities in the Atlantic Provinces.

CBRC — Community Based Research Canada (National: Victoria, BC)

Community Based Research Canada (CBRC) is a network of people and organizations engaged in community-based research to meet the needs of people and communities. The intent is to build an inclusive and open network, engaging already existing organizational and communications structures, to build support for community-university partnerships in community-based research and community-engagement.

CFNC — Community Futures Network of Canada (National)

Community Futures Network of Canada is the gateway to 269 Community Futures offices across Canada. Each of these offices provide their communities with a variety of services including business development loans, technical support, training and information. In addition to the business development component, they provide support in a wide array of community initiatives, including strategic planning processes, research and feasibility studies, and the implementation of a diverse range of community economic development (CED) projects.

Community Futures British Columbia


Community Futures Alberta


Community Futures Saskatchewan


Community Futures Manitoba


Community Futures Ontario


Réseau des SADC et CAE


New Brunswick Association of Community Business Development Corporations


Newfoundland & Labrador Association of Community Business Development Corporations


Nova Scotia Association of Community Business Development Corporations


PEI Association of Community Business Development Corporations


Northwest Territories Community Futures Association


Business Development Centres of Nunavut

CALU — Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting

Develops, proposes and upholds equitable legislation and regulatory policies that facilitate the availability of advanced life underwriting products and services.

CTINB — Corporation of Translators, Terminologists and Interpretors of New Brunswick

The main objectives of the corporation are to provide a collective voice for its members, to ensure that members comply with its Code of Ethics, to publicize the professional role performed by its members in society, and to maintain relations with similar organizations inside and outside Canada as well as with institutions providing university training in the areas of translation, terminology, and interpretation.

CBAC — Council for Business and the Arts

National association of businesses that support the arts, working to make the partnership between business and the arts more effective.

Council of Canadian Child and Youth Care Associations (National)

The national body established to serve as a coordinating and networking organization for provincial and territorial child and youth care associations. The goal of the Council is to promote the development of child and youth care as a profession in Canada and ensure the delivery of quality care.

COEO — Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario (Regional: North York, ON)

The Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario (COEO) is a nonprofit, volunteer-based organization that acts as a professional body for outdoor educators in the province of Ontario. It promotes safe and high quality outdoor education experiences for people of all ages.

CABC — Crafts Association of British Columbia (Regional: Vancouver, BC)

The CABC is a network of craft professionals dedicated to the development of excellence in crafts. It provides programs, communication, and leadership for the crafts community, and outreach and education for the public at large.

CCC — Credit Counselling Canada (National: Toronto, ON)

Credit Counselling Canada (CCC) is the national association of not-for-profit credit counselling agencies that work provincially, regionally and locally across Canada to help people become debt-free. CCC promotes the value of not-for-profit credit counselling and supports member agencies in maintaining the highest accreditation standards.

CIC — Credit Institute of Canada

A nonprofit organization that supports a national membership dedicated to excellence in credit management. It is a prime source for credit education in Canada, offering courses through several Canadian universities that enable professionals to attain recognized designations.

CWSO — Crisis Workers Society of Ontario (Regional: Brockville, ON)

The society provides a forum to develop and improve crisis intervention knowledge and skills for the enhancement of the profession.

Croplife Canada – Alberta Council (Provincial: Alberta)

CropLife Canada is the trade association representing the manufacturers, developers and distributors of plant science technologies, including pest control products and plant biotechnology, for use in agriculture, urban and public health settings. They strive to ensure that the benefits of plant science innovations can be enjoyed by both farmers and consumers. CropLife Canada promotes sustainable agricultural practices and we are committed to protecting human health and the environment.

CHRC — Cultural Human Resources Council (National: Ottawa, ON)

CHRC’s mission is to strengthen the Canadian cultural workforce by providing leadership and innovative solutions to human resource issues and to better the HR environment within the cultural sector.

DANCEontario Association

The membership-based association works towards the promotion and development of dance in the province of Ontario, with more than 400 members including 56professional companies, independent dancers, choreographers and teachers, 75 schools, as well as writers, administrators, technicians and other members of Ontario’s dance industry.

DOC — Dietitians of Canada

The voice of food and nutrition professionals in Canada. Through the Association, dietitians work together for the health of our communities.

DMAT – Direct Marketing Association of Toronto

DMAT provides a forum and meeting place for professionals who rely on direct marketing for their success. Their website includes a knowledge centre, blog, and a series of profiles called Industry Stars.

DGC — Directors Guild of Canada (National: Toronto, ON)

The Directors Guild of Canada (DGC) is a national organization that represents more than 3,800 key creative and logistical personnel in the film and television industry, covering all areas of direction, design, production and editing. The DGC is a leader and partner in the development of the international Canadian film and television industry at a policy and professional level.

EAC — Editors’ Association of Canada

Promotes professional editing as key in producing effective communications. Its 1,000-plus members, salaried and freelance, work with individuals and in the corporate, technical, government, nonprofit, and publishing sectors.

ECVO — Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (Local: Edmonton, AB)

Strives to support the work of its members through a range of initiatives, including networking meetings, creating coalitions with other organizations, meeting with key decision-makers, and information sessions.

EAC — Employers’ Advocacy Council

EAC is the Ontario business voice, advocating responsible social change to workplace health, safety, and insurance laws that protect responsible workers and employers. It is a nonprofit organization funded solely by individual employer memberships.

ECO Canada — Environmental Careers Organization

A not-for-profit Canadian corporation that was created in 1993 to assist the environment industry in developing and implementing human resources development policies. ECO Canadafocuses much of it activities around: developing national occupational standards, developing certification for environmental practitioners and accrediting environmental training programs, helping young Canadians enter the environmental labour market, promoting cooperation between industry, government, and the academic community, and conducting research on the environmental labour market.

EPAC — Ethics Practitioners’ Association of Canada

Association of ethics officers, consultants, academics and students formed to support ethical behaviour in organizations by enhancing the quality and availability of ethics advice and services across Canada.

FMC — Family Mediation Canada

An interdisciplinary association of lawyers, social workers, human services and health care professionals, working together, creating a better way to provide for co-operative conflict resolution relating to separation and divorce, adoption, child welfare, wills and estates, parent/teen counseling, organizations, etc.

FCM — Federation of Canadian Municipalities (National: Ottawa, ON)

The national voice of municipal government since 1901. FCM is dedicated to improving the quality of life in all communities by promoting strong, effective, and accountable municipal government.

FOCO — Federation of Community Organizations (Regional: Dartmouth, NS)

FOCO’s mission is to connect and strengthen the voluntary sector in the Halifax Regional Municipality. Its vision is a unified voluntary sector that is an influential player in sustaining communities, and takes a role as an equal partner with the private, public and business sectors.

FLSC — Federation of Law Societies Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

The Federation is the voice of Canada’s law societies on a wide range of issues critical to the protection of the public and the rule of law including solicitor-client privilege, the importance of an independent and impartial judiciary, and the role of the legal profession in the administration of justice.

FPSE — Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (Regional: Vancouver, BC)

The provincial voice for faculty and staff in BC colleges, university colleges and institutes, and in private sector institutions. From lobbying governments to assisting member associations with grievance handling and collective bargaining, FPSE works to further the interests of post-secondary educators.

FEO — Festivals & Events Ontario (Regional: Brandford, ON)

The professional association of festival and event organizers from across the province of Ontario with a mission to develop, represent, enhance and promote the Ontario festivals and events industry. The association is involved with advocacy, policy development, and providing educational opportunities for members. It also serves industry members whose goods and services are of use and benefit to Ontario`s festivals and special events industry.

Fight Directors Canada (National)

Fight Directors Canada is a professional not-for-profit society dedicated to the education, development, advancement, and proficiency of action-oriented entertainment in theatre, television, and film, as well as educational institutions across the country.

FEI — Financial Executives International Canada (National)

Financial Executives International is the preeminent association for CFOs and other senior finance executives. FEI provides networking, content delivery and timely updates on subjects including: financial management, cash flow, cash management, risk management and more.

FMI — Financial Management Institute of Canada (National)

A professional association for those interested in public sector financial management. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in sound public sector financial management.

FRP Canada

A national association providing innovative leadership to advance social policy, research, resource development and training for those who enhance the capacity of families to raise their children. Members include child care programs, early intervention programs, community health centres, child protection agencies, Aboriginal family organizations, public health departments, and national organizations with an interest in children and families.

FBA — Food Banks Canada

A national coalition of organizations that gather food for redistribution to people in need.

FITT — Forum for International Trade Training (National: Ottawa, ON)

A national, not-for-profit, professional organization, founded in 1992 by industry and government to develop and deliver international trade training programs and services, establish country-wide standards and certification, and ensure continuing professional development in the practice of international trade.

FCABQ — la Fédération des centres d’action bénévole du Québec

Helps nonprofits and voluntary organizations in Quebec fulfill their missions and develop volunteer resources.

Gas Processing Association of Canada (National: Calgary, AB)

Provide added value to the Canadian gas processing and gas liquids industries from source to market by being a forum for: expanding technical knowledge; sharing best practices; and discussing, debating and providing input into legislative and regulatory issues.

GFOABC — Government Finance Officers Association of British Columbia

This not-for-profit organization has been representing local government finance employees of British Columbia since 1989. Their mission is to promote excellence in local government through the support and development of finance professionals, with a long term vision that British Columbia will become the leader in financial management for local government in Canada.

GDC — Graphic Designers of Canada

GDC has been Canada’s national certification body for graphic and communication designers since 1956, establishing professional standards and actively regulating professional conduct. GDC is a member-based organization of design professionals, educators, administrators, students and affiliates in communications, marketing, media and design-related fields.

GVPTA — Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance

The GVPTA is an association of more than 100 Lower Mainland theatre companies, venues and related businesses, and individual artist members. Through collective efforts, they promote live theatre and foster a thriving environment for the continued growth and development of theatre.

Guild of Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Accountants (International: Woodbridge, ON)

An association of business accountants, financial managers, tax preparers and accounting executives with members in every province of Canada as well as many other parts of the world. The guild promotes and supports interest in vocational accountancy, encourages acceptance of modern methods and procedures, and gives recognition to the individual’s skills and practical experience.

HPCA — Halton-Peel Communications Association (Regional: Oakville, ON)

A networking group of independent business people who work in a variety of communications fields. Members provide such freelance services as writing, editing, translation, photography, graphic design, desktop publishing, video production, public relations, training, proofreading, and more.

Health Care Leaders’ Association of BC

The Health Care Leaders’ Association of BC is a nonprofit association of individuals who hold leadership and management positions in healthcare, or within organizations that serve healthcare, in British Columbia.

HCPRA — Health Care Public Relations Association Canada

A national organization that represents communications professionals in the Health Care sector. Members receive professional development, an annual national conference, an awards program, newsletters and research collected through membership surveys.

HCCC — Health Charities Council of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

The Health Charities Council of Canada (HCCC) represents national health charities of all sizes. Member organizations bring together a wealth of knowledge, expertise, experience and resources, all of which improve the health of Canadians and strengthen Canada’s health system.

HAO — Hospice Association of Ontario

Canada’s largest volunteer hospice organization.

HAAO — Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario

As a provincial association, HAAO advocates community partnerships in the support of health care in Ontario through education, fund-raising opportunities and the promotion of volunteer services to people.

HRAC — Human Resources Association of Calgary (Local: Calgary, AB)

The Human Resources Association of Calgary (HRAC) is a registered not-for-profit organization for the advancement of the human resource management profession. They work to provide members with opportunities to acquire a comprehensive understanding of current and emerging human resources issues, research, and practices, and to contribute to the advancement of the profession of human resources in the workplace.

HRANB — Human Resources Association of New Brunswick (Regional: Moncton, NB)

The association’s mandate includes attaining recognition as a resource on employment issues, as well as promoting and gaining acceptance of the human resources field for the distinct body of knowledge it provides in business. Our purpose is to promote and encourage members to develop and maintain a professional standard of knowledge and proficiency in our occupational field.

HRANS — Human Resources Association of Nova Scotia (Regional: Halifax, NS)

A professional HR association with members in Nova Scotia, PEI, and Newfoundland. With more than 800 members representing 400 organizations, HRANS is the largest professional association serving human resource practitioners in the Atlantic provinces.

HRIA — Human Resources Institute of Alberta (Regional: Edmonton, AB)

As the professional voice of human resources practitioners in Alberta, HRIA promotes and encourages maintenance of professional standards in the field of Human Resources management and sets out the standard and process for certification as a Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP).

HRMAM — Human Resource Management Association of Manitoba (Regional: Winnipeg, MB)

HRMAM’s mission is to enhance and promote the value of the human resource profession and practices across Manitoba. Its purpose is to set the standard of professional practice, provide developmental opportunities that enable its members to achieve and maintain professional competence, and foster research in the area of human resource management.

HRPNL — Human Resources Professionals Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (Regional: St. John’s, NL)

The aim of HRPNL is to assist HR practitioners in meeting the challenges of today’s job environment by providing opportunities to increase their personal and professional competence and knowledge. In addition to offering guidance and support to the membership, the association promotes professional development and networking.

HRPAO — Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario

A not-for-profit professional association that provides leadership, assistance & education to individuals in the field of human resources.

HSSFC — Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada

Promotes teaching, research, and scholarship in the humanities and social sciences and a better understanding of the importance of such work for Canada and the world.

InformCanada (National: Toronto, ON)

The national organization of public and not-for-profit Information and Referral services and practitioners. InformCanada promotes national standards in the field and strengthens an I&R peer network with a variety of offered resources, special events, and professional development opportunities.

IRMAC — Information Resource Management Association of Canada (National: Toronto, ON)

A nonprofit association of information management professionals whose primary objective is to provide a forum for members to exchange information and experiences involving all aspects of data administration and information resource management.

ITAC — Information Technology Association of Canada (National: Mississauga, ON)

ITAC is the voice of the Canadian information technology industry. Its mission is to identify and lead on issues that affect the industry and to advocate initiatives that will enable its continued growth and development.

ICANS — Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nova Scotia (Regional: Halifax, NS)

ICANS works to protect the public interest by governing the actions of its members through the enforcement of bylaws and a code of professional conduct, and to serve as an advocacy group to further the interests of all CAs in Nova Scotia and to serve their needs.

ICA — Institute of Communications Agencies (National: Toronto, ON))

Canada’s national association founded in 1905 to actively represent advertising agencies in a wide variety of beneficial activities. Its mission is to serve and promote the collective interests of ICA members with particular regard to defining, developing, and helping to maintain the highest possible standards of professional practice.

ICD — Institute of Corporate Directors (National: Toronto, ON))

The mission of ICD is to enhance the practice of governance of public, not-for-profit and other organizations in Canada.

IPBC — Institute of Professional Bookkeepers of Canada (National: Surrey, BC)

IPBC provides the environment, knowledge and resources its members need to develop excellence in bookkeeping, through education, networking, advocacy, information and research. The focus is to create member value and benefits that in turn contribute to creating a stronger trust relationship with Canadian business.

IPAC — Institute of Public Administration of Canada (National: Toronto, ON))

A membership-based association of public servants, academics, and others interested in public administration that creates effective knowledge networks and leads public administration research in Canada.

IBAC — Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (National: Toronto, ON))

As a national voice of property and casualty insurance brokers and an advocate for insurance consumers, IBAC represents their interests to the government of Canada. In support of its primary mandate of federal government relations, IBAC develops national licensing courses and professional development programs for brokers, for delivery through its member associations.

IBC — Insurance Bureau of Canada (National: Toronto, ON))

A national trade association that represents the companies that insure the homes, cars and businesses of Canadians. IBC identifies and monitors key policy issues affecting the general insurance industry, and develops appropriate policy papers and strategies.

IPIC — Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

IPIC is Canada’s pre-eminent association of professionals who specialize in intellectual property: patents for inventions, trade-marks, copyright, and industrial designs. The institute is committed to the protection and promotion of intellectual property in the Canadian economy.

IAAP — International Association of Administrative Professionals – Central Canada Division

Provides up-to-date research on office trends, cutting-edge publications, outstanding seminars and conferences, and top-notch resources to help administrative professionals enhance their skills and become more effective contributors to their employers.

IABC — International Association of Business Communicators

An international organization of professionals from a wide range of backgrounds focusing on organizational communication.


Atlantic Canada Chapter


BC Chapter


Calgary Chapter


Edmonton Chapter


Montreal Chapter


Ottawa – National Capital Region


Saskatoon Chapter


Toronto Chapter


IIMA — International Internet Marketing Association

An association of people working on internet marketing programs and e-commerce business processes.

IOE — International Organization for Entrepreneurs (National: Markham, ON)

Works to help Canadian entrepreneurs prosper by bringing them together in a spirit of cooperation, enhancement and growth, and by providing cost-cutting, profit-increasing key services, education, mentoring and networking opportunities.

IPMA — International Personnel Management Association – Canada

A national association of HR managers that works to promote excellence in the practice of human resource management.

ISES — International Special Events Society

Dedicated to education, ethics and standards for the special events industry. Grants the Certified Special Event Professional (CSEP) designation.

Western Canada Chapter

Kent Association of Volunteer Coordinators (Local: Chatham, ON)

The association’s mission is to promote, support, and advocate volunteerism and professionalism among volunteer administrators and coordinators in Chatham-Kent.

Lambda Business and Professional Association of Winnipeg (Local: Winnipeg, MB)

The association’s mission is to bring together Manitoba’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, and gay-friendly businesses and professionals. Together, with a sense of community, they encourage, promote, and support each other, share information and ideas, and inform the public about new members and resources.

Language Industry Association (National: Montreal, QC)

The association’s mission is to promote and increase the competitiveness of the Canadian language industry nationally and internationally through advocacy, accreditation, and information sharing.

Law Society of Yukon (Regional: Whitehorse, YT)

This society is the governing body for Yukon lawyers, under the authority of the Legal Profession Act. The primary duty of the society is to serve and protect the public interest in the administration of justice and the preservation of individual rights, while respecting the law and the independence of lawyers’ relationships with their clients.

League of Canadian Poets

The national association of professional publishing and performing poets in Canada. Its purpose is to enhance the status of poets and nurture a professional poetic community.

LDAC — Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

The organization’s mission is to be the national voice for persons with learning disabilities and those who support them. Members include physicians, psychologists, lawyers, language experts, optometrists, psychiatrists, public health and physical education personnel, educators, and members of school boards and administrators.

LRFRE — London & Region Fund Raising Executives

The association of professional fundraisers in the London, Ontario area.

MC — Magazines Canada (National: Toronto, ON)

The Canadian Magazine Publishers Association represents a diverse and vital group of more than 300 Canadian consumer magazines devoted to covering a wide range of subjects of interest to the Canadian reading public.

MAVA — Manitoba Association for Volunteer Administration

The purpose of MAVA is to unite individuals involved in the administration of volunteer services and programs, promote the profession, and provide networking and professional development opportunities.

MARIA — Manitoba Audio Recording Industry Association (Regional: Winnipeg, MB)

MARIA promotes the work of Manitoba artists and provides professional development services to help music industry workers succeed as cultural entrepreneurs. Through its programs and services, MARIA helps people in the music industry find their community and build sustainable careers.

MCCA — Manitoba Child Care Association (Regional: Winnipeg, MB)

The Manitoba Child Care Association (MCCA) is a nonprofit, membership-funded, non-partisan organization incorporated in 1974. Their mission is to advocate for a quality system of child care, to advance early childhood education as a profession, and to provide services to their members.

MIRSW — Manitoba Institute of Registered Social Workers (Regional)

The Manitoba Institute of Registered Social Workers (MIRSW) is the provincial body that represents the profession of social work in Manitoba. Eligibility for membership and registration in MIRSW is available to all trained persons who are practicing in a social work capacity.

MRIA — Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (National: Mississauga, ON)

A Canadian not-for-profit association representing all aspects of the market intelligence and survey research industry, including social research, competitive intelligence, data mining, insight, and knowledge management.

MPI — Meeting Professionals International

The world’s largest association of meeting industry professionals with more than 17,000 members in 64 countries.

NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Association (Regional: Calgary)

NAIOP, the commercial real estate development association, is the leading organization for developers, owners and related professionals in office, industrial and mixed-use real estate. NAIOP provides unparalleled industry networking and education, and advocates for effective legislation on behalf of our members. NAIOP advances responsible, sustainable development that creates jobs and benefits the communities in which our members work and live.

NAAAP — National Association of Asian American Professionals

A nonprofit volunteer association which fosters professional and personal development through its diverse programming and initiatives for great people with tremendous skills and ideas looking to share their energy with others of similar backgrounds, interests and aspirations within the local community.

NACCB Canada— National Association of Computer Consulting Businesses Canada

The NACCB Canada represents the interests of IT services firms on Canadian public policy issues and provides a forum for leaders in the IT services industry to discuss emerging issues and share best practices.

National Association of Federal Retirees Ottawa Valley Branch (National: Ottawa, ON)

With more than 130,000 members and 83 branches, FSNA is recognized by the Government of Canada as the major representative of pensioners – and of their spouses and survivors – from the Canadian Forces, the Public Service of Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and of federally appointed judges.

NCRA — National Campus and Community Radio Association (National: Ottawa, ON)

The NCRA is the nonprofit national association of organizations and individuals committed to volunteer-based, community-oriented radio broadcasting. It is dedicated to advancing the role and increasing the effectiveness of campus and community radio in Canada, working closely with other regional and international community-oriented radio organizations to provide developmental materials and networking services to its members.

NFLA — National Fitness Leadership Alliance of Canada (National)

The NFLA is a partnership of not-profit organizations dedicated to the advancement of exercise accreditation and leadership. Together we develop, promote and implement national standards for the accreditation, training and registration of exercise professionals in Canada.

NaHSSA — National Health Sciences Students’ Association (National: Vancouver, BC)

NaHSSA, a diverse network of 18 university-based chapters, seeks to address the unmet need of actively involving Canada’s health and human service students in interprofessional education while promoting the attitudes, skills, and behaviours necessary to provide collaborative patient-centred care.

NUPATH — National United Professional Association of Trained Homeopaths (Canada) (National: Foxboro, ON)

NUPATH is the largest and oldest national professional association for homeopaths in Canada. It works to ensure that professional homeopaths are of the highest quality and integrity possible, and is also helping to advance public access to quality health care that includes homeopathic medicine.

NWAC — Native Women’s Association of Canada (National: Ohsweken, ON)

The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is founded on the collective goal to enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural, and political well-being of First Nations and Métis women within First Nation, Métis and Canadian societies. NWAC is an aggregate of thirteen Native women’s organizations from across Canada and was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in 1974.

NBASLPA — New Brunswick Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (Regional: Moncton, NB)

NBASLPA is the provincial association that is committed to professional development and ongoing competency of speech-language pathologists and audiologists across New Brunswick. They are advocates for the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology, and the clients they serve, through active participation in the legislative and regulatory process.

NLART — Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Respiratory Therapists (Regional: St. John’s, NL)

The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Respiratory Therapists (NLART) is a nonprofit society dedicated to maintaining and improving the quality and standards of respiratory care in Newfoundland and Labrador. The NLART is a provincial association which provides leadership for the profession.

NLASW — Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Social Workers (Regional: St. John’s, NL)

Empowered through the Social Workers Association Act (1993) to become the professional association and regulatory body for the approximately 1100 professional social workers in the province, this organization registers social workers and ensures a continued adherence to established professional standards and code of ethics. They also provide professional development, consultation, and public education.

NLMA — Newfoundland and Labrador Musicians’ Association

A chapter of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada, this organization works to be an effective advocate for musicians’ rights in the workplace, be that a nightclub, a symphony stage, in a recording studio, or on tour. They protect the recorded works musicians produce from being exploited and provide several types of benefit programs that help artists to build successful careers.

NLSBA — Newfoundland and Labrador School Boards Association

This organization exists to promote the role and common interest of the five publicly elected school boards within the province, as well as to deliver professional development to school board trustees and to facilitate relations with school boards and school board trustees at the regional and national levels.

NAAAP — North American Association of Asian Professionals

NAAAP Toronto is committed to the professional development and the advancement of Asian Canadian culture. Our mandate is to diversify interests, enhance knowledge and enrich experiences within North American society.

NOAA — Northern Ontario Art Association

This organization is a group of fourteen independent art clubs, representing over 350 artists, spread over the vast geographical area of Northern Ontario, Canada. They formed with the specific goal of furthering art education within remote northern communities, as well as promoting the appreciation of their original artwork.

NSASW — Nova Scotia Association of Social Workers

NSASW promotes and regulates the practice of social work so its members can provide a high standard of service that respects diversity, promotes social justice, and enhances the worth, self-determination, and potential of families and communities.

NFSA — Nova Scotia Fitness Association

The NSFA is a certifying body for exercise educators in Nova Scotia. We provide professional development and advocate for educators to government and the wider fitness industry. We represent Nova Scotia and Newfoundland & Labrador to the National Fitness Leadership Alliance.

NSVMA — Nova Scotia Veterinary Medical Association

The Nova Scotia Veterinary Medical Association (NSVMA) is incorporated under the Veterinary Medical Act of the Province of Nova Scotia. The objectives of the association are to serve and protect the public interest by regulating the practice of veterinary medicine and establishing and by promoding standards of professional practice and a Code of Ethics.

OACAO — Older Adult Centres’ Association of Ontario.

An association of centres, organizations, and individuals involved in working with older adults. Members come together to unify their efforts towards the development of comprehensive programs and services.

OATA — Ontario Art Therapy Association

The Association is mandated to provide for the development, the promotion, and the maintenance of the field of art therapy in Ontario. In addition, the OATA grants registered status to professional members upon successful conclusion of a rigorous process, which includes the documentation of education, and post-graduate supervised experience.

OAAPT — Ontario Association for the Application of Personality Type

The Ontario Association for the Application of Personality Type (OAAPT) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting an understanding of personality type and temperament, and the effective and ethical applications of type, temperament, and related instruments.

OAAIC — Ontario Association of the Appraisal Institute of Canada

A society of professional real estate appraisers. The Ontario Association serves the public interest by maintaining high professional standards for designated members.

OAAG — Ontario Association of Art Galleries

With a membership made up of public art galleries, art museums, artist-run centres and arts-related organizations, OAAG provides an opportunity for a collective examination of developing issues in the province’s visual arts community.

OACETT — Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists

OACETT’s mission is to advance the profession of applied science and engineering technology through standards for society’s benefit. OACETT promotes the professional interests in industry, educational institutions, the public, and various levels of government.

OACYC — Ontario Association of Child and Youth Counsellors

The professional association representing approximately 800 child and youth counsellors (CYCs) in the province of Ontario. It also provides a voice for the other 8,000 child and youth workers in the province.

OACAS — Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies

Provides leadership for the achievement of excellence in the protection of children and in the promotion of their well-being within their communities and families.

OACCS — Ontario Association of Credit Counselling Services (Regional: Grimsby, ON)

OACCS is composed of 26 not-for-profit member agencies who provide assistance each year to thousands of individuals and families experiencing money problems. Each member agency is a not-for-profit charitable organization governed by a volunteer board of directors and managed by professional staff.

OADD — Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities

OADD is a professional organization of people working and studying in the field of developmental disabilities, throughout Ontario.

OAEA — Ontario Association of Education Advocates

A not-for-profit membership organization whose mission is to act as a united voice to promote and strengthen the professionalism of Education Advocates, thereby advancing the quality of representation for students and parents.

OAFB — Ontario Association of Food Banks (Regional: Kitchener, ON)

A membership based organization supporting 119 food banks and community food programs. It exists to provide food recovery, distribution and membership support while educating the province?n issues of hunger and poverty.

OAML — Ontario Association of Medical Laboratories (Regional: North York, ON)

Our mission is to promote professionalism, accountability, and excellence in the delivery of laboratory services in Ontario and to support the community laboratory industry, an essential component of the health care system.

OAMRT — Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Technologists

A 4,000 member association representing the professions of radiological technology, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance in the province of Ontario.

OAND — Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors

The professional association representing the naturopathic doctors of Ontario.

OANHSS — Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes & Services for Seniors

A provincial association that has represented not-for-profit providers of long term care, services, and housing for seniors for more than 80 years. Member organizations operate over 26,000 long term care beds and over 5,000 seniors’ housing units. OANHSS is committed to supporting the common goals of its members to provide quality programs and services to meet the current and future needs of Ontario’s seniors.

OASW — Ontario Association of Social Workers

OASW is the voice of social workers in Ontario. Its mandate is to assert the role of professional social workers, advance their interests and enhance their contribution to social justice. OASW, a bilingual association, has 15 branches across the province.

OAVT — Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians

The OAVT is professional association working to promote, maintain, and regulate the professional standards of veterinary technicians and veterinary technologists, to further the education of veterinary technicians, and to ensure the humane medical treatment of all animals.

OAYEC — Ontario Association of Youth Employment Centres

The Ontario Association Of Youth Employment Centres supports and advocates for the development and delivery of youth employment services in Ontario. We have a strong member network of over 60 youth employment centres across the province.

OCSCO — Ontario Coalition of Senior Citizens’ Organizations

OCSCO’s mission is to improve the quality of life for Ontario’s seniors by encouraging seniors involvement in all aspects of society, by keeping them informed on current issues, and by focusing on programs to benefit an aging population. We are a coalition of over 120 seniors’ groups as well as individuals from across Ontario.

OCT — Ontario College of Teachers (Regional: Toronto, ON)

The Ontario College of Teachers was established in 1997 to allow teachers to regulate and govern their own profession in the public interest. Teachers who want to work in publicly funded schools in Ontario must be certified to teach in the province and be members of the College.

OCNA — Ontario Community Newspapers Association (Regional: Burlington, ON)

The Ontario Community Newspapers Association is a nonprofit industry association comprising more than 270 member newspapers located throughout the province. It is dedicated to helping member community newspapers prosper by supplying members with tools, support and information about the industry and the market, and promoting and enhancing the image of the industry among readers and other important constituencies.

OCSA — Ontario Community Support Association (Regional: Toronto, ON)

A provincial association that supports, promotes, and represents the common goals of its members, which are providers of community-based not-for-profit health and social services, so that they are better able to support people to live at home in their own communities.

OCUFA — Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (Regional: Toronto, ON)

OCUFA, representing more than 15,000 professors and academic librarians across Ontario, seeks to maintain and enhance the quality of higher education in Ontario, and to advance the professional and economic interests of teachers, researchers, and librarians in Ontario universities.

ON CO-OP — Ontario Co-operative Association (Regional: Guelph, ON)

The association is a coordinating, development and advocacy body dedicated to serving the common and individual needs of Ontario co-operatives in the areas of education, development, government relations, public affairs and policy development.

OCASI — Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants

A council of autonomous non-governmental community-based agencies serving immigrants and refugees, which has as its mission the achievement for immigrants and refugees of equality, access and full participation in every aspect of Canadian life.

OCFF — Ontario Council of Folk Festivals (Regional: Ottawa, ON)

The Ontario Council of Folk Festivals exists to foster and promote traditional, contemporary and multicultural folk music and related arts by strengthening and advancing festivals, organizations and individual initiatives through education, networking, and advocacy.

OECTA — Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (Regional: Toronto, ON)

OECTA represents 36,000 men and women who teach in all grades in the publicly funded English Roman Catholic schools in Ontario. OECTA is affiliated with the Ontario Teachers’ Federation, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation and Education International.

OFPA – Ontario Food Protection Association

Founded in 1958 as a non-profit educational association, OFPA main objective was and still is to provide a common forum through a series of educational events that allow our members to exchange ideas and information, make connections and build contacts with like-minded professionals.

ONEIA — Ontario Environment Industry Association (Regional: Toronto, ON)

A private sector, not-for-profit association dedicated to promoting the economic health of environment business. The association has more than 150 member companies that provide services, technologies, and processes for achieving environmentally-sound development.

OGRA — Ontario Good Roads Association

As Canada’s largest municipal association, OGRA represents the transportation-related concerns of more than 550 municipalities, aiding them in their efforts to offer a world class road and transportation system.

OHC — Ontario Health Coalition (Regional: Toronto, ON)

A network of more than 400 organizations, the coalition’s primary goal is to empower its members to become actively engaged in the making of public policy on matters related to health care and healthy communities.

OHCA — Ontario Home Care Association (Regional: Hamilton, ON)

The OHHCPA promotes the growth and development of the home and community health care sector by providing leadership that helps shape public health care policy and supporting its members to ensure service excellence, quality, and high levels of client satisfaction.

OIA — Ontario Institute of Agrologists (Regional: Guelph, ON)

An organization of professionals in agriculture working to establish the highest standards for the agri-food industry.

OLA — Ontario Library Association (Regional: Toronto, ON)

Founded in 1900, the Ontario Library Association is the oldest continually operating library association in Canada. It provides an opportunity for professionals in the field to associate, to network, to share experience and expertise, and to create innovative solutions in a constantly changing environment.

OLTCA — Ontario Long Term Care Association (Regional: Markham, ON)

Our mission is to lead and enable our members to provide efficient and high quality long term care and services.

OMA — Ontario Medical Association

OMA — Ontario Museum Association

Links people, museums and organizations within the Ontario museum community to each other and to the public, and provides a variety of services, benefits and programs that are built upon the contributions and active involvement of all members.

ONPHA — Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association

A nonprofit association that represents non-profit housing providers across Ontario.

OPA — Ontario Paramedic Association (Regional: Whitby, ON)

Our mission is to provide leadership for paramedics and to promote the art and science of paramedicine. We serve paramedics and their patients by advocating the highest ethical, educational, and clinical standards for the profession of paramedicine.

OPA — Ontario Pharmacists’ Association (Regional: Toronto, ON)

The professional advocacy association for pharmacists and pharmacists-in-training in Ontario, with a membership of more than 5,500 pharmacists. Members work together to promote pharmacy as an essential component of patient care across Ontario.

OPA — Ontario Physiotherapy Association

This organization’s web site includes a section for members of the public to learn about the wide range of syndromes or disabilities treated by registered physiotherapists.

OPFFA — Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association (Regional: Burlington, ON)

The Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association has evolved into an organization whose primary purpose is to provide career fire fighters with the highest level of service and expertise to assist them in all aspects of their professional lives. This service comes in the form of research and distribution of information, representation at all government levels, and ‘hands on’ assistance at the local level with local problems.

OPPI — Ontario Professional Planners Institute (Regional: Toronto, ON)

OPPI is the recognized voice of Ontario’s planning profession. Members work in a wide variety of fields, including urban and rural community development, urban design, environment, transportation, health and social services, housing, and economic development.

OPA — Ontario Psychological Association (Regional: Toronto, ON)

The Ontario Psychological Association is a voluntary organization committed to the advancement of the practice and science of psychology through public and professional advocacy and education, for the benefit of its members and the communities they serve.

OPHA — Ontario Public Health Association

An organization of individuals and constituent associations from various sectors and disciplines that have an interest in improving the health of the people of Ontario.

OSCA — Ontario School Counsellors’ Association (Regional: Ontario)

OSCA provides leadership and support in guidance and career education for guidance teacher-counsellors and students. In addition to advocating on behalf of their members, they also publish ethical guidelines for school counsellors and guidance teachers to follow.

OSOT — Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists

OSOT is the provincial professional association of Ontario occupational therapists. The Society promotes the occupational therapy profession, represents members’ interests to health care decision-makers, connects members with each other, and supports members’ professional development needs, living the mission to lead occupational therapy in Ontario by providing vision, voice, visibility and value.

OSP — Ontario Society of Periodontists (Regional: Burlington, ON)

The Ontario Society of Periodontists is the voluntary organization of certified periodontal specialists in Ontario whose mission is to serve the providers and recipients of specialty periodontal care in the province of Ontario. It is the official voice of Ontario Periodontists to organized dental associations, recognized education institutions, professional licensing bodies, and to the public and government.

OSPAPPH — Ontario Society of Physical Activity Promoters in Public Health (Regional: ON)

The OSPAPPH aims to be the unified voice representing public health practitioners with the mandate of promoting physical activity in their respective communities. This organization builds on the strengths of an established infrastructure and mandate within the public health system, as well as the partnerships formed at the community, provincial and national levels with the ultimate purpose of increasing physical activity levels in Ontario.

OTF — Ontario Teacher’s Federation

The professional organization for teachers in the province of Ontario. It is the official liaison between the teachers of the province and the Ministry of Education.

OTLA — Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (Regional: Hamilton, ON)

Members of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association are dedicated to the preservation and improvement of a civil justice system that is equally accessible to all and which fully and fairly protects the rights of those who have suffered losses as a result of the wrongdoing of others.

OC — Opticians Association of Canada

The Opticians Association of Canada is a nonprofit organization with the objective and purpose to represent the common interest of dispensing opticians in Canada and also to educate and inform consumers about matters related to eye care.

OC — Orchestras Canada

Strengthening Canada’s orchestral community through leadership in advocacy, education, and professional development.

OSAC — Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils (Regional: Regina, SK)

The Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils (OSAC), acts as an umbrella for community arts councils and schools across the province. They are a member-based provincial cultural organization, funded by Saskatchewan Lotteries, that offers programs and services in the visual arts and performing arts.

OWIT — Organization of Women in International Trade (International: Calgary, AB)

A chapter of OWIT International, an international organization of locally-based women’s organizations providing support, inspiration, information and networking opportunities to women and men who are interested in, or involved in the international trade community.

OAVR — Ottawa Association of Volunteer Administrators (Local: Ottawa, ON)

The Ottawa Administrators of Volunteer Resources promotes professionalism in the field of volunteer resources management, supports members in their pursuit of their goals, and provides a forum for networking and resources sharing.

Ottawa Festivals (Local: Ottawa, ON)

Ottawa Festivals is a not-for-profit association dedicated to providing support, presenting a united voice, and creating an effective networking environment for festival, special event, and fair members to operate more effectively.

OOBS — Out on Bay Street (National)

Out on Bay Street’s (OOBS) mission is to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and ally (“LGBTQA”) undergraduate and graduate students across Canada. Built on the foundation of leadership, mentoring, and networking, they strive to provide effective opportunities and resources for these future leaders.

PADA Energy Society (National: Calgary, AB)

PADA is an organization formed to meet the needs of its members by providing: educational opportunities related to topics of interest and importance concerning merger and acquisition activities in the oil and gas sector and opportunities to meet and interact with fellow professionals who are actively engaged in acquisition and divestment activities.

Paramedic Association of Manitoba (Regional: Winnipeg, MB)

The Paramedic Association of Manitoba operates as the professional association for registered Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers licensed in the province of Manitoba.

Paramedic Society of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

The association is a national organization of prehospital regulators that exists to promote quality and professional patient care through working relationships among organizations with similar interests. PAC represents practitioner regulators on a national level.

PIAC — Pension Investment Association of Canada (National: Toronto, ON)

The mission of PIAC is to promote sound investment practices and good governance for the benefit of pension plan sponsors and beneficiaries.

PWAC — Periodical Writers Association of Canada

A nonprofit organization founded in 1976. PWAC’s membership includes over 400 professional freelance writers, journalists, editors and communications experts. It offers professional development, colleague support, political lobbying and helps to set standards of practice for the publishing industry in Canada.

Peterborough (ON) & Area Fundraisers Network

Promotes knowledge and high ethical standards in fundraising by supporting members with opportunities for professional development and networking so that the Peterborough and area community benefits from coordinated, high calibre, professional fundraising practices.

PIJAC — Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

A national organization dedicated to ensuring the highest level of pet care attainable and a guarantee of a fair and equitable representation for all facets of the Canadian pet industry.

Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada (National: Calgary, AB)

The Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada (PASC) is a volunteer-driven, member-based association for Canada’s top-performing petroleum accountants. On behalf of our more than 260 members, who are drawn from more than 160 energy companies, we develop and disseminate accounting guidelines and best practices, offer customized continuing education courses and organize regular professional development and networking events.

Petroleum Joint Venture Association (National: Calgary, AB)

The mission of PJVA is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of petroleum joint venture relationships and activities.

PFC — Philanthropic Foundations Canada (previously Private Foundations Canada)

A member association of private grantmaking foundations which was created to be a catalyst in building a community of foundations, and encouraging a climate of generosity, collaboration, and innovation.

PEIOT — Prince Edward Island Occupational Therapy Society (Regional: Charlottetown, PEI)

The Prince Edward Island Occupational Therapy Society is a provincial professional association representing occupational therapists in Prince Edward Island. The society promotes the occupational therapy profession, represents members’ interests to health care decision-makers, connects members with each other, and supports members’ professional development needs.

PEIVMA — Prince Edward Island Veterinary Medical Association

The Prince Edward Island Veterinary Medical Association (PEIVMA) is the regulatory body for veterinarians and the practice of veterinary medicine in Prince Edward Island. Veterinarians must be members of the PEIVMA and licensed by the PEIVMA in order to practice veterinary medicine in the province.

PAVR-O — Professional Administrators of Volunteer Resources – Ontario

PAVR-O, in its pursuit of excellence, builds individual, organizational and community capacity to effectively engage volunteers through the professional management of volunteer resources. It offers its members ongoing professional development opportunities through certification and an annual conference.

PACT — Professional Association of Canadian Theatres

The national trade and service association representing professional English-language theatre in Canada since 1976.

PACCC — Professional Association of Canadian Christian Counsellors

PACCC’s vision has been and continues to be to profile the existence and availability to the Canadian public of high quality counseling and psychotherapy services from a distinctly Christian worldview.

PAFSO — Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers

PAFSO is both the bargaining agent and the professional association for Canadian foreign service officers. The association works to further the interests of its members, protect the status and standards of the profession, and maintain and promote the effective functioning of the foreign service of Canada.

PAIRN — Professional Association of Internes and Residents of Newfoundland

PAIRN is the official voice for postgraduate medical trainees in Newfoundland and Labrador. Their members are medical school graduates registered at Memorial University of Newfoundland and completing residency training in hospitals and health care centres throughout the province.

POC — Professional Organizers of Canada

POC is a professional association made up of organizing professionals from all sectors of the industry, comprising residential and office organizers, time management and goal setting professionals, and estate organizing experts.

PPC — Professional Photographers of Canada

The Professional Photographers of Canada is a diversified group of creative artists dedicated to the highest standards in professional imaging. This national association is affiliated with a number of provincial photography associations as well.

PWAC — Professional Writers Association of Canada (National: Toronto, ON)

A national nonprofit organization that unites Canadian freelance writers. PWAC has about 600 members across Canada. Assists members with finding business opportunities, offers professional development, and also lobbies for the freedom of the press and freedom of expression in Canada.

PMAC — Project Management Association of Canada

This organization provides leadership, support, and training opportunities to Canada’s project managers. They also explore the broader model of project management, and attempt to show how project management can be broadly applied to various industries.

PMI — Project Management Institute – Southern Alberta Chapter (Regional: Southern Alberta)

Welcome to PMI Southern Alberta, a vibrant chapter in the Project Management Institute network, the 3rd largest in Canada, with more than 2,800 active members. The chapter is focused on promoting project management principles within the community, business and practitioners.

PMI — Project Management Institute-Southern Ontario Chapter (Regional: Toronto, ON)

Provides leadership and support in the development of standards for the practice of the project management profession. PIM has more than 100,000 members worldwide.

PPAC — Promotional Products Association of Canada (National: Montreal, QC)

Our mission is to bring together members of the promotional products industry in order to guide, inform, educate, and foster growth and development of our individual members and the entire industry within an ethical and professional environment.

PAAC — Public Affairs Association of Canada

A national nonprofit organization of public affairs practitioners, the association works to improve the professionalism of its members.

PMAC — Purchasing Management Association of Canada

A professional association for supply chain management professionals. PMAC is a source of training, education, with education and member development programs delivered through the Provincial and Territorial Institutes, supported by the PMAC National office. The highest achievement in professional supply chain management education in Canada is the Certified Professional Purchaser (C.P.P.) designation.

QCGN — Quebec Community Groups Network

The QCGN is a not-for-profit organization bringing together English-language community organizations across Quebec. Its mission is to identify, explore, and address strategic issues affecting the development and vitality of English-speaking Quebec and to encourage dialogue and collaboration among its member organizations, individuals, community groups, institutions, and leaders.

RESPDAC — RESP Dealers Association of Canada (National)

RESPDAC represents the four leading providers of group scholarship plans in Canada, who together manage more than $7.6 billion of savings assets for hundreds of thousands of children and students across the country. The association manages advocacy, government relations, member cooperation, and promotion of the concept of saving for college or university tuition.

RMTAO — Registered Massage Therapists’ Association of Ontario

The RMTAO exists in order to advance the massage therapy profession in Ontario. The association offers membership benefits that include building knowledge within the profession, establishing a community for the profession, and working in partnership with members to build and maintain their practices as a business.

RNAO — Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (Regional: Toronto, ON)

Our mission is to pursue healthy public policy and to promote the full participation of registered nurses in shaping and delivering health services now and in the future.

RPAA — Registered Public Accountants Association (Regional: Edmonton, AB)

The RPAA brings together qualified accountants from government, industry, education, and public practice to build bridges within the diverse sectors of the membership and foster a sense of association among those members.

RLPA — Residence Life Professional Association (National)

This association is a society of post-secondary housing professionals who believe that living within residence can enhance the educational experience. The RLPA was formed in order to provide the venue to share information on our residence life operations, collectively address provincial residence life issues, and offer skill development for all members in order to continually improve operations.

RCC — Retail Council of Canada (National: Toronto, ON)

RCC is the voice of retail. It is a not-for-profit association whose more than 9,000 members represent all retail formats, including national and regional department stores, mass merchants, specialty chains, independent stores, and online merchants.

ROI — Rural Ontario Institute (Regional: Guelph, ON)

The Rural Ontario Institute’s mission involves developing leaders, initiating dialogue, supporting collaboration and promoting action on issues and opportunities facing rural Ontario.

RVTTC — Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians of Canada

This association acts as the national and international voice for Registered Veterinary Technologist/Technicians in Canada. Founded as CAAHTT in 1989, RVTTC provides leadership and resources to unite, advance and strengthen the RVT profession, supporting provincial association members, including advocacy on national and international issues, coordinating national initiatives, and hosting the profession website.

SAHRP — Saskatchewan Association of Human Resources Professionals (Regional: Regina, SK)

SAHRP’s mission is to promote and encourage leadership and expertise within human resource practitioners in all areas of human resource management through provincial networks and developmental opportunities while supporting professional standards to influence organizational excellence.

SARP — Saskatchewan Association of Recreation Professionals (Regional: Regina, SK)

A member-driven organization committed to representing and supporting recreation professionals in their pursuit of excellence within the  province of Saskatchewan.

SARC — Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres (Regional: Saskatchewan, SK)

A nonprofit association representing community-based organizations that provide residential, developmental, and employment supports/services to thousands of individuals with disabilities. Its mission is to provide vision, leadership and support to agencies through advocacy, education, provision and development of employment opportunities.

SASW — Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers (Regional: Regina, SK)

The voice of social workers in Saskatchewan. As a regulatory body, it is SASW’s role to establish, maintain, and develop standards of ethical practice as well as develop skills and competency among its members for the purpose of serving and protecting the public. SASW advocates for improvement for social policies and programs directly affecting social workers and also publishes a provincial newsletter.

Saskatchewan Nonprofit Partnership (Regional)

The Saskatchewan Nonprofit Partnership (SNP) exists to improve awareness of the impact of the nonprofit sector in Saskatchewan, to enhance its efforts and reduce its challenges. The Partnership benefits the sector, its employees and volunteers through collaboration in research, networking, public awareness, sector strategy development and thought leadership.

SPRA — Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (Regional: Regina, SK)

Promotes, develops, and facilitates parks and recreation opportunities throughout the province and offers leadership and support through advocacy, facilitation, and education.

SRNA — Saskatchewan Registered Nurse’s Association

The Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association (SRNA), established in 1917 by provincial legislation, is the professional, self-regulatory body for the province’s RNs and RN(NP)s.

SSMLT — Saskatchewan Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists

The SSMLT is the professional regulatory body responsible for licensing Medical Laboratory Technologists in Saskatchewan. The SSMLT assures that diagnostic laboratory testing in Saskatchewan is performed by qualified professionals.

SARVAC — Search and Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada

Has a mission to save lives by fostering, coordinating and encouraging excellence in volunteer search and rescue organizations in Canada.

SEMPO — Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization

SEMPO Canada focuses on improving the growth, awareness and understanding Search Engine Marketing (SEM) in Canada including Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Link Building, and Pay Per Click Management best practices in this new field of marketing.

SIO — Social Investment Organization

Canada’s national, nonprofit membership association dedicated to promoting the concept and practice of socially responsible investing (SRI). The SIO provides research, education and advocacy services to its members and is the premier source of information, networking and resources on SRI in Canada.

SCA — Society of Canadian Artists (National)

The Society of Canadian Artists (SCA) is a national, nonprofit artists’ organization dedicated to promoting the visibility and stature of the visual arts. SCA has representation in all of the visual arts media.

SCWIST — Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology

An association to promote and empower women in science and technology.

SOCAN — Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers

SOCAN is a non-profit organization whose function is to license the users of music (radio and television stations, nightclubs, concert halls, etc.) and pay the songwriters and publishers when their works are publicly performed.

GDC — Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

The Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC) is Canada’s national graphic design association. It is a member-based organization of design professionals, educators, administrators, students, and associates in communications, marketing, media and design-related fields. The society has been an advocate, voice and resource for Canada’s graphic design profession since 1956.

SIETAR BC — Society for Intercultural Education Training And Research British Columbia (Regional: Vancouver, BC)

SIETAR BC is an incorporated non-profit organization whose mission is to encourage the development and application of knowledge, values, and skills that enable effective intercultural, inter-racial and interethnic relations at the individual, group, organization and community levels. Membership includes educators, trainers, researchers, consultants, and others involved in internationally related activities and those who are working towards building cross cultural understanding in their community.

SIP — Society of Internet Professionals (Regional: Toronto, ON)

Founded in 1997, the Society of Internet Professionals (SIP) is a nonprofit, membership-based organization that upholds professional standards for all professionals in their discipline.

Society of Management Accountants of Canada (CMA Canada) (National: Mississauga, ON)

Represents more than 33,000 Certified Management Accountants (CMAs) and 10,000 students and candidates in Canada and around the world. Its mission is to optimize the performance of enterprises by driving the continuous development of management accounting and shaping strategic leadership competencies of CMAs.

Society of Mitzvah Technique Teachers of Canada (National: Toronto, ON)

Established in 1993 to provides certified teachers of the Mitzvah Technique with guidelines for service to the public. The Mitzvah Technique is exceptional and gentle postural body reeducation. The Mitzvah Technique offers individual sessions, classes and workshops and teacher training, ensuring privacy, confidentiality, honesty and professionalism for pupils/clients.

SNPBC — Society of Notaries Public of BC

The mission of The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia is to ensure that its members provide the highest standard of notarial services to the public.

SPAC — Society of Professional Accountants of Canada

The society proudly exudes the singular distinction of being the premier professional accounting organization in Canada, offering a unique perspective with a special emphasis on small business.

STIBC — Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia (Regional: Vancouver, BC)

Promotes the interests of translators and interpreters and serves the public by applying a code of ethics that all members are bound to comply with and by setting and maintaining high professional standards through education and certification.

STA — Sports Turf Association (National: Guelph, ON)

The association’s mission is to promote safe, natural sports turf through education and professional programs. Its goal is to encourage and promote communication and professional development relating to sports turf management.

SSC — Statistical Society of Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

The mission of the Statistical Society of Canada is to encourage the development and use of statistics and probability. To achieve this, the SSC helps to develop a public awareness of the value of statistical thinking and the importance of statistics and statisticians in Canadian society, works to ensure that decisions affecting Canadian society are based on appropriate data and valid statistical interpretation, and promotes the highest possible standards for statistical education and practice in Canada.

SLF — Strategic Leadership Forum (National: Toronto, ON)

The Strategic Leadership Forum is the leading professional association in Canada focusing on business strategy and leadership. Its mission is to provide members with an independent and intellectually challenging forum that delivers practical insights and interactions on strategic management and leadership.

TESL Ontario (Regional: Toronto, ON)

TESL Ontario is a nonprofit organization serving the needs of teachers of English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Literacy Development (ELD). In its commitment to professional development and advocacy, TESL Ontario addresses the range of competencies, experiences, and issues that influence the success of immigrants, refugees, visa students, and others who are learning English.

TESL Canada (National: Burnaby, BC)

TESL Canada is a national organization dedicated to advancing communication and coordinating awareness of issues for those concerned with English as a second language and English skills development. The organization promotes advocacy for ESL learners, unifies teachers and learners by providing a forum and network capabilities, supports the sharing of knowledge and experiences across Canada, and represents diverse needs and interests in TESL nationally and internationally.

Theatre Ontario (Regional: Toronto, ON)

A central source of information on training, career opportunities, awards, publications, productions, and resources focused on theatre in Ontario. Theatre Ontario is supported by 1,300 members and member groups, corporations, self-generated revenue, and government partners.

Thermal Insulation Association of Alberta (Provincial: Alberta)

TIAA’s objectives are as follows: to promote the consideration and discussion of all matters affecting the insulation industry; to promote co-operation amongst the members on all matters affecting insulation industry; to interact with and provide facilities for any public or private bodies in matters affecting the insulation industry; to improve and elevate the technical and general knowledge of persons engaged in the insulation industry; to promote excellence in the manufacture, application and insulation of all insulation products and materials, together with just and honorable practice in the conduct of business, and to suppress malpractice.

TBAVA — Thunder Bay Association of Volunteer Administrators (Local)

TBAVA is a professional association for individuals working with volunteers in the community. They work to represent and support volunteer administrators in Thunder Bay, in their diverse roles and settings, so they may achieve excellence in their profession.

TAVA — Toronto Association for Volunteer Administration

An association of managers of volunteer services which offers opportunities for professional development for its members and advocates for both volunteerism and professional volunteer management.

TMAC — Treasury Management Association of Canada (National: Toronto, ON)

Established in 1982, TMAC is a national association of treasury and financial professionals. A federation of 14 Chapters, TMAC offers high quality educational seminars and networking opportunities. Through monthly chapter meetings and an annual conference, we promote the exchange of ideas and 21st century solutions to the challenges facing Canada’s corporate treasury officers.

UC — Universities Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)

Universities Canada is the voice of Canadian universities, at home and abroad. We are a membership organization providing university presidents with a unified voice for higher education, research and innovation. Universities Canada, formerly the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, advances the mission of our 96 member institutions to transform lives, strengthen communities and find solutions to the most pressing challenges facing our world.

Vancouver Board of Trade

Works to promote, enhance and facilitate the development of the region as a Pacific centre for trade, commerce and travel. The Board strives to enable and empower its members to succeed, grow, and prosper in the global economy.

Vocational Rehabilitation Association of Canada

This national organization represents and advocates for professionals who focus on removing barriers and returning individuals to work. They promote professional excellence and education and work for the advancement of vocational rehabilitation and pre-vocational rehabilitation in Canada.

Volunteer Alberta

Volunteer Alberta is a provincial association of volunteer centres and is committed to building the capacity of the voluntary sector by strategically connecting leaders, organizations, and networks to ensure Albertans are engaged in creating vibrant and progressive communities.

Volunteer BC

A provincial association of volunteer centres, other voluntary organizations and individuals working together to strengthen the growth and development of voluntary action in British Columbia.

VCASL — Volunteer Coordinators’ Association of Sarnia-Lambton

A group of some 25 agencies in Sarnia and Lambton County that coordinates and manages volunteer programs. Their website provides listings of volunteer opportunities, as well as information and resources to promote and encourage volunteering.

Volunteer Management Group Edmonton

A professional association representing managers of volunteer programs in Edmonton and area. VMG facilitates professional development, advocacy, and networking for its membership of Managers of Volunteer Resources.

WFRE — Waterloo-Wellington Fundraising Executives

The mission of WFRE is to foster the development and growth of fund raising professionals and the profession; to preserve and enhance philanthropy and volunteerism; and to promote high ethical standards in the fund raising profession throughout the area.

WAM — Women Advancing Microfinance Canada (National)

An organization for men and women to advance and support women working in microfinance and enterprise development through the promotion of education, training and leadership opportunities, and by working to increase the visibility of global microfinance and enterprise development work amongst Canadians.

CWSA — Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes (National: Toronto, ON)

A bilingual, pan-Canadian, feminist association. Its members are Women’s Studies faculty and students, as well as policy researchers and community activists.

WXN — Women’s Executive Network (National: Toronto, ON)

Canada’s leading organization dedicated to the advancement and recognition of executive-minded women. It is an exclusive by invitation-only network of more than 7,000 women from business, government and the not-for-profit sectors.

WIF-T — Women in Film and Television – Toronto (Local: Toronto, ON)

Women in Film and Television – Toronto (WIFT-T) is a not-for-profit professional organization founded in 1984. WIFT-T supports women in screen-based media (film, television and digital media) to build, advance and sustain their careers nationally and internationally.

WGC — Writers Guild of Canada (National: Toronto, ON)

The Writers Guild of Canada is a national association representing more than 1,800 writers working in film, television, radio, and multimedia production in Canada. Members of the guild are professionals who write dramatic TV series, feature films, MOWs, documentaries, animation, comedy and variety series, children’s and educational programming, radio drama, as well as corporate videos and multimedia productions.

YRAVA — York Region Association for Volunteer Administration

York Region Association for Volunteer Administration provides professional growth opportunities for administrators of volunteers. YRAVA offers monthly meetings that focus on a variety of volunteer management issues and provides opportunities for networking.

YWiB — Young Women in Business Network

The YWiB is a nonprofit society for emerging female leaders in Western Canada. YWiB hosts a variety of programs and events that provide members with opportunities to develop relevant skills and knowledge, giving them the support and capability they need to reach their fullest personal and professional potential.

YMC — Yukon Medical Council

Under the authority of the Medical Profession Act, the Yukon Medical Council is responsible for regulating the practice of medicine and medical care provided by licensed physicians in the Yukon.

YRNA — Yukon Registered Nurses’ Association

YRNA is the regulatory body and professional association for registered nurses in the Yukon. YRNA is responsible for establishing and promoting standards of practice for registered nurses, for regulating nursing practice and for advancing professional excellence. YRNA speaks out on health care issues, advocating for the development of healthy public policy in the interest of the public.


Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations

An international non-governmental youth organisation that represents national organisations which promote intercultural education, understanding and peace through voluntary service.

Alliance of Nonprofit Mailers

A national coalition of nonprofit organizations sharing an vested interest in nonprofit postal policy.

Alliance for Nonprofit Management

A professional association of member organizations and individuals devoted to building the capacity of nonprofit organizations in order to increase their effectiveness and impact.

The Giving Institute (US)

The Giving Institute consists of member organizations that have embraced and embodied the core values of ethics, excellence, and leadership in advancing philanthropy. Serving clients of every size and purpose, from local institutions to international organizations, The Giving Institute member organizations embrace the highest ethical standards and maintain a strict code of fair practices.

AAGP — American Association of Grant Professionals

Enhances the role of grant developers who work for public or private organizations. The association offers professional certifications, maintains a code of ethics, and promotes the public image of professional grant developers.

AAMV — American Association of Museum Volunteers

AAMV is America’s only national association dedicated to paid and unpaid museum staff who work together. The association represents more than one million volunteers in all categories of museums.

ASA — American Society of Appraisers

AASWG — Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Inc.

A professional association of social workers and those interested in social work with groups.

ACP — Association of Career Professionals International

The Association of Career Professionals International is a global, nonprofit organization dedicated to the success of its members who provide lifelong career and talent-related services in more than 20 countries.

ACF — Association of Charitable Foundations (UK)

The UK’s premier support organisation for grant-making trusts and foundations of all types.

ACEVO — Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (National: London, England)

ACEVO is the only professional association for chief executives in the third sector. Our core task is promoting effective leadership for the benefit of the third sector.

ADRP — Association of Donor Relations Professionals (International: Hanover, NH)

ADRP is an international organization for individuals interested in the profession of donor relations. The goals of this organization are to provide education, professional development, and networking opportunities to its members and promote the professional status of donor relations and stewardship officers in the development community.

AFP — Association of Fundraising Professionals

The professional association of individuals responsible for generating philanthropic support for a wide variety of not-for-profit charitable organizations. Founded in 1960, AFP advances philanthropy through its more than 26,000 members in 174 chapters in Canada, Hong Kong, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the United States.

AFRDS — Association of Fund Raisers and Direct Sellers

An international association of companies that manufacture, supply and distribute products that are re-sold by not-for-profit organizations for fund raising purposes.

AHVRP — Association for Healthcare Volunteer Resource Professionals

The AHVRP is a professional membership society for healthcare volunteer services, retail operations and related support services disciplines. AHVRP provides education, recognition for personal and professional achievements, national networking as well as affiliation and collaboration with the American Hospital Association on public policy and advocacy issues related to healthcare volunteer services and retail operations.

AIC — Association of International Consultants

A not-for-profit professional association that provides consultancy companies and international institutions with highly qualified experts for short, medium, and long-term assignments on a very short notice.

ALDE — Association of Lutheran Development Executives (US and Canada)

A membership organization for those serving in development and/or public relations capacities for Lutheran ministries, with more than 25 members in Canada and more than 800 in the U.S.

APRA — Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement

Fosters professional development and promotes standards that enhance the expertise and status of development research and information service professionals worldwide.

ARNOVA — Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action

An international association, ARNOVA brings together both theoretical and applied interests, helping scholars gain insight into the day-to-day concerns of third-sector organizations, while providing nonprofit professionals with research they can use to improve the quality of life for citizens and communities.

ARVAC — Association for Research in the Voluntary and Community Sector (United Kingdom)

ARVAC aims to provide researchers with a supportive network, to increase effectiveness and good practice in researching the voluntary and community sector, and to disseminate research findings to those with an interest in the voluntary sector with a view to informing policy and practice.

ASCD — Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Founded in 1943, ASCD is an educational leadership organization dedicated to advancing best practices and policies for the success of each learner. They are a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership association that provides expert and innovative solutions in professional development, capacity building, and educational leadership essential to the way educators learn, teach, and lead.

AVSO — Association of Voluntary Service Organisations

An international non-governmental organization that exists to promote and facilitate longer term voluntary service opportunities.

AVRM — Association of Volunteer Resources Management (United States)

AVRM is an independent professional association that connects volunteer resources managers from across the US. The web site includes news, blogs, and survey results related to volunteer resources management.

AWID — Association for Women in Development (US)

A nongovernmental, international membership organization of practitioners, scholars and policy makers committed to gender equality and a just and sustainable development process.

CAN — California Association of Nonprofits

CAN is a statewide membership association of almost 2,000 diverse nonprofit organizations with a mission to strengthen and expand the professionalism, governance, influence and effectiveness of California nonprofit organizations.

CUPAHR — College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (Knoxville, TN)

The association is committed to promoting the effective management and development of HR in higher education and offers conventions, workshops and seminars, information exchanges and more.

CAN — Connecticut Association of Nonprofits

The association’s mission is to support and strengthen nonprofit organizations in building and sustaining healthy communities in Connecticut.

CASE — Council for Advancement and Support of Education (US)

To advance understanding and support of education for the benefit of society by providing services to advancement professionals, direct services to member institutions, and public affairs programs.

Community Development Society (US)

Founded in 1969, it is a professional association offering a global perspective on community development, and providing leadership to professionals and citizens across the spectrum of community development.

DAMA – Data Management Association

An international not-for-profit association of data resource management professionals with chapters and Members-At-Large around the world. DAMA produces an annual Symposium that is the premier event in the arena of Data and Information Management and annually honors individuals who have distinguished themselves in the area of data and information management with the DAMA Achievement Awards.

DMFA – Direct Marketing Fundraisers Association

Since 1972, the DMFA has educated and connected individuals united by a common commitment to excellence and ethics in direct marketing fundraising for nonprofit organizations. They offer a variety of seminars for members, with many available online, and also hand out yearly awards recognizing leaders in the industry.

FIA — Fundraising Institute – Australia

The premier membership organisation for professional fundraisers in Australia. We provide professional development opportunities for members and non-members, and Australia’s only accredited tertiary education program, the diploma in fundraising management.

EAPG — European Association for Planned Giving

Provides a network for professional advisors involved in the structuring of charitable gifts and charity and other NGO fundraisers.

FPA — Financial Planning Association

This membership organization for the financial planning community includes individuals and companies who have contributed to building the financial planning profession and all those who champion the financial planning process.

Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers (US)

A membership association of 29 of the largest RAGs in the United States. RAGs themselves are associations of area grantmakers – more than 3,200 nationwide – who affiliate to enhance the effectiveness of private philanthropy in their regions.

IFM — Institute of Fundraising Managers (UK)

The acknowledged lead body for the profession of fundraising in the UK, the ICFM’s mission is to promote the highest standards of fundraising practice.

IAAP — International Association of Administrative Professionals (International: Kansas City, MO)

The IAAP mission is to be the acknowledged, recognized leader of administrative professionals and to enhance their individual and collective value, image, competence, and influence.

IABC — International Association of Business Communicators (International: San Francisco, CA)

Provides products, services, activities and networking opportunities to help people and organizations achieve excellence in public relations, employee communication, marketing communication, public affairs, and other forms of communication.

IAED — International Association of Executive Directors (International: Toronto, ON)

A global professional association providing information, resources, and education for nonprofit executive directors. IAED’s mission is to serve, support, and connect the world’s EDs by giving them both a global and a local voice.

IAF — International Association of Facilitators (International: St. Paul, MN)

The IAF promotes, supports, and advances the art and practice of professional facilitation through methods exchange, professional growth, practical research, collegial networking, and support services.

IHRIM — International Association for Human Resource Information Management (International: Burlington, MA)

IHRIM is driven by its mission to be the leading global source of knowledge for the application of human resource information and technology to improve organizational effectiveness.

IAVE — International Association for Volunteer Effort (International: Washington, DC)

IAVE was created in 1970 by a small group of women who recognized the importance of international exchange of information, best practices and mutual support as away of encouraging and strengthening volunteering. It is the only international organization with the mission to promote, celebrate, and strengthen volunteerism worldwide.

IAP2 — International Association for Public Participation

An association of members who seek to promote and improve the practice of public participation in relation to individuals, governments, institutions, and other entities that effect the public interest in nations throughout the world.

IASB — International Association of Speakers Bureaus (International: Indianapolis, IN)

The worldwide trade association of speaker agencies and bureaus, with members in Canada, England, Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United States. Member bureaus subscribe to a code of ethics, take part in ongoing professional development, and adhere to a high level of professional standards.

ICTA — International Commission on Technology and Accessibility

A volunteer network of experts in various fields, mostly relating to technology and accessibility, including rehabilitation engineers, accommodation service specialists, assistive technology researchers and developers, employment equity policy analysts, access standards developers and others from governments, academia, the private sector and the community, in both Canada and the United States.

ICSID — International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (International: Montreal, Quebec)

The primary aim of the association is to advance the discipline of industrial design at an international level. To do this, Icsid undertakes a number of initiatives of global appeal to support the effectiveness of industrial design in an attempt to address the needs and aspirations of people around the world, to improve the quality of life, as well as help to improve the economy of nations throughout the world.

ICVA — International Council of Voluntary Agencies

A global network of human rights, humanitarian, and development NGOs, which focuses its information exchange and advocacy efforts primarily on humanitarian affairs and refugee issues.

IDEA — International Development Ethics Association

The International Development Ethics Association is a cross-cultural group of philosophers, social scientists, and practitioners who apply ethical reflection to global development goals and strategies and to North/South relations.

IFEX — International Freedom of Expression Exchange

IFEX is made up of many of the world’s leading freedom of expression organizations who have come together through IFEX in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their work. At its core, IFEX is made up of organizations whose members refuse to turn away when those who have the courage to insist upon their fundamental human right to free expression are censored, brutalized or killed. Comprised of over 30 different freedom of expression groups – located everywhere from the Pacific Islands to Europe to West Africa – IFEX draws together a tremendously diverse and dedicated global community.

IPSA — International Political Science Association (International: Montreal, QC)

An international scholarly association whose objectives are to promote the advancement of political science through the collaboration of scholars in different parts of the world. IPSA has more than 1,500 individual members from over 70 countries and 45 national and regional associations that represent thousands of political scientists around the world. It has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and with UNESCO.

ISMP — International Society of Meeting Planners

Serves as a media for meeting planners to communicate on an international basis. The Society is currently represented by members in over 90 nations.

ISES — International Special Event Society

A society of special events professionals representing the industry’s diverse disciplines. Awards the Certified Special Events Professional (CSEP) designation.

JFN — Jewish Funders Network

The Jewish Funders Network (JFN) is an international organization dedicated to advancing the quality and growth of Jewish philanthropy. Membership is open to individuals and foundations that give away at least $25,000 annually in philanthropic dollars, and do so through the lens of Jewish values, no matter whether the funds go to a specifically Jewish cause or to a cause more broadly defined.

ISTR — International Society for Third-Sector Research

An international association promoting research and education in the fields of philanthropy, civil society and the nonprofit sector.

Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations (US)

A professional association of charities and nonprofits from the state of Maryland.

NAEPC — National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (US)

A national organization of professional estate planners and affiliated Estate Planning Councils focused on establishing and monitoring the highest professional and educational standards. NAEPC fosters public awareness of the quality services rendered by professionals who meet these standards.

NARSVPD — National Association of Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Directors (US)

The purpose of NARSVPD is to provide visibility and advocacy for RSVP and a network of communications among RSVP Directors and projects. It is also a vehicle for expression of majority opinion on behalf of RSVP and older Americans.

NASCO — National Association of State Charity Officials (US)

A meeting place for nonprofit leaders in the U.S. and U.S. state charity officials. Nonprofit leaders and interested persons from around the world are also welcome.

National Association of Volunteer Programs in Local Government (US)

For administrators, coordinators, and directors of volunteer programs in local governments.

NCNA — National Council of Nonprofit Associations

A network of 40 state and regional associations with a collective membership of more than 20,000 community nonprofits.

NNG — National Network of Grantmakers (US)

A membership association of funders committed to supporting progressive social change. Our members are individual donors, foundation staff, board, and grantmaking committee members.

NRWA — National Resume Writers’ Association (International)

Founded in 1997, The NRWA is the industry’s leading not-for-profit, member-driven organization dedicated to promoting the highest standards of excellence in resume writing through certification, education, and mentoring programs.

Net Impact (International: San Francisco, USA)

A network of business leaders committed to using the power of business to positively impact social and environmental concerns throughout the world.

Nonprofit Academic Centers Council (International: Cleveland, OH)

A membership association comprised of academic centers or programs at accredited colleges and universities that focus on the study of nonprofit organizations, voluntarism and/or philanthropy. Established in 1991, NACC is the first group entirely dedicated to the promotion and networking of centers that provide research and education in philanthropy and the nonprofit sector.

Nonprofit Resource Center of Alabama (US)

A membership organization that is the state’s only centralized source of information, programs and services specifically designed to meet the needs of Alabama’s nonprofit community.

NDOA — Northwest Development Officers Association

Advancing philanthropy and the development profession in the U.S. Northwest.

PPP — Partnership for Philanthropic Planning (US)

The professional association for people whose work includes developing, marketing, and administering charitable planned gifts. Those people include fundraisers for nonprofit institutions and consultants and donor advisors working in a variety of for-profit settings.

PMA — Performance Management Association

The PMA seeks to be the world’s foremost academic-practitioner association devoted to advancing knowledge and insight into the fields of performance measurement and management. They provide conferences, networking opportunities, and maintain an e-mail discussion forum.

Philanthropy Australia

The national association which represents Australia’s leading grantmaking Private, Family and Corporate Trusts and Foundations.

Practical Fundraising Association (United Kingdom)

A membership organization designed to bring practical help and support to paid and volunteer fundraisers.

SIP — Society of Internet Professionals

An international, not-for-profit organization of professionals, businesses and organizations involved with the Internet. Its mission is to enhance educational and professional standards for the Internet industry.

SAGA — Southern African Grantmakers’ Association

Works to optimise the relevance, efficiency and impact of grantmaking by effectively servicing the grantmaking community, promoting ethical practises in grantmaking and facilitating sustainable partnerships in development.

SMS — Strategic Management Society

The Strategic Management Society (SMS) focuses its attention on the development and dissemination of insights on the strategic management process, as well as on fostering contacts and interchange among members from around the world. Membership is composed of academics, business practitioners, and consultants.

Virginia Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to promoting the well-being of families, couples, individuals, and businesses through the advancement of the profession and practice of marriage and family therapy in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

VRA Canada: The Vocational Rehabilitation Association of Canada (National)

Since 1970, the Vocational Rehabilitation Association of Canada has represented and advocated for VR professionals from coast to coast. Our members focus on supporting people experiencing vocational challenges to overcome barriers and achieve their personal goals.

WANGO — World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (International: Tarrytown, NY)

The World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations is a global organization whose mission is to serve its member organizations, strengthen and encourage the non-governmental sector as a whole, increase public understanding of the non-governmental community, and provide the mechanism and support needed for NGOs to connect, partner, and multiply their contributions to solve humanity’s basic problems.

WINGS — Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (International: Brussels, Belgium)

A global network of membership associations and support organizations serving grantmakers that have joined together for networking and professional development opportunities.

YNPN — Young Nonprofit Professionals Network (United States)

A grassroots association that engages and supports future nonprofit and community leaders through professional development, networking and social opportunities. YNPN promotes an efficient, viable, and inclusive nonprofit sector that supports the growth, learning, and development of young professionals.

YPO — Young Presidents’ Organization (International)

YPO is a global network of young leaders, under the age of 45, who are a chief leader within their business. YPO provides opportunities for networking and sharing ideas, as well as access to the organization’s nine social enterprise networks.