Human Rights and Civil Liberties
ACCÉSSS (Alliance des communautés culturelles pour l’égalité dans la santé et les services sociaux) (Regional: Montreal, QC)
A federation of community groups committed to improving the accessibility and adaptation of healthcare and social services to meet the needs of Quebec’s ethnocultural communities. Our membership of 65 organizations has as its mission to facilitate the integration of all ethnocultural communities in Quebec.
Access Pro Bono – Mental Health Program (Regional: Vancouver, BC)
Access Pro Bono (APB), a nonprofit organization, administers the Mental Health Program. This program enables lawyers and law students work together to represent involuntarily detained persons at tribunals who are unable to represent themselves.
Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (ACTO) (Regional: Toronto, ON)
The Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (ACTO) works to better the housing situation of Ontario residents who have low incomes, including tenants, co-op members and people who are homeless.
Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre
The organization has a mission to promote awareness among Albertans about civil liberties and human rights through research and education. The Research Centre publishes reports on various civil liberties and human rights topics.
Alliance for the Defence of Canadian Sovereignty (National)
This organization works to defend Canadian sovereignty and protect all persons in Canada from the attempts of other countries to impose their ‘extra-territorial legislation’ on Canada. This includes, but is not limited to, defending Canadian sovereignty against the governments of foreign countries and from the Canadian government.
Amnesty International (Canadian Section)
A worldwide voluntary activist movement that works impartially to prevent violations of people’s fundamental civil and political rights. It takes action to free all prisoners of conscience (people imprisoned for their beliefs, origins or status, who have not used or advocated violence); ensure fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners; abolish the death penalty, torture, and other cruel treatment of all prisoners; and end political killings and disappearances.
Artists Against Racism (AAR) (International: Toronto, ON)
AAR is an award-winning Canadian charity which reaches out to youth via renowned musicians, actors, authors and other artists in public education campaigns, such as TV and RADIO PSAs, school posters, videos, events, contests and more, to help prevent and combat racism.
Atlantic Human Rights Centre
The Centre aims to promote and develop multi-disciplinary teaching and research in the area of citizenship and human rights. This is done at the regional, national and international level, while providing community outreach development to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland.
Aura Freedom International (International: Toronto, ON)
Aura Freedom International seeks to empower, support and educate women and girls worldwide and combat gender-based violence Through grassroots, sustainable programming, they seek to advance the human rights of women and girls in both developed and developing countries and promote gender equality.
Aurora House (Local: Toronto, ON)
Aurora House provides community-based housing and support services that empower people who have been trafficked and exploited in Canada to thrive in society. They provide housing, support services including settlement services, education, training, immigration assistance and community integration, trauma and long-term counselling and basic needs (food, clothing, etc.) Aurora House serves those harmed from all forms of trafficking including, but not limited to, labour, forced marriage, crime or sex and primarily work with immigrants and those new to Canada.
B.C. Civil Liberties Association
The B.C. Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) is the oldest and most active civil liberties group in Canada. We are a group of citizens who volunteer our energy and talents to fulfill our mandate: to preserve, defend, maintain and extend civil liberties and human rights in British Columbia and across Canada.
B.C. Freedom of Information and Privacy Association (FIPA) (Regional: Vancouver, BC)
FIPA promotes and defends freedom of information and privacy rights in Canada. Through a variety of law reform, public education, and advocacy initiatives, they empower citizens by strengthening their control over their own personal information while advancing their access to information rights.
B.C. Public Interest Advocacy Centre
BC PIAC is a legal advocacy organization which advances the interests of low-income and residential consumers in the regulation and deregulation of services. BC PIAC is also concerned with advancing the interests of disadvantaged groups in obtaining access to justice and equality before the law.
British Columbia Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC) (International: Vancouver, BC)
BCCIC is a coalition of international development organizations. Through relationship-building with other networks, BCCIC works toward its goal of achieving sustainable global development in a peaceful and healthy environment with social justice, human dignity and participation for all.
Butterfly Foundation Parental Alienation Support Corp. (Regional: Winnipeg, MB)
Butterfly Foundation Parental Alienation Support is a not-for-profit public interest Corporation that provides support to Canadian citizens who are victims of Parental Alienation.
Canadian Association of Political Consultants (National: Oakville, ON)
The Canadian Association of Political Consultants is the professional organization for people working in the fields of politics, and policy making in Canada.
The Canadian Centre for International Justice (International: Ottawa, ON)
The Canadian Centre for International Justice is a charitable organization that works with survivors of genocide, torture, and other atrocities to seek redress and bring perpetrators to justice.
Le Centre canadien pour la justice internationale est un organisme à but non lucratif qui œuvre avec les survivants de génocide, de torture et d’autres atrocités afin d’obtenir réparation et de traduire leurs auteurs en justice.
Canadian Centre For Victims of Torture
Responds to the continuing needs of survivors of torture and their families in Canada and abroad, and increases public awareness of torture and its effects upon survivors and their families. It has assisted approximately 8000 survivors from 99 different countries since its inception in 1983.
Canadian Civil Liberties Association (National: Toronto, ON)
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association is a national organization that was constituted in 1964 to promote respect for and observance of fundamental human rights and civil liberties. Their work, which includes research, public education and advocacy, aims to defend and ensure the protection and full exercise of those rights and liberties.
Canadian Council of Muslim Women (National: Gananoque, ON)
The Canadian Council of Muslim Women is a national not-for-profit organization whose overarching mission is to ensure the equality, equity and empowerment of Muslim women. It develops projects that encourage civic engagement, empower communities and lastly promote inter-cultural and inter-religious understanding.
Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers) (National: Toronto, ON)
CFSC is the peace, social justice and international development arm of Quakers (the Religious Society of Friends) in Canada. CFSC envisions a world in which dignity, justice, peace, human rights, and harmonious relationships with creation are fostered and upheld. CFSC alleviates suffering and develops transformative and sustainable approaches to human rights, justice, and peace. We act through practical assistance, research, education, and policy dialogues.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network (International: Toronto, ON)
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network promotes the human rights of people living with and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, in Canada and internationally, through research, legal and policy analysis, education, and community mobilization.
Canadian Injured Workers Society (National: Saskatoon, SK)
The Canadian Injured Workers Society addresses unfairness in the workers compensation system in Canada. It promotes fair workplace injury compensation, addresses the mistreatment of injured employees, and voices their common concerns. It is a registered nonprofit society.
Canadian League of Lobbyists (National: Oakville, ON)
The Canadian League of Lobbyists was established with the objective of helping preserve and advance public trust and confidence in our democratic institutions and the public policy advocacy process.
CEPAL – Canadian-Palestinian Educational Exchange (International: Ottawa, ON)
CEPAL works to assist Palestinian refugees in the pursuit of their basic human rights by increasing their access to education and by raising public awareness in Canada about their struggle. Canadian volunteers teach in Lebanon and assist with events in Canada.
Changing Lives through Law (International: Ottawa, ON)
Changing Lives through Law is a charitable organization that engages in groundbreaking work in the developing world and in Canada’s north in the areas of good governance, rule of law, and human rights.
Child Rights Education for Professionals (CRED-PRO) (International)
Child Rights Education for Professionals (CRED-PRO) develops and provides child rights educational programs to professionals who serve children and youth in Canada and around the world.
Church Council on Justice and Corrections (National: Ottawa, ON)
A national, ecumenical organization of faith communities and individuals advocating for healing justice. While its primary focus is criminal justice, this coalition knows its work is inextricably linked to human rights, healthy communities and social justice. Its resources, projects and messages embrace church, multi-faith and secular partners.
Court Challenges Program of Canada
The Court Challenges Program of Canada is a national non-profit organization which was set up in 1994 to provide financial assistance for important court cases that advance language and equality rights guaranteed under Canada’s Constitution.
Devs Beyond Borders (International)
Devs Beyond Borders is an online platform that connects software developers worldwide with international development projects. Using technology, developers work together to build solutions for health, social welfare, farming, or education for those in impoverished areas around the world.
Dying with Dignity Canada (National: Toronto, ON)
Dying with Dignity Canada is the national human rights organization committed to improving quality of dying, expanding end-of-life choices and helping Canadians avoid unwanted suffering.
Edmonton Community Legal Centre (Local: Edmonton, AB)
The Edmonton Community Legal Centre is a nonprofit organization that offers free legal information, advice and representation for people living with low income in the Edmonton area.
EGALE advances equality and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people, and their families, across Canada.
Ekens International Agency (EIA) Canada(International)
An international (NGO) specializing in human rights advocacy, police/police welfare reforms, prison/immigration reforms, international research and recommendations, conflict negotiation, international treaties and resolution, political mobilization, across border justice and gender equality.
Electronic Frontier Canada
Electronic Frontier Canada (EFC) was founded to ensure that the principles embodied in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms remain protected as new computing, communications, and information technologies are introduced into Canadian society.
End Poverty Now (National: Montreal, QC)
End Poverty Now is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization that is dedicated to the long-term struggle against abject poverty through the tri-pillars of education and information, lobbying, and grassroots development and redistribution.
Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education (National: Montreal, QC)
Formerly the Canadian Human Rights Foundation, Equitas works for the advancement of equality, social justice and respect for human dignity in Canada and around the world through transformative human rights education programs.
Fair Vote Canada (National: Toronto, ON)
Fair Vote Canada is a grassroots multi-partisan citizens’ campaign for voting system reform. We promote the introduction of an element of proportional representation into elections for all levels of government and throughout civil society.
First Stop Legal Centre (Local: Toronto, ON)
FIRST STOP LEGAL CENTRE is a full-service paralegal firm whose mission is to assist and/or represent low income individuals in the Province of Ontario to access legal services in Ontario Tribunals, Boards, Commissions and Small Claims Court.
The Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) (International: Ottawa, ON)
The Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) is an international network of parliamentarians dedicated to good governance and combating corruption throughout the world. We provide information and analysis, establish international benchmarks, and improve awareness through global pressure and national action.
Halifax Refugee Clinic (Local: Halifax, NS)
This clinic was created to address the growing number of refugee claimants who, due to a poor understanding of the complex refugee determination procedures, face torture and often death if deported. The clinic provides free legal and settlement support services.
Harmony Movement (National: Toronto, ON)
A national organization that encourages Canadians of all racial, cultural and religious origins to embrace and promote harmony, diversity, as well as equality. It undertakes public educational campaigns such as the Them = Us national exhibition and the Exploring Harmony educational resource kit.
HFG Happy Families Support Network Inc. (HFG) (Local: Toronto, ON)
HFG Happy Families Support Network Inc. (HFG), is a not-for-profit organization located in Toronto that provides free, ongoing support to women and children who have experienced abuse.
HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic (Ontario)
The only not-for-profit, charitable legal clinic serving the needs of people with HIV/AIDS throughout Ontario. Collect calls accepted at 1-888-705-8889 or locally at 416-340-7790.
Human Rights Hub Winnipeg (Local: Winnipeg, MB)
Winnipeg’s a human rights hotspot—and we want you to know it! Through our website and social media presence, we promote events, activities, opportunities, and all of the great work happening on human rights in our city.
Human Rights Internet (HRI)
HRI is dedicated to the empowerment of human rights activists and organizations, and to the education of governmental and intergovernmental agencies and officials and other actors in the public and private sphere, on human rights issues and the role of civil society.
Human Rights Watch (International: Toronto, ON)
Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world. It stands with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to justice.
Immigrants Working Centre (Local: Hamilton, ON)
IWC is a leader in providing settlement services in Hamilton, welcoming new Canadians and supporting their full social, civic and economic participation in their new city.
International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD) (International: Victoria, BC)
The International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD) is a nonprofit organization that has been working to advance the development of vulnerable children locally, nationally, and internationally since 1994.
International Justice Mission Canada (International: London, ON)
A human rights organization that rescues victims of violence, sexual exploitation, slavery and oppression. A multinational team of law enforcement professionals and a highly qualified legal staff conduct criminal investigations and collect evidence to rescue victims and bring perpetrators to justice.
Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees Inc. (IRQR) (International: Toronto, ON)
This organization’s mission is to relieve poverty for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) refugees living in Turkey by providing the basic necessities of life; and to undertake activities ancillary and incidental to the attainment of the above charitable purpose. Their vision is to provide education, guidance, and support to LGBT individuals making asylum claims during their resettlement process.
John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights (International: Edmonton, AB)
Our mission is the universal implementation of human rights through teaching and education of all people, with a specific focus on children and youth. We aim for the universal recognition, understanding, promotion and protection of human rights as outlined in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) (National: Toronto, ON)
A Canadian non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to raising general awareness of human rights issues in Africa by providing African journalists with the tools to report accurately and concretely about human rights issues. JHR’s aim is to establish a number of programs, training seminars and newspaper supplements, increasing both the quality and quantity of human rights reporting. By empowering journalists to report on human rights issues, JHR hopes to increase the public’s awareness and ability to protect their own, and others, rights.
KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives (International: Toronto, ON)
A partnership of 11 Canadian churches and church organizations dedicated to social justice in Canada and worldwide. With southern partners and 100 local groups, KAIROS advocates for economic and ecological justice, human rights, Aboriginal rights, and the rights of refugees.
Law Foundation of Ontario (Regional: Toronto, ON)
The Law Foundation of Ontario (LFO) was established in 1974 to establish and maintain a fund for legal education and legal research, legal aid, and the establishment, operation, and maintenance of law libraries. The LFO awards grants to organizations for law-related projects and initiatives. To date, the LFO has given out over $140 million in grants to various organizations and individuals and $450 million to Legal Aid Ontario.
Law Students’ Legal Advice Program (Local: Vancouver, BC)
LSLAP is a nonprofit society run by law students at the University of British Columbia. They provide free advice and representation to clients who would otherwise be unable to afford legal assistance. Clinics are located throughout the Greater Vancouver Regional District.
Lawyers Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) (International: Vancouver, BC)
LRWC is a committee of Canadian lawyers who promote human rights and the rule of law by providing support internationally to human rights defenders in danger. LRWC promotes the implementation and enforcement of international standards designed to protect the independence and security of human rights defenders around the world.
Lean On Me (Regional: Ontario)
Lean On Me works toward creating peaceful communities and supporting individuals who have had their lives transformed by violence. LOM provides practical and emotional support, education, group support, and counselling for the families and friends of murder victims.
Little Footprints, Big Steps (International)
Little Footprints, Big Steps was founded to aid in rescuing children from situations of abuse, slavery, homelessness or severe neglect in Haiti. We do this by reuniting families, supporting education and opportunities for self-sufficiency and dignity through our programs and services and collaborations.
Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (International: Montreal, QC)
The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies is a preeminent centre for the study of genocide and crimes against humanity. MIGS has created and managed major research programs, training and education initiatives focused on the prevention and prosecution of genocide and crimes against humanity. MIGS is the institutional partner of the Canadian All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Prevention of Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity in Ottawa and the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect, based in New York, and collaborates regularly with the UN Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility to Protect.
The NATO Council of Canada (NCC) (International: Toronto, ON)
The NATO Council of Canada (NCC) is an independent, nonprofit, think tank founded in 1966 to promote knowledge and understanding of international peace and security and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Canada. The organization facilitates its mandate by hosting conferences, seminars, roundtables, and activities, while providing in-depth analysis of current events and public policy through regular publications.
New Brunswick Human Rights Commission
This government agency promotes and protects human rights in New Brunswick.
New Israel Fund Canada (International: Toronto, ON)
The New Israel Fund is a worldwide partnership dedicated to safeguarding human rights, bridging social and economic gaps, fostering tolerance for all Israel’s citizens and residents, and creating an environment for Judaism’s many forms of practice to thrive.
Nonviolent Peaceforce Canada (International: Ottawa, ON)
Nonviolent Peaceforce Canada is a member organization of an international initiative to establish a standing “peace army”, ready to respond to requests to provide a nonviolent international presence where it will help reduce violence and allow local people striving to achieve peace and justice to continue their important work.
OneChild (International: Richmond Hill, ON)
OneChild is an organization inspiring a movement of children and youth leading the struggle against the global sex trade in children. OneChild believes all children – the world’s largest voiceless minority – must be free from all forms of exploitation.
Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC)
OCIC members include development NGOs with overseas programming, volunteer-sending organizations, solidarity groups, global education centres, faith organizations as well as networks and individuals working in international cooperation and global education.
The Organization for World Peace (International)
The Organization for World Peace (OWP) targets key issues such as war and international security with the aim of educating and challenging individuals as well as larger international institutions to think critically about peaceful solutions to complex issues plaguing society.
Origins Canada: Supporting those separated by adoption (National: Richmond Hill, ON)
This organization focuses on four particular areas. They provide confidential support and resources to those affected by adoption, assist family reunions and provide a Canadian online search registry, offer education and bring awareness of the consequences of adoption separation and to promote research into adoption policies, and seeks redress for past adoption practices and encourage legislative, social and administrative reforms.
Peace Brigades International, Canadian Branch
Peace Brigades International (PBI) is a grassroots organization exploring and implementing nonviolent approaches to peacekeeping in areas of violent conflict and repression, offering unarmed protective accompaniment to individuals, organizations and communities threatened by violence and human rights abuses.
PEN Canada
PEN Canada is committed to defending freedom of opinion and the peaceable expression of such opinion, as guaranteed by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It campaigns on behalf of persecuted writers around the world.
Ratanak International (International: Burnaby, BC)
Ratanak International is committed to addressing the needs of the poor, abused, and exploited in Cambodia. They seek to empower Cambodians by providing access to various social services alongside ongoing community initiatives, anti-sexual exploitation programs and disaster relief for those in need.
Reach Canada (National: Ottawa, ON)
Reach is a nonprofit, charitable organization dedicated to educating and informing persons with disabilities, lawyers, care givers and the general public about the rights and interests of persons with disabilities. They are also committed to ensuring that people with disabilities are provided with quality legal and social representation, and provide lawyer referrals.
RefugeAid (International: Toronto, ON)
RefugeAid provides humanitarian aid while raising awareness about current and emerging trends affecting refugees, migrants, and asylums seekers. Their current project revolves around awareness initiatives and fundraising efforts providing aid to the Syrian refugees fleeing the current civil war in Syria into neighbouring Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt and the rest of North Africa through a collaboration with MSF Canada and UNHCR Canada.
We are a network working with people who have been subjected to the effects of torture. We: provide psychotherapeutic follow-up, art therapy, massage therapy; offer sensitization – training for workers in front-line agencies, NGOs, educational systems; do research and international cooperation, and more.
The Sentinel Project for Genocide Prevention (International: Toronto, ON)
The Sentinel Project is dedicated to predicting and preventing genocide by creating an early warning system and cooperating with victimized groups to implement preventive measures before the killing begins. Innovative technology use plays a strong part in their work.
STAND Canada (International: Toronto, ON)
STAND Canada is a national youth-led organization that advocates to make preventing and ending genocide a cornerstone of Canadian foreign policy. We are dedicated to providing Canadians with the informational foundation and advocacy tools required to take action towards a world without genocide.
Starbright Foundation (International: Arizona, USA)
This organization provides funding and direction for existing services in the community and/or establishes new outreach programs to rescue children and young adults from sex trafficking and other dangerous and abusive environments, in association with local law enforcement and governing authorities. Although based in the USA, the organization does also work with children in Canada.
Students for a Free Tibet – Canada (International: Toronto, ON)
Students for a Free Tibet is a worldwide network of young people and activists working in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence. Through education, grassroots organizing, and non-violent direct action, they campaign for Tibetans’ fundamental right to political freedom.
The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (National: Toronto, ON)
The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) is a unique national charity that promotes diversity and inclusion in Canadian workplaces. Our mission is to help our partners and individual practitioners achieve significant differences in their organizational performance by providing them with the tools, knowledge and information, and education to create more inclusive workplaces.
Toronto ALPHA (Association for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia) (International: Toronto, ON)
Toronto ALPHA seeks to promote awareness, knowledge and recognition of the history of WWII in Asia, and to educate the younger generations the values of humanity and global citizenship through learning, engagement and participation. ALPHA seeks to empower students to pursue peace and social justice as global citizens.
Trusted Clothes (International: Kitchener, ON)
Trusted Clothes is an organization linking people, organizations and brands that are ethical, environmentally friendly and health conscious. They are a group of volunteers with a diverse background in manufacturing, marketing and global issues dedicated to promoting Ethical, Sustainable and Healthy fashion.
Vancouver Association for Survivors of Torture (VAST) (Local: Vancouver, BC)
VAST provides individual, group, and community support for Refugees and Asylum Seekers as they settle, integrate, and heal.
Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society (Local: Victoria, BC)
The society’s mission is to assist in the settlement and adjustment of immigrants and refugees in Canada and to provide services designed to increase participation in Canadian society by assisting the newcomer to overcome the many challenges and barriers.
World Awareness Initiative (International: Vancouver, BC)
The mission at the World Awareness Initiative is to tackle 2-3 campaigns a year raise awareness and aid certain causes around the world.
World United (International)
OUR MISSION IS TO END WAR, HALT CLIMATE CHANGE, AND REDUCE THE THREAT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. We are a new, grassroots organization committed to establishing a World Federation. Global threats require enforceable global laws. Powerful peaceful civil resistance, with enough people, has always worked to achieve change.
Work of Your Hand International Development (International)
Work of Your Hand is a nonprofit organization working to raise dignity and self-worth in impoverished artisans overseas and provide them work that pays fair wages.