Addictions and Substance Abuse
Adam’s Apples (Regional: Vancouver, BC)
Adam’s Apples promotes face-to-face interactions amongst youth by placing bowls of apples in schools and community centres to encourage them to set aside technology and form healthy relationships with their peers. They provide peer-counselling training to students and scholarship opportunities.
ADAPT (Local: Halton, ON)
ADAPT is dedicated to empowering persons with alcohol, drug or gambling concerns, and their families, to manage these concerns and lead more fulfilling lives through the provision of comprehensive assessment and treatment services corresponding to need.
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (Regional: Manitoba)
The Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (AFM) is a provincial crown organization committed to being a foundation of excellence providing addictions services and supporting healthy behaviours. AFM provides a wide range of addictions treatment and public education services to Manitobans through 28 locations in communities across the province.
Addictions and Mental Health Ontario (Regional: Kitchener, ON)
In support of building a more comprehensive and responsive system for the treatment of addictions and mental health in Ontario, Addictions Ontario (AO) and the Ontario Federation of Community Mental Health and Addiction Programs (OFCMHAP) have come together to build a new association, Addictions and Mental Health Ontario. Their goal is to ensure that all Ontarians can access the services and supports they need to address substance misuse and mental health issues, fostering dignity and accountability to those it serves.
Addiction Services for York Region (ASYR) (Regional: Aurora, ON)
A community-based outpatient substance abuse counselling agency offering community withdrawal management services, assessment and referral, individual and group treatment, problem gambling counselling, counselling for pregnant women, and remedial measures. All programs work with youth, adults, seniors and family members.
Addiction Services of Thames Valley (Regional: London, ON)
A community-based addiction counselling agency offering community withdrawal management and crisis services, assessment and referral, individual and group treatment, problem gambling and gaming counselling, counselling for pregnant women, addiction supportive housing, and remedial measures. All programs work with youth, adults, seniors and family members.
Alcohol Babies (National: St. Catharines, ON)
Alcohol Babies Anonymous provides confidential support to families affected by prenatal alcohol brain injuries (FASD). In addition to group meetings and information referral, the organization cooperates with community agencies for public education, advocacy and prevention initiatives related to this disability.
Alcove Addiction Recovery for Women (Local: Calgary, AB)
This organization’s mission is to operate residential recovery facilities for women who experience the co-occurring issues of addiction, mental health distress and a history of abuse. In a unique home-like setting, they promote recovery by providing its clients with holistic counselling and programming services that strive to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual, occupational, and social needs of each client.
Amethyst Women’s Addiction Centre (Local: Ottawa, ON)
A nonprofit charitable organization founded in order to provide community-based treatment services to address the unique issues affecting women coping with substance abuse.
Aventa Treatment Foundation for Women (Local: Calgary, AB)
A Calgary-based non-profit organization which has been providing comprehensive addiction treatment services to women since 1971. They serve adult women who have experienced personal difficulties with ongoing drug, alcohol and gambling addiction problems, as well as extensive histories of abuse, neglect and childhood trauma issues.
Behavioural Health Foundation (Local: Winnipeg, MB)
The Behavioural Health Foundation provides long-term residential programming for men, women, teens, family units and pregnant women experiencing a variety of addiction problems. Dependents of these persons are also accommodated both in residence and in program.
Belle’s Recovery House (Regional: BC)
Belle’s recovery house was created to help every women who has ever suffered through addictions and the children who have had to live through it with them, get well again.
Bonnyville Indian Metis Rehabilitation Centre (Regional: Bonnyville, AB)
Through traditional Metis and Native cultural teachings, Bonnyville Indian Metis Rehabilitation Centre serves all people with drug and alcohol addictions utilizing a 28 day, 12 step program that focuses on the individuals holistic healing.
Break Free Family Centre (Regional: Etobicoke, ON)
This organization’s mandate is to provide care and counselling to youth, young offenders and the community at large, regardless of religious preferences, ethnic background, gender and race. Their goal is to teach and counsel individuals on how they can break the cycle of violence, addiction and self-destructive behaviours and become productive members of society.
BC Trauma Care (Regional: Vancouver, BC)
The British Columbia Borstal Association has concerted efforts to address trauma through the creation of the BC Trauma Care Program. The program offers accessible and low-cost counselling services to those who have experienced any level of trauma. In addition to the one to one counselling and group support, they also offer resources, education and awareness not only to our clients but to service providers, educators and the community.
Canadian Addiction Rehab (Local: Toronto, ON)
Canadian Addiction Rehab is a great drug & alcohol rehab in Toronto. This establishment is dedicated to offering every client the best possible care and individualized treatment plans that will guide them through to recovery.
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (National: Ottawa, ON)
The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse has a legislated mandate to provide national leadership and evidence-informed analysis and advice to mobilize collaborative efforts to reduce alcohol- and other drug-related harms.
Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (National: Toronto, ON)
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is Canada’s largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital, as well as one of the world’s leading research centres in the area of addiction and mental health. CAMH combines clinical care, research, education, policy development and health promotion to help transform the lives of people affected by mental health and addiction issues.
Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (National: Ottawa, ON)
Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy neither encourages nor condemns drug use. Rather, CSSDP seeks to reduce the harms caused by drug use and drug policies. As future leaders, they strive toward a just and compassionate society where problematic drug use is treated as a health issue instead of a criminal justice issue.
Charlford House Society for Women (Regional: Burnaby, BC)
A supportive recovery home for women coping with the first stage of substance abuse recovery. It provides access to 12-step meetings, facilitates daily group and individual sessions, offers individual nutritional planning, and twice weekly aerobic exercise with a certified instructor.
Chinook Society for Recovering Addicts (Local: Lethbridge, AB)
The society is committed to providing a safe clean environment, at affordable costs, to 12-step groups or any other recovery related parties interested in further enhancing and maintaining their recovery.
Choices For Change (Regional: Stratford, ON)
Choices For Change is a community-based agency providing professional counselling, resources and support for the treatment and prevention of substance abuse and problem gambling.
Chopra Addiction and Wellness Center (Local: Squamish, BC)
The mission of the Chopra Addiction and Wellness Center is to provide a safe and compassionate environment where guests suffering from addictive behaviours or traumatic experiences can receive the tools they need to achieve balance and the integration of body, mind and spirit that are required for healing and wellness.
Community Addiction Services of Niagara (Regional: St. Catharines, ON)
Community Addiction Services of Niagara (formerly the Niagara Alcohol and Drug Assessment Service) was established to provide access to relevant treatment resources for individuals and their families living in the Niagara Region with alcohol and drug concerns.
Comox Valley Recovery Centre (Local: Comox, BC)
Provides residential recovery services for men. Residents gain life skills which will assist them in the management of their recovery goals. They offers 28,42 and 60 day programs.
Construction Industry Rehabilitation Plan (CIRP) (Regional: Burnaby, BC)
CIRP is a mental health and addiction program for men, women and their families from the organized construction industry. The organization provides mental health and addiction screening, management, counselling and residential treatment services. All staff are Masters level clinical staff.
Crossroads Centre Inc. (Local: Thunder Bay, ON)
A complex of four drug and alcohol recovery homes and one administration building with a capacity of forty beds, for men and women, who are in the early stages of substance abuse disorder.
Dan Snook Trust Foundation (Dan’s Legacy) (Regional: New Westminster, BC)
The Dan Snook Trust Foundation (Dan’s Legacy) provides therapeutic counselling and life-skills programs to youth struggling with depression, anxiety and addiction issues as a result of childhood trauma and abuse.
Drug and Alcohol Registry of Treatment (DART) Ontario (Regional: Ontario)
Provides a number of products and services designed to assist in making the Ontario addictions treatment system more efficient and accessible. The provision of these products and services stems from DART’s unique computerized database of Ontario addiction treatment agencies.
Foundation House (Local: Victoria, BC)
Foundation House is a supportive recovery house located in Victoria, BC. They support each resident with professional one-on-one counselling at the house; this counselling continues to be available after they have moved on.
Fresh Start Recovery (Local: Calgary, AB)
This organization’s goal is to provide a safe and healing environment where individuals and families experiencing addiction can gain support and guidance and become equipped with the tools to sustain and maintain a lasting, comfortable recovery.
From Grief to Action (Regional: Vancouver, BC)
A registered charity, this group provides support and resources to parents, family, and close friends of people with an addiction. They run support groups and also act as a referral centre for other community services.
Good Shepherd (Local: Hamilton, ON)
We are called to Never Stop Loving. Inspired by the Hospitality of St. John of God and rooted in Catholic teachings, Good Shepherd provides person-centres health, housing and human services.
Groupe Harmonie (Local: Montreal, QC)
Groupe Harmonie provides support services for people age 55 and over who are struggling with addictions such as alcohol, drugs, other substances, or gambling.
Harvest House Ministries (Local: Gloucester, ON)
Harvest House is an addictions treatment centre offering a residential treatment program for people addicted to drugs or alcohol. Program elements include group therapy, spiritual counselling, work therapy, life skills training and educational upgrading.
Hope for Freedom Society (Regional: Port Coquitlam, BC)
Hope for Freedom Society is a registered not-for-profit, faith based Christian society. They currently have an 80 bed capacity for the treatment of chemical dependencies – 18 of those beds delegated exclusively for women.
Hope Place Centres (Local: Halton, ON)
This organization’s mission is to inspire hope, provide treatment, and promote recovery for individuals and families experiencing alcohol and drug addiction.
House of Sophrosyne Recovery Programs for Women (Local: Windsor, ON)
The House of Sophrosyne Recovery Programs for Women has both residential treatment and community-based programs for women with substance abuse issues and their children. They also have support programs for family and friends of an addicted woman.
Inuvik Youth Centre (Local: Inuvik, NT)
The Inuvik Youth Centre serves at-risk youth, working to help them gain the confidence, skills, awareness necessary to effectively address the social issues they are facing, while encouraging them to become active, contributing members of their communities.
Jean Tweed Centre (Local: Toronto, ON)
A non-medical, community-based substance abuse and problem-gambling treatment facility for women. The centre is a charitable organization that aims to provide counselling and care to assist each woman to restore herself to a meaningful life within her community.
John Howard Society of Durham Region
A social service organization that provides many types of services to individuals and families, including employment, counselling, literacy, anger management, active parenting, needle exchange, and more.
L.I.F.E. Recovery (Local: Vancouver, BC)
L.I.F.E. Recovery rehabilitates women with drug and alcohol addictions and encourages them to live a Christian lifestyle. A large number of graduates continue to live in freedom and remain sober. L.I.F.E. Recovery is a registered charity and depends heavily on sponsorships and donations to carry out its programs.
LifeRing Canada (Local: Victoria, BC)
LifeRing Secular Recovery is an alternative for persons struggling with addiction. They have a three point philosophy: sobriety (100% abstinence from drugs and alcohol); secularity (discussions avoid divisive belief systems like religion or politics); and self-help (creating a personal recovery plan that that is designed by individual participants).
LOFT (Regional: Toronto, ON)
LOFT is a nonprofit, community-service organization dedicated to providing housing and housing support services to the disabled, homeless, or ill. They operate mainly in the Toronto and North York region and have several homes established to meet clients’ needs.
MADD Canada (National: Oakville, ON)
MADD Canada’s mission is to stop impaired driving and to support victims of this violent crime. More than 80 chapters undertake public awareness programs, legislative advocacy, and provide services to victims and their families throughout the country.
Mental Health and Addictions Access Line (Regional: Niagara, ON)
The Mental Health and Addictions Access Line is the first point of access to mental health and addiction services for adult residents of Niagara. Responders provide immediate support, exploration of needs, and direct connection to local services.
Métis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan Inc. (MACSI) (Regional: Prince Albert, SK)
Métis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan Inc. (MACSI) is a provincial community based addictions agency. MACSI offers inpatient, outpatient, drop-in day programming and community fieldwork for youth and adults. Programs and services promote physical, mental, spiritual and emotional substance addictions recovery.
The Marguerite Centre (Regional: Lakeside, NS)
The Marguerite Centre supports women recovering from addiction. They offer a long-term abstinence based residential program focusing on the healing of mind, body and spirit.
Mission Services (Local: Hamilton, ON)
Mission Services’ addiction programs empower men and women to live healthy and fulfilling lives while working toward recovery.
Monarch Recovery Services (Local: Sudbury, ON)
Addiction Centre of Excellence in the Sudbury Manitoulin area. They serve men and women ages 16 and over, who are struggling with drug and/or alcohol addictions.
Montfort Renaissance (Regional: Ottawa, ON)
Montfort Renaissance is a francophone community health organization that offers integrated mental health and addiction services as well as services for seniors and housing services to vulnerable individuals in Eastern Ontario. Some of those services are provided in both official languages.
Native Addictions Council of Manitoba (Regional: Winnipeg, MB)
The mission of Native Addictions Council of Manitoba is to provide traditional healing services to our people through holistic treatment of addictions. In addition to a treatment centre called Pritchard House, they also run home-based programs for women and offer outreach and youth services.
Newgate 180 Addictions Solutions (Regional: Merrickville, ON)
Newgate 180 is committed to providing immediate and clinically state-of- the-art treatment that will help clients in their life-long recovery from addiction and related, underlying issues.
North Kootenay Lake Community Services Society (Regional: Kaslo, BC)
This organization is a nonprofit, multi-service organization offering a wide range of community-based services. The society’s mission is to develop and provide health and social services that enhance the quality of life and capacity for independent living of Kaslo and North Kootenay Lake residents.
Our House (Local: Edmonton, AB)
Our House is an addiction recovery centre with room for 42 male residents. Its sole purpose is to provide an environment where individuals with addictions can embark on a recovery process directed towards a meaningful, productive lifestyle.
Oxford House Foundation of Canada (Regional: Calgary, AB)
Oxford House Foundation of Canada provides peer-supported sober recovery homes for men and women who are in recovery from addictions where they can focus on their recovery and develop the skills necessary for self-sufficiency and successful reintegration back into society.
Pacifica Treatment Centre (Regional: Vancouver, BC)
Pacifica Treatment Centre is the oldest co-ed, licensed treatment centre in BC, a testament to our enduring success in drug and alcohol treatment since our inception in 1977. Our mission is to promote health and recovery from addiction through treatment, education and support that strengthens individuals, families and communities.
Pay What You Can Peer Support (National: Toronto, ON)
Pay What You Can Peer Support is a platform that provides weekly virtual peer support group sessions on many different topics. Our sessions are run by licensed moderators and all we ask is you can pay what you can if you enjoyed the group.
People Advocating for Change through Empowerment Inc. (PACE) (Regional: Thunder Bay, ON)
A Consumer Survivor Initiative different from traditional Mental Health Services. PACE is run by and for people with lived experience in mental health or addiction in a non-clinical environment. They offer social/recreational opportunities along with self-help groups.
Phoenix Society (Regional: Surrey, BC)
The mission of Phoenix Drug & Alcohol Recovery & Education Society is to encourage and assist British Columbians in achieving personal, family and community health free from substance misuse. The society’s vision of services is guided by current health promotion concepts, a developmental model of recovery and the multi-dimensional model of the therapeutic community, and a whole person/whole systems perspective based on social learning principles.
Pine River Institute (Regional: Toronto, ON)
Pine River Institute is a residential treatment program for youth 13-19 struggling with addictive behaviours and often concurrent mental health issues. They are a family-centered program where wilderness, therapeutic, and academic programs come together in a unique, integrated treatment model.
Prince Edward Island Reach Foundation (Regional: Stratford, PE)
The Reach Centre offers a safe, structured environment in a non-residential setting for youth who have completed a treatment program and are in recovery from an addiction. The organization assists the youth and their families with identifying transferable skills related to continual education programs or gainful employment opportunities.
Psalm 23 Transition Society (Regional: Fraser Valley, BC)
A residential rehabilitation program in the Fraser Valley for men 18 years or older, providing Christian/recovery programs in a clean, safe, structured and supportive environment in which men who are either homeless/addicted can live while preparing to re-enter the community. They are funded entirely through donations.
Punjabi Community Health Services (Regional: Calgary, AB & Ontario)
PCHS is a not-for-profit, charitable organization, which was founded in 1990. Our mandate is to improve the quality of life of members within the community. We focus on providing culturally appropriate services to the South Asian and other marginalized communities. The programs offered include, but are not limited to, mental health and addictions, geriatric support, settlement and social services.
Quintin Warner House (Local: London, ON)
A branch of Mission Services of London, Quintin Warner House is an addictions treatment centre which consists of a 16-bed residential program for men and a day program for women.
Recovery Acres Society – 1835 House (Local: Calgary, AB)
An alcohol and drug treatment centre offering residential and out-patient programs for adult males who suffer from substance abuse problems.
Reigning Grace (Local: Surrey, BC)
Offering programs, ongoing support, hope, and wholeness to female youth who have been victims of sexual exploitation. They serve young women aged 16-29 with safe housing, educational support, and assistance with recovery from substance abuse to make positive life choices.
Renascent (Regional: Toronto, ON)
Renascent offers effective, abstinence-based treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Renascent provides treatment for all stages of addiction and also has workplace recovery and family programs.
Responsible Gambling Council (Ontario) (Regional: Toronto, ON)
This organization helps individuals and communities address gambling in a healthy and responsible way.
Rideauwood Addiction and Family Service (Local: Ottawa, ON)
Founded in 1976, Rideauwood Addiction and Family Service is a registered charity serving adults, adolescents and family members affected by chemical and gambling addictions. They provide non-residential, group, and individual treatment, as well as public education, training, and consultation.
Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary (Local: Calgary, AB)
An umbrella organization that gives an opportunity to those female ex-street youth (aged 16-25) who genuinely want to make a change in their lives and who desire to become productive members of the community. It provides housing, life skills and parenting courses, job skills training, and help with drug and alcohol addictions.
Shawn and Drew’s 21 Steps to STOP Gambling (National: Calgary, AB)
A nonprofit company specifically aimed at helping individuals and their families recover from gambling derailment.
Simon House Recovery Centre (Local: Calgary, AB)
The society’s mission is to restore men to a state of well being by providing a nurturing and safe home where the guidelines of Alcoholics Anonymous may be learned and put into practice over a long period of time.
Sobriety House (Local: Ottawa, ON)
A 20-bed facility for chemically dependent men over sixteen years of age with the aim of rehabilatation. Clients who have successfully completed the program can normally return to society and lead happy, productive, drug and alcohol free lives.
Society for Assisted Cooperative Recovery From Eating Disorders (SACRED) (Local: Edmonton, AB)
SACRED’s mission is to support individuals to recover from anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and compulsive overeating using the addictions model and the highly respected 12-step program.
Society of Living Illicit Drugusers (SOLID) (Local: Victoria, BC)
SOLID challenges traditional client/provider relationships and empowers people who use drugs to implement harm reduction interventions. It is committed to ensuring that drug users have a real voice in programs and policies that affect their lives.
Sophia Recovery Centre (Local: Saint John, NB)
Sophia Recovery Centre is a nonprofit organization located in Saint John, New Brunswick. We provide free peer-based, non-residential treatment for women recovering from addictions in a safe, hopeful, accepting environment. We support women in all stages of recovery.
South County Treatment Centre (Local: Lethbridge, AB)
A 21-bed, non-medical co-ed residential facility servicing adults 18 and over. Services include a 28-day alcohol/drug treatment program, a 20-day problem gambling treatment program, and a 6-day relapse prevention program.
Spectra Community Support Services (Local: Brampton, ON)
Spectra Community Support Services is a non-profit, multicultural organization providing free, caring and confidential distress lines and support services in several languages for the diverse population of the Region of Peel and surrounding area.
STEPS Society for Permanent Recovery (Local: Richmond Hill, ON)
STEPS’ mission is to create a safe, self-sustaining community environment that contains and facilitates successful long-term recovery for those addicted to alcohol and other drugs. Its primary goal is to return the power and responsibility for healing back to the individuals who comprise the recovery community, using outside professionals when required and in partnership with like-minded individuals and services in the wider community.
Stonehenge Therapeutic Community (Regional: Guelph, ON)
A substance abuse rehabilitation facility providing long-term residential care to men and women with a history of chronic drug abuse. The 4-6 month treatment stay provides cognitive and psycho-educational activities designed to address issues related to or supporting drug use.
Stop Chewing Tobacco (National)
A not-for-profit community designed to help people stop chewing tobacco through spreading awareness, and providing information, support and the answers needed to quit chewing tobacco for good.
Sunrise Native Addictions Services Society (Local: Calgary, AB)
Sunrise Native Addictions Services has provided Aboriginal-based programs in the community since 1974. They help men, women, and their families recover from the destructive effects of alcohol, drug, and gambling addictions.
Teen Challenge Canada (National: London, ON)
Teen Challenge Canada operates faith-based residential treatment facilities for women and men struggling with chemical addiction and other life-controlling issues.
Triage (Local: Vancouver, BC)
Triage provides housing and support to homeless people with mental health and/or substance abuse challenges. They offer a safe, supportive environment for people while working with them to develop a plan for the future.
U-Turn Drop-In-Centre (Regional: Carbonear, NL)
U-Turn is a nonprofit, registered charitable organization that is committed to helping individuals and family members live beyond addiction. Their mission is to bring experience, strength, and hope to people who seek recovery from addiction.
Vesta Recovery Program for Women Inc. (Local: Ottawa, ON)
Vesta is dedicated to helping women recover from the impact of their use or misuse of substances. Their comprehensive programming uses a holistic approach, focusing on all aspects of emotional, spiritual, mental and physical recovery and developing healthier lifestyles.
VETS Canada (National: Halifax, NS)
VETS Canada’s mission is to attempt to facilitate moving the veterans in need of help from the streets or shelters into affordable housing (if available). We also connect the veterans with needed health care, help them access the benefits and services from other organizations such as Veterans Affairs Canada and the Royal Canadian Legion and support them in finding suitable employment
Wagner Hills (Local: Langley, BC)
Wagner Hills is a Christian organization with a ministry primarily directed to men with addictive lifestyles. It is open to men seeking freedom from abuse and addiction of all kinds, including sexual addiction. Wagner Hills focuses on a discipleship model with the goal of raising men up as leaders.
Watari (Local: Vancouver, BC)
A community-based, nonprofit society, Watari has offered services to at-risk youth and families since 1986. These include alcohol and drug, individual and group treatment services, counselling services, community development, and training.
West Coast Wellness Centre for Women (Regional: Maple Ridge, BC)
West Coast Wellness Centre for Women is a drug and alcohol addiction treatment centre for women, located in Maple Ridge BC, in the Greater Vancouver area. It is an evidence-based centre accredited by Assisted Living and our Provincial government.
Westminster House Recovery Centre for Women (Local: New Westminster, BC)
Westminster House Recovery Centre for Women is an abstinence-based residential treatment centre for women located in the heart of New Westminster, BC. Support and treatment is offered to women who come from all socio-economic backgrounds. Westminster House offers both residential and after-care services.
Windsor Life Centre (Local: Windsor, ON)
Windsor Life Centre is a nonprofit organization located in Windsor, Ontario that operates a 12-month rehabilitation centre for women struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.
Women’s Addiction Recovery Mediation (WARM) (Local: Fort Erie, ON)
Women’s Addiction Recovery Mediation is a nonprofit, charitable, support and referral service for women who are either chemically dependent or dealing with the addiction issues of a family member. Their format is designed to provide hope and reduce shame and isolation.