Proposal Writing

Price: $99

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Every donor and funder requires a unique proposal. Therefore, it’s important to know your audience, application requirements, eligibility criteria and, most importantly, the proposal format that is being sought. This course is designed to help you write a successful funding proposal.

Learning Objectives

  • Familiarize yourself with the different types of proposals.
  • Study the anatomy of a proposal and how to apply it to your writing.
  • Differentiate between project goals and objectives for positioning and measuring purposes.
  • Learn how to develop a comprehensive budget that complements your proposal.
  • Design an evaluation plan that informs funders on how you will measure and monitor the impact of their philanthropy.

Course Curriculum

  • Module 1: Preparation
  • Module 2: Proposal Development
  • Module 3: Goal Setting
  • Module 4: Budget Planning
  • Module 5: The Evaluation Plan

Links and Additional Resources

  • 7 downloadable resources and course transcript
  • 11 links to online resources

Course Access & Duration 

This course is on-demand, meaning that you can take it anytime, at your own pace. The course will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete from start to finish. You have one year (365 days) to complete the course from the date of purchase before it will automatically expire in your account. However, once you open a course for the very first time, you will have unlimited access to complete the course within 3 months. You can choose to take the course in one sitting or in smaller bites. Either way, the course is entirely flexible and up to you how fast you complete it within the 3-month time frame!

Course Level/Prerequisites/Certification Credits

Introductory level. Recommended prerequisite: How Fundraising Works

Recommended companion course: Grantseeking, Case for Support

Final Exam –Take the optional final exam at the end of the course. If you pass with 70% or higher, please contact with your exam score to receive your course certificate.

Participation in the course is applicable for 1.5 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

This training may be used to meet the requirements for renewing the Certified in Volunteer Administration (CVA) credential. One Professional Development Unit (PDU) is awarded for each 50-60 minute session or contact hour in topics related to volunteer resources management. For more details about the CVA program and renewal requirements, visit or email

Continuing education certification may be eligible through the Professional Administrators of Volunteer Resources – Ontario (PAVRO). For more information, please email


$99 – this price includes the 3-month unlimited access and all the course downloads.

About the Course Author

Nicole Beatty’s career is focused on nonprofit management and fund development. She has communications degree from the University of Ottawa and a certificate in Fundraising Management from Ryerson University and worked for the Canadian Red Cross and Toronto General & Western Hospital Foundation, among others. Nicole is a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) and has worked with Global Philanthropic, where she was responsible for developing the Melbourne and New Zealand markets. Nicole has started three charities (Local Food for Local Good, Sounds of the Next Generation and US charity, GenerationChange), initiated the local 100 People Who Care movement and co-founded Cultivate Community. Nicole was recognized for her community service at the 2017 Cobourg Civic Awards with the Mayor’s Award of Distinction. She also serves as an elected official (Councillor) for the Town of Cobourg.


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