Optimizing Remote Work Transitions for Employers

Price: $99

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As remote work becomes increasingly popular, it’s important that organizational leaders reinforce a culture of connectivity, trust, and open communication to ensure their organization’s success. This course will help leaders to appreciate the impact of a workplace transformation on remote work, employee engagement, and their mental health, along with how to identify and practice actionable best practice tips and strategies for communicating and engaging with a remote workforce. 

Learning Objectives 

After taking this course, you will be able to: 

  • Appreciate the impact of a workplace transformation on remote work, employee engagement and the mental health of your workforce 
  • Understand key considerations that impact an optimum home setup for employees while working remotely – inclusive of a dedicated space, how employees can structure their day and avoid distractions 
  • Identify key policies and management practices that can enhance and optimize organizational results 
  • Recognize the benefits of building and leading a resilient and agile team to adjust to the evolving workplace demands more proactively  
  • Understand how emotional intelligence can contribute to leadership effectiveness and promote a culture of trust  
  • Identify and practice actionable best practice tips and strategies for communicating to and engaging a remote workforce 

Course Curriculum 

Part 1: Business Transformation – the Rise and Impact of Remote Work
Part 2: Understand Key Considerations that Impact an Optimum Home Setup
Part 3: Key Policies and Management Practices to Enhance Organizational Results
Part 4: Recognize the Benefits of Building and Leading a Resilient and Agile Team
Part 5: Understand How Emotional Intelligence Can Contribute to Leadership Effectiveness and Promote a Culture of Trust
Part 6: Identify and Practice Actionable Best Practice Tips & Strategies for Communicating to and Engaging a Remote Workforce 

Links and Additional Resources 

20+ resources and a course transcript 

Course Access & Duration 

This course is on-demand, meaning that you can take it anytime, at your own pace. The course will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete from start to finish. You have one year (365 days) to complete the course from the date of purchase before it will automatically expire in your account. However, once you open a course for the very first time, you will have unlimited access to complete the course within 3 months. You can choose to take the course in one sitting or in smaller bites. Either way, the course is entirely flexible and up to you how fast you complete it within the 3-month time frame!

Course Level/Prerequisites/Certification Credits 

 Introductory level, no prerequisites.

This training may be used to meet the requirements for renewing the Certified in Volunteer Administration (CVA) credential, but you will need to contact the CVA directly. One Professional Development Unit (PDU) is awarded for each 50-60-minute session or contact hour in topics related to volunteer resources management. For more details about the CVA program and whether this course meets the renewal requirements, visit www.CVAcert.org or email info@cvacert.org. 

Continuing education certification may be eligible through the Professional Administrators of Volunteer Resources – Ontario (PAVRO). For more information, please email pavro@pavro.on.ca. 


$99 – this price includes unlimited access to the course for 3 months and all the course downloads. 

Final Exam 

The final exam is optional but highly recommended. If you choose not to complete the final exam, the course status on your eLearning dashboard will show as incomplete. 

About the Course Author 

Veronica Utton, Managing Director of V. Utton & Associates 

Veronica is a seasoned talent management professional whose career has spanned the non-profit, public and private sectors. Currently, she is managing director of V. Utton & Associates, providing boutique style talent management services to small and mid-size organizations with a focus in the non-profit sector. 

“The reality of remote work is here to stay!  Are you set up for success?” – Veronica Utton



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