Creating an Inclusive Organization: Learning for Nonprofit Leaders

Price: $99

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Today more than ever, organizations need effective equity, diversity, and inclusion strategies to keep pace.

This course focuses on how to build inclusive organizations through the lens of the Diversity Assessment Tool Application, also known as the DAT App. The DAT App focuses on six dimensions that impact equity, diversity, and inclusion in an organization.

The course is developed to support organizations and their leaders in highlighting their strengths in the EDI space, while also identifying opportunities to further advance the organization’s commitment to an equitable, diverse and inclusive workplace for all.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize commonly used terms and definitions used when discussing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).
  • Identify and understand the different systems that affect our beliefs as it relates to EDI within your nonprofit.
  • Understand and demonstrate how the Diversity Assessment Tool (DAT) affects nonprofits’ internal and external processes.
  • Understand the impact of EDI on organizations.
  • Communicate the advantages of EDI and the DAT within your nonprofit.
  • Prepare assets and documents to assist with the completion of the DAT.
Course Curriculum

Module 1: Introduction to the course
Module 2: An Introduction to the DAT (Diversity Assessment Tool)
Module 3: The 6 dimensions of the DAT


Links and Additional Resources

Downloadable resources and course transcript   

Course Access & Duration 

This course is on-demand, meaning that you can take it anytime, at your own pace. The course will take approximately 1 to 1.5 hours to complete from start to finish. You have one year (365 days) to complete the course from the date of purchase before it will automatically expire in your account. However, once you open a course for the very first time, you will have unlimited access to complete the course within 3 months. You can choose to take the course in one sitting or in smaller bites. Either way, the course is entirely flexible and up to you how fast you complete it within the 3-month time frame!

Course Level/Prerequisites/Certification Credits

Introductory level, no prerequisites. 

This training may be used to meet the requirements for renewing the Certified in Volunteer Administration (CVA) credential. One Professional Development Unit (PDU) is awarded for each 50-60 minute session or contact hour in topics related to volunteer resources management. For more details about the CVA program and renewal requirements, visit or email

Continuing education certification may be eligible through the Professional Administrators of Volunteer Resources – Ontario (PAVRO). For more information, please email 

Recommended companion courses:
  • Diversity, Sensitivity & Inclusion Training
  • IDEA Fundamentals
  • Introduction to Unconscious Bias
  • DEI Best Practices for Nonprofits
  • Decolonizing the Boardroom
  • Introduction to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Nonprofits
Final Exam

The final exam is optional but highly recommended. If you choose not to complete the final exam, the course status on your eLearning dashboard will show as incomplete and you will not receive a certificate of completion.


$99 – this price includes unlimited access to the course for 3 months and all the course downloads.

About the Course Author

Founded in 1999 by Dr. Wendy Cukier, the Diversity Institute has conducted groundbreaking research on diversity and inclusion in Canada, developed impactful programs like the Newcomer Entrepreneurship Hub, championed legislative change on Bill C-25 and has helped companies understand the opportunities of inclusion and develop tools to harness inclusion as a driver for success. For more than 20 years, the Diversity Institute has been working with private sector companies, government, and not-for-profits to advance diversity and inclusion and address systemic racism in a way that creates lasting change. 

With over 130+ full-time research staff and 250+ industry, community and government partners, the Diversity institute is committed to social justice but grounded in “the business case” for diversity and inclusion and the ecological model of change. 

Here’s what the Diversity Institute (or DI) Does: 

  • Undertake research to advance diversity and inclusion in the workplace 
  • Develop customized strategies, programming, and resources 
  • The DI is a research lead for the Future Skills Centre, Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub, has a SSHRC (pronounced Sherck) Partnership Grant for Inclusive Innovation and Entrepreneurship Network, and is an Ecosystem Partner for the 50 – 30 Challenge 
  • The DI also built the Diversity Assessment Tool to support the development of organizations EDI strategies and moves beyond human resources to consider all aspects of an organization’s operations. 

For more information about the Diversity Institute and its initiatives, click here!  




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