Looking for government grant funding? We’ve curated this list of Canadian government grant programs to help. If you see a program that is missing or needs to be updated, please email editor@charityvillage.com.
Aboriginal Funds for Species at Risk (National)
The ACBF is designed to help Aboriginal organizations and communities across Canada build capacity to enable them to participate actively in the conservation and recovery of species protected under the Species at Risk Act and species at risk designated by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC).
British Columbia Gaming Grants (British Columbia)
The Community Gaming Grants program distributes $140 million annually from commercial gambling revenues, to not-for-profit organizations. Grants support the delivery of ongoing programs and the completion of capital projects that directly benefit communities throughout B.C. Organizations can apply for Community Gaming Grants, which provide funding to support the delivery of accessible and inclusive programs and services to their communities or for Capital Project Grants, which provide funding to support the completion of capital projects that provide significant benefit to the community.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation – Shelter Enhancement Program (National)
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) offers financial assistance to assist in the repair, rehabilitation and improvement of existing shelters and assists in the acquisition or construction of new shelters and second-stage housing for victims of family violence.
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency – Participant Funding Program (National)
Provides funding to individuals and nonprofit organizations interested in participating in environmental assessments.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (National)
Federal agency providing funding to health research in Canada. Their site outlines funding requirements, past and present projects, and how to apply for funding, as well as sources of funding from external organizations and access to funding related databases.
City of Ottawa (Local)
The City of Ottawa is committed to initiatives and community-based projects that support the well-being and quality of life of its residents, and the conservation of its environment and heritage buildings. To support this commitment, the city has designed many financial assistance programs, including medical subsidies, heritage conservation, and affordable housing.
City of Kingston (Local)
The City of Kingston offers funding through their Community Health Fund and their Arts Fund. The Community Health fund exists to encourage formal and informal partnerships between community service organizations, while the Arts Fund provices both operating and project grants.
City of Toronto Live Green Grants (Local)
The City of Toronto offers two environmental granting streams. The Live Green Community Investment Program is intended to help build capacity within the community to identify, develop and initiate collective actions that reduce greenhouse gas and smog-causing emissions or help adapt to the changes that will occur as a result of climate change. The Capital Projects Fund provides partial funding in support of community and neighbourhood inspired, on-the-ground, physical projects that will reduce greenhouse gas and smog causing emissions.
City of Vancouver Cultural Grants Program (Local)
The program is intended to support a range of artistic and cultural activity including literary, visual, media, dance, theatre, music, multi-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, Aboriginal, and community-based arts, reflecting different historic cultural traditions as well contemporary art forms and practices.
Community Initiatives Program (CIP) (Alberta)
Provides funds to enhance and enrich project-based initiatives throughout Alberta. CIP supports project-based initiatives in areas such as community services, seniors’ services, libraries, arts and culture, sports, education, health and recreation.
Community Investment Strategy – The Regional Municipality of York (York, ON)
Through its Community Investment Strategy (CIS), the Regional Municipality of York provides funding for projects from not-for-profit agencies that deliver services to low and moderate income residents. Investments are directed to initiatives that help to achieve the four Community Results as well as the goals of the Making Ends Meet initiative and the York Region Immigration Settlement Strategy. The funding also strengthens the capacity of York Region’s human services system and promotes innovative, collaborative programs and service delivery models.
Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program (National)
The Projects component of the Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program provides funding for community development, anti-racism initiatives, and engagement projects that promote diversity and inclusion by encouraging interaction among community groups.
Crime Prevention Action Fund (CPAF) (National)
Provides time-limited funding to assist communities and organizations in two specific areas. The first is developing and implementing crime prevention initiatives that address known risk and protective factors associated with offending behaviour. The second is developing and implementing knowledge transfer initiatives that focus on the application of research-based evidence to inform crime prevention practice.
Department of Canadian Heritage (National)
Canadian Heritage has a variety of funding programs which help promote culture, the arts, heritage, official languages, citizenship and participation, multiculturalism, youth, sport, and Aboriginal initiatives.
EcoAction Community Funding Program (National)
Since 1995, Environment Canada’s EcoAction Community Funding Program has provided financial support to community-based, nonprofit organizations for projects that have measurable, positive impacts on the environment. The program encourages action-focused projects that will protect, rehabilitate, or enhance the natural environment, and build the capacity of communities to sustain these activities into the future.
EnAbling Change Partnership Program (Ontario)
Under the annual EnAbling Change Partnership Program, the government partners with organizations that have the vision, leadership and commitment to improve accessibility by providing funding for projects that will significantly improve accessibility across industries or sectors.
Environment Canada’s Funding Programs (National)
Information on project-based funding for environmental organizations, as well as internship opportunities and links to other environmental funding sources.
Family and Community Support Services Calgary (Regional)
Established in 1966 under the Preventive Social Services Act, the Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) Calgary program is a joint program between the Province of Alberta and The City of Calgary to fund preventive social services.
FedNor (Regional)
FedNor is a federal regional development organization that is committed to helping traditionally under-represented populations participate more fully in the economic development of Northern Ontario. Resources and funding are available to help create an environment in which communities can thrive and people can prosper.
Global Affairs Canada (National)
We define, shape and advance Canada’s interests and values in a complex global environment. We manage diplomatic relations, promote international trade and provide consular support. We lead international development, humanitarian, and peace and security assistance efforts. We also contribute to national security and the development of international law.
Heritage Legacy Fund of British Columbia (Regional)
The Heritage Legacy Fund provides financial assistance to registered charities, nonprofit organizations, and local governments in support of community projects that conserve and increase the understanding and appreciation of British Columbia’s heritage resources.
Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Education Fund (HRCMEF) (Alberta)
The goal of the HRCMEF is to promote fairness and access by facilitating changes that lead to equitable participation in programs, services or organizations. Project funding is available to organizations involved in systemic change initiatives designed to make their programs, services, or organization more accessible to Albertans.
Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET) (British Columbia)
The $50 million Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET) was created by the Government of BC in 2006, through the North Island- Coast Development Initiative Trust Act, to support economic development initiatives on central and northern Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast. They have two main streams of funding: the Economic Infrastructure Program, which supports strategic economic diversification investment in the regional economy to spark new and sustainable regional economic growth and jobs and the Economic Development Readiness Program, which supports the growth of economic development readiness in communities of all sizes across the ICET region, to support high value investment attraction and retention and to foster regional economic collaboration.
New Horizons for Seniors (National)
Through Social Development Canada, this program provides funding for community-based projects across the country that encourage seniors to continue to play an important role in their community. Calls for applications are issued once or twice a year.
Northern Development Initiative Trust (Regional: Prince George, BC)
Northern Development offers funding to municipalities, regional districts, First Nations groups, not-for-profit organizations, and public authorities to support sustainable economic development and diversification throughout central and northern British Columbia.
Nunavut Department of Culture, Language, Elders and Youth (Regional)
Provides funding in the form of grants and contributions to community-based, non-profit organizations and individuals. This funding is set aside to assist those who have an idea or project that contributes to the preservation and/or promotion of Nunavut’s culture, heritage, language or amateur sport.
Rural Alberta Development Fund (Regional)
This organization works to help rural communities, regional alliances, and organizations kick-start projects that would contribute to the betterment of rural Alberta. Successful projects must focus on at least one of four pillars: economic growth, community capacity and quality of life, rural health delivery, and learning and skill development.
Status of Women Canada (National)
Status of Women Canada (SWC) is a federal government organization that promotes the full participation of women in the economic, social and democratic life of Canada. They provide funding for women’s programs, with an emphasis on economic security and prosperity, leadership, as well as community programs that encourage women to participate in their communities.
viaSport (Regional: Vancouver, BC)
ViaSport, formerly the BC Sport Agency, will continue to fund existing 2010 Legacies Now programs that encourage sport participation and healthy living, develop high-performance athletes, and improve delivery of sport and recreation programs to benefit all BC residents.
Youth Justice Renewal Initiative (National)
Administered by the Department of Justice, funding through this program is directed to organizations and programs addressing youth justice. There are three areas of funding available – the main fund, the anti-drug component, and the guns, drugs, and gangs priority.
Youth Science and Technology Outreach Program (Ontario)
The Youth Science and Technology Outreach Program connects tomorrow’s researchers with today’s leaders in science and technology. The program is designed to inspire young people, particularly high school age youth, to choose careers in science and technology. The program will accomplish this by providing youth with face-to-face interactions with Ontario’s leading-edge researchers and technologists in meaningful, hands-on science and technology experiences beyond the classroom and curriculum.