For many in the Canadian charitable sector, AFP Greater Toronto Chapter’s Congress is a mainstay of the year. It is an internationally renowned fundraising conference that gives fundraisers a chance to end the year off with an opportunity for learning, growth and reflection, while connecting and strengthening relationships with colleagues across the sector and country.
But, with the coronavirus pandemic, AFP has had to rethink how to deliver this conference in 2020. They acknowledge the event hasn’t been accessible to everyone in the past, and saw this year as the perfect opportunity for change. This year has asked us to confront our privilege, our differences, and our collective experiences all at once. It’s asked us to stand up for one another and to believe in kindness. And, it’s asked that we relook at “how we’ve always done things” and question if it’s the easiest way or the right way to do it.
While the pandemic has hindered our ability to connect in person, it has offered AFP GTA the opportunity to make this year’s event, which has been dubbed “NOT Congress 2020,” into an experience that is more inclusive and accessible to the fundraising sector.
By taking Congress to a digital space this year, they’re challenging the status quo of how this conference has traditionally run, taking some risks, and making it more inclusive. All while still presenting top quality content and showcasing the amazing work of our industry colleagues.
Here are some of the things that AFP GTA is doing to ensure this event is accessible to and representative of all those who make up the fundraising sector:
Affordable Registration
AFP understands that 2020 is not necessarily a year where organizations and individuals have financial resources to invest into professional development. In order to make sure that NOT Congress is affordable, they offered a pay-what-you-can promotion for the first 50 registrants; pricing is $129 for members and $161 for non-members. There are also bursaries and pay-for-a-colleague options for those who need them.
Diverse & Inclusive Content
All the virtual conference’s sessions will be closed captioned and ASL interpretation will be provided to those who request it.
The organizers have also put an intentional focus on speakers who identify as Black, Indigenous or people of colour, to ensure the speaker roster is reflective of the diversity of AFP members and conference attendees.
Two of the four master classes being offered on day two of the conference will focus on racialized issues, one on black allyship, and the other on indigenous culture and its intersection with the difficulties in fundraising being primarily populated by white middle class fundraisers. The plenary speakers, Yassmin Abdel-Magied and Sarah Kay will speak to their lived experiences, focusing on themes such as unconscious bias and empowerment.
Flexible Experience
There will be wellness sessions every day of the conference, including a yoga session run by a trained professional who will share modifications. Conference organizers have built in frequent breaks for those who need washroom access, or who have personal or family needs to attend to. Recordings of all of the sessions will be available to registrants for 6 months after NOT Congress to ensure that if something comes up, delegates do not miss out.
As this roller coaster of a year wraps up, we can all benefit from an opportunity to connect with our peers; explore how to make our work stronger and more resilient; and celebrate our successes together. Join AFP GTA from Nov 23rd – 25th at NOT Congress for an eye-opening, uplifting and empowering experience!