Adjust your thinking: Shifting the focus to volunteer retention

Recruit, recruit, recruit... Why is everyone so focused on recruitment of volunteers? It seems that every organization I meet these days is focused on recruitment. If only we had more volunteers! If only we had more would solve all...

Retaining a volunteer workforce: Advice from the experts

So you want to start a nonprofit? You've got a dream, objective or cause you wish to see to fruition for the good of society. Good on you. It's people like you who provide this country with vital services or...

Volunteer fatigue: What impact on the future of volunteerism?

I recently returned from the annual PAVR-O Conference (Professional Administrators of Volunteer Resources Ontario). I had this idea of "volunteer fatigue" simmering before I left and it was reinforced while I was there. Colleagues presented a range of ideas about...

How to measure volunteer satisfaction

Your organization can't succeed without a team of keen and committed volunteers. That's why putting the right volunteer recruitment and retention strategies and tactics into practice is so important. Success depends on building strong relationships with your volunteers and keeping...

Volunteer recognition: Appreciating volunteers 52 weeks of the year

Picture this scene: a new principal at the school, with the best of intentions, wants a big volunteer appreciation event to cap off the school year. Volunteers play a significant role in this elementary school, so instead of the understated...

Team-building exercises

Team-building exercises are simply tools used to create solidarity in a group - to allow group members to know each other better, and to have a fun experience as a team. These exercises can be used in a variety of...

Treat volunteers as a non-renewable resource

The hours volunteers give to make programs and special events successful, and the fundraising contact they have with your donor base, makes them key spokespersons. Volunteers can be your organization's strongest recruiters, whether for additional volunteers, or for financial contributions....

Elements of an effective reward and recognition program

Recognition for work well done motivates and inspires most people, but it is absolutely essential for volunteers. Even the most humble volunteer wants to know that they made a difference, which is why every plan for volunteer involvement must include...

Twenty great ways to reward volunteers

Informal Phone just to thank them. Give a monthly award for contributions. Create a yearbook of volunteers. Send a letter to their CEO, and copy Human Resources. Give tickets to an event. Offer a free professional development session. Write an...