How to engage volunteers with vision loss

I recently attended a session of volunteer managers from various nonprofit organizations, when the question of engaging volunteers who are blind or partially sighted came up. I was excited to talk about all the different roles people with vision loss...

The seven policies your volunteer program must have

In your volunteer program, it is likely that you have a number of policies and procedures that ensure things run smoothly. Maybe you created the policies yourself, or they’ve been in place for years, or it’s someone else’s responsibility to...

How to get a solid commitment from your volunteers

When you are engaging with a potential volunteer, it is helpful to understand the basics of buying decisions, which includes the decision to accept and commit to a volunteer opportunity. Remember that decision-making is a process and this can take...

How to recruit and engage introverted volunteers

When I turned 18 I applied for a volunteer position at the Richmond Crisis Centre. This was quite out of character for me as I’d kept a low profile throughout high school and had never participated in any groups. The...

Get your staff excited about volunteer involvement

You know how the volunteer management cycle goes: you have a need for volunteers, you put out the call, then you recruit, screen and select some amazing volunteers. Then comes the ongoing challenge of supporting those volunteers in their new...

Four ways to create a more rewarding volunteer experience

More than four in 10 Canadians volunteered in 2013, according to the latest General Social Survey released earlier this year. While that’s impressive, volunteering is down since 2010, the last time the survey was conducted. That’s not terribly surprising considering...

Getting the best from your volunteers through the SAVE approach

Want to learn more about how to get the best from your volunteers? The author, Lori Gotlieb, presented a free webinar on September 24 - you can watch the full recording here.Register here. Managing a volunteer program can be a...

You can lead a volunteer to giving, but can you make them give?

Interviewing potential volunteers is one of the greatest parts of the volunteer recruitment process. Think about it. Someone has come out of nowhere, and they want to donate their time to you. Not just any time, but their priceless, unwaged,...

It’s not just fun and Games: The volunteer legacy of large-scale sporting events

More than a thousand colour-coordinated volunteers came together to sing the theme song at the opening ceremonies of the 1988 Calgary Olympics, standing where they were told to stand. One of the volunteers said later, “We made a flag standing...